Flinders University - Thesis list (digital)
- Date: 1985; Title: A history of art and design education in South Australia, 1836-1887
- Date: 1987; Title: Brainstem neurons involved in the control of the cardiovascular system
- Date: 1988; Title: Studies of < j x b > Current Drive in a Conventional Plasma Torus
- Date: 1991; Title: Evaporative discharge of groundwater from the margin of the Great Artesian Basin near Lake Eyre, South Australia
- Date: 1997; Title: Competitive Interactions between Wood Decay Basidiomycetes
- Date: 1997; Title: Women's ways of birthing in Ballarat in the 1940s
- Date: 1999; Title: An ecological study on the blood parasites of the Australian skink, Egernia Stokesii
- Date: 1999; Title: Apart from the Expected: The Novels of Brian Castro
- Date: 1999; Title: Enchantment in an age of disenchantment: A study of Australian catholics
- Date: 2000; Title: 'The Uniting Church commits its ministers to preach' (BoU, Para 5): a review of the foundational and historical documents of the Uniting Church in Australia, identifying the place and importance of preaching in the life of that Church.
- Date: 2001; Title: Courage and Truthfulness: Ethical Strategies and the Creative Process in the Novels of Iris Murdoch, Doris Lessing and V.S. Naipaul
- Date: 2001; Title: Group-living in the Australian skink, Egernia stokesii
- Date: 2003; Title: A Travelling Colonial Architecture: Home and Nation in Selected Works by Patrick White, Peter Carey, Xavier Herbert and James Bardon
- Date: 2003; Title: Preventing anaphylaxis to venom of the jack jumper ant (Myrmecia pilosula)
- Date: 2003; Title: Sources and Fluxes of Water and Salt Below a Regional Groundwater Discharge Complex, South-Eastern Australia.
- Date: 2003; Title: The experience of urban water recycling and the development of trust
- Date: 2003; Title: Wavelets and C*-algebras
- Date: 2004; Title: Improved Clustering and Soft Computing Algorithms
- Date: 2004; Title: Writes of Passage: a comparative study of newspaper obituary practice in Australia, Britain and the United States
- Date: 2005; Title: B Cell antigen D8/17 as a marker of susceptibility to rheumatic fever in Australians and The sharp end of the needle: Rheumatic fever prophylaxis and concepts of care for Yolngu patients A thesis in two parts
- Date: 2005; Title: Biocentric Theology: Christianity celebrating humans as an ephemeral part of life, not the centre of it
- Date: 2005; Title: Guided Association Mining through Dynamic Constraint Refinement
- Date: 2005; Title: Power, Trust and Collaboration: A case study of unsuccessful organisational change in the South Australian health system
- Date: 2005; Title: Process Physics: Bootstrapping Reality from the Limitations of Logic
- Date: 2005; Title: The Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crop Plants on the Microbiology of the Rhizosphere
- Date: 2005; Title: Total Synthesis of the Putative Structure of Tridachiahydropyrone
- Date: 2005; Title: Trilinear Projection
- Date: 2005; Title: Use of microcosm and in-situ studies for the estimation of exposure risk from recreational coastal waters and sediments
- Date: 2005; Title: Why Can't You Just Tell the Minister We're Doing a Good Job? Managing Accountability in Community Service Organisations
- Date: 2006; Title: A Comparative Study of Community Participation in the Philippines
- Date: 2006; Title: A comparison of the ecology and behaviour of parthenogenetic and sexual taxa of the Australian skink, Menetia greyii: implications for coexistence.
- Date: 2006; Title: A House for the Governor:Settlement Theory, the South Australian Experiment, and the Search for the First Government House.
- Date: 2006; Title: Adaptive Multi Mode Vibration Control of Dynamically Loaded Flexible Structures
- Date: 2006; Title: AN ASSESSMENT OF PERFORMANCE AND SUSTAINABILITY OF MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS: A Case Study of Village Credit Institutions in Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia
- Date: 2006; Title: Ancestral Narratives in History and Fiction: Transforming Identities
- Date: 2006; Title: Annie Heloise Abel (1873-1947) An Historian's History
- Date: 2006; Title: Another world is possible: Tourism, globalisation and the responsible alternative
- Date: 2006; Title: Atmospheric freshwater sources for eastern Pacific surface salinity
- Date: 2006; Title: Behind Open Doors - A Construct of Nursing Practice in an Australian Residential Aged Care Facility
- Date: 2006; Title: Beyond agency and rights: capability, migration and livelihood in Filipina experiences of domestic work in Paris and Hong Kong.
- Date: 2006; Title: Biodegradation of High Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils by Defined Bacterial and Fungal Cocultures
- Date: 2006; Title: Bullying, Victimisation, Self-Esteem, and Narcissism in Adolescents
- Date: 2006; Title: Characterisation of Anthocyanin Transport and Storage in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Gamay Freaux Cell Suspension Cultures
- Date: 2006; Title: Context Sensitive Database Summarisation
- Date: 2006; Title: Design Patterns in Learning to Program
- Date: 2006; Title: Dynamics of stream and groundwater exchange using environmental tracers
- Date: 2006; Title: Effects of foot reflexology on reducing blood pressure in patients with hypertension
- Date: 2006; Title: Estimating Surface-Atmosphere Exchange at Regional Scales
- Date: 2006; Title: Experimental Investigations into Graph Grammar Evolution
- Date: 2006; Title: Explosions in the Narrative: Action films with Lacan
- Date: 2006; Title: From Phoenix to Firehazard: Perceptions of Japanese Leadership in the Asia Pacific, 1960-2000
- Date: 2006; Title: Gender and Technologies of Knowledge in Development Discourse: Analysing United Nations Least Developed Country Policy 1971-2004
- Date: 2006; Title: Heritable influences in oxygen-induced retinopathy
- Date: 2006; Title: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and their roles for narrowing the development gaps in rural and remote areas in Thailand
- Date: 2006; Title: Kinematics and Heat Budget of the Leeuwin Current
- Date: 2006; Title: LDPL: A Language Designer's Pattern Language
- Date: 2006; Title: Logistic Equations with Diffusion, Delay and Impulses
- Date: 2006; Title: Mesodata: Engineering Domains for Attribute Evolution and Data Integration
- Date: 2006; Title: Misguided hope: a narrative analysis of couples' stories of childlessness despite treatment with assisted reproductive technology
- Date: 2006; Title: Modelling and Generating Complex Emergent Behaviour
- Date: 2006; Title: Molecular Interactions of Endophytic Actinobacteria in Wheat and Arabidopsis
- Date: 2006; Title: Preparing, measuring and capturing G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signalling complexes for future development of cell-free assay technologies
- Date: 2006; Title: Redefining the Local: the social organisation of rural space in South Australia, 1982-2006
- Date: 2006; Title: Reiki: Practitioners’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of a Complementary Therapy in the Treatment Regime of People with Dementia
- Date: 2006; Title: South Korean Film Since 1986: The Domestic and Regional Formulation of East Asia’s Most Recent Commercial Entertainment Cinema
- Date: 2006; Title: Symbols of Dysfunction, Strategies for Renewal
- Date: 2006; Title: The Development Contact Zone: Practitioner Perspectives on Culture, Power and Participation
- Date: 2006; Title: The Management of Australian Corporate Philanthropy Perspectives of Donors and Managers A Study of Motivations and Techniques
- Date: 2006; Title: Total Synthesis of Auripyrone A and Related Metabolites
- Date: 2006; Title: Water as a Public Good in Indonesia: An evaluation of water supply service performance in an Indonesian water supply enterprise as a means to address social and environmental justice concerns
- Date: 2007; Title: A Matter of Urgency! Remote Aboriginal Women’s Health. Examining the transfer, adaptation and implementation of an established holistic Aboriginal Well Women’s Health program from one remote community to another with similar needs and characteristics.
- Date: 2007; Title: Autonomy as Creative Action; Reconciling human commonality and particularity
- Date: 2007; Title: Balancing hope and reality: Caregiving dilemmas for neonatal nurses in caring for extremely premature babies
- Date: 2007; Title: Biomimetic Approaches to the Synthesis of Polyketide Derived Marine Natural Products; (-)-Maurenone and the Spiculoic Acids
- Date: 2007; Title: Dynamics of phytoplankton in relation to tuna fish farms in Boston Bay and near-shore Spencer Gulf, South Australia
- Date: 2007; Title: Effect of growth factors on T-lymphocyte induced keratinocyte apoptosis
- Date: 2007; Title: Essential Features of Wisdom Education in Baha'i Schooling
- Date: 2007; Title: Fatty acid metabolism in HepG2 cells: Limitations in the accumulation of docosahexaenoic acid in cell membranes
- Date: 2007; Title: Fortified Homesteads: The Architecture of Fear in Frontier South Australia and the Northern Territory, ca 1847-1885
- Date: 2007; Title: gamma-Lactones in wine: Synthesis, quantification and sensory studies
- Date: 2007; Title: Generativity: an investigation of its relationship to psychological well-being in adulthood
- Date: 2007; Title: Grounds for Hope and Disappointment: Victims’/Survivors’ Perceptions of South Australia Police Responses to Rape
- Date: 2007; Title: Learning professional ethical practice: The speech pathology experience
- Date: 2007; Title: Lipschitz and commutator estimates, a unified approach.
- Date: 2007; Title: Phosphorus Behaviour and Availability within a Chemically Loaded Soil
- Date: 2007; Title: POLITICS AND PLUNDER: Civil war and regional intervention in Africa
- Date: 2007; Title: Resource Partitioning Between Two Sympatric Australian Skinks, Egernia Multiscutata and Egernia Whitii
- Date: 2007; Title: Seasonal Variability of Water Mass Properties in Bass Strait: Three-dimensional oceanographic modelling studies
- Date: 2007; Title: Superelastic Electron Scattering from Caesium
- Date: 2007; Title: The Changing of the Guard: conceptualisations of prison officers' work in three South Australian prisons
- Date: 2007; Title: The Discovery and Retrieval of Temporal Rules in Interval Sequence Data
- Date: 2007; Title: The Discovery of Interacting Episodes and Temporal Rule Determination in Sequential Pattern Mining
- Date: 2007; Title: The Efficacy of Home Based Exercise Regimes for Limb Oedemas
- Date: 2007; Title: The Impact of Contemporary Tourism Development on Colonial Built Heritage: Case Study of the Portuguese Legacy in Macau, China
- Date: 2007; Title: The Influence of Rolling Oil Decomposition Deposits on the Quality of 55Al-43.4Zn-1.6Si Alloy Coatings
- Date: 2007; Title: The Representation of Women in Television Advertisements: a Comparative Analysis in Australia and Bangladesh
- Date: 2007; Title: The Role of acetylenic and allenic precursors in the formation of beta-damascenone.
- Date: 2007; Title: The Role of Health Professionals in the Prevention of Smoking- and Alcohol-Related Harms: Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour to Work Behaviours
- Date: 2007; Title: The Role of Morphosyntax and Oral Narrative in the Differential Diagnosis of Specific Language Impairment
- Date: 2007; Title: Young People and Politics: Apathetic and Disengaged? A Qualitative Inquiry
- Date: 2008; Title: A Comparison of Patients’ and Nurses’ Perceptions of Cancer Patients’ Quality of Life: A Mixed Research Approach
- Date: 2008; Title: Absolute Electron Scattering Cross Sections for the CF2 Radical
- Date: 2008; Title: Advanced techniques for the upgrading of waste stabilisation pond effluent: rock filtration; duckweed; and attached-growth media
- Date: 2008; Title: Colliding Realities: An Ethnographic Account of the Politics of Identity and Knowledge in Intercultural Communication in Child and Family Health
- Date: 2008; Title: Computer Aided Long-Bone Segmentation and Fracture Detection
- Date: 2008; Title: Covalent immobilisation of proteins for biomaterial and biosensing applications
- Date: 2008; Title: Depression in palliative care patients in Australia: identification and assessment
- Date: 2008; Title: Development of porous silicon as a scaffold for the delivery of cells into ocular tissue
- Date: 2008; Title: Electronic State Excitations in the Water Molecule by Collisions with Low Energy Electrons
- Date: 2008; Title: Epilepsy research using nonlinear signal processing
- Date: 2008; Title: Evaluation of approaches to disability and rehabilitation, in the context of Somali refugees in Kenya
- Date: 2008; Title: Explorations In Searching Compressed Nucleic Acid And Protein Sequence Databases And Their Cooperatively-Compressed Indices
- Date: 2008; Title: Expression, Purification and Crystallisation Studies with the M2 Muscarinic and H1 Histamine Receptors.
- Date: 2008; Title: Falling in Place: Place and its Imaginary in Making Performance
- Date: 2008; Title: Family management of overweight in 5-9 year old children: results from a multi-site randomised controlled trial
- Date: 2008; Title: Framing the Portrait: Finding the balance between imagination and research in the creation of an historical novel
- Date: 2008; Title: From ‘uncertainty’ to ‘certainty’? A discourse analysis of nursing professionalisation in South Australia since the 1950s
- Date: 2008; Title: Gender and Cultural Transition in the Sinetron, Misteri Gunung Merapi
- Date: 2008; Title: Housing for people with a psychiatric disability; community empowerment, partnerships and politics
- Date: 2008; Title: Infants settled into care: More than attachment
- Date: 2008; Title: Investigating the ecological implications of wrack removal on South Australian sandy beaches
- Date: 2008; Title: Lentivirus-mediated gene expression in corneal endothelium
- Date: 2008; Title: Patterned and switchable surfaces for biomaterial applications
- Date: 2008; Title: Physicochemical determinants of the non-specific binding of drugs to human liver microsomes
- Date: 2008; Title: Pre-Clinical Multi-Modal Imaging for Assessment of Pulmonary Structure, Function and Pathology
- Date: 2008; Title: Registration of mass-like objects in sequential mammograms using graph matching
- Date: 2008; Title: Regulation of p75NTR Trafficking by Neurotrophins in the NSC-34 Motor Neuron Cell Line
- Date: 2008; Title: Removal of ammonia from drinking water by biological nitrification in a fixed film reactor
- Date: 2008; Title: Salafism and the Internet in Contemporary Indonesia
- Date: 2008; Title: Silica Immobilised Metal Ion Activated Molecular Receptors
- Date: 2008; Title: Simplified Diagnostic and Management Strategies for the Diagnosis and Delivery of Health Care to those with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Date: 2008; Title: Spectral shift function in von Neumann algebras
- Date: 2008; Title: Spiritual, Moral and Social Development as the Outcomes of a Program for Youth.
- Date: 2008; Title: Synthetic Studies Towards the Tridachione Family of Marine Natural Products
- Date: 2008; Title: The distribution, biosynthetic origin and functional significance of Tyrian purple precursors in the Australian muricid Dicathais orbita (Neogastropoda: Muricidae)
- Date: 2008; Title: THE GENERATION OF EDWARD HYDE: The Animal Within, from Plato to Darwin to Robert Louis Stevenson
- Date: 2008; Title: The Synthesis and Characterisation of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane Bound Chromophores
- Date: 2008; Title: Transcriptional Regulation of Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases
- Date: 2009; Title: A study of the outcomes of collaborative and structured support for primary school teachers to facilitate inclusive education for students with autism spectrum disorder
- Date: 2009; Title: An Institutional Study of Chinese Industrial Relations - Descriptions and Analyses Using a Six-party Taxonomy
- Date: 2009; Title: An Investigation into User Text Query and Text Descriptor Construction
- Date: 2009; Title: Apocryphal Irish Texts, Revived in Australian Historical Fiction, as Collective Memory
- Date: 2009; Title: Business and University Relationships: The nature and extent of advanced manufacturing links and university-industry linkages
- Date: 2009; Title: Changes in the innervation of the uterus during pregnancy
- Date: 2009; Title: Consequences of the regulation of DNA damage and other host responses by fish oil for colorectal oncogenesis.
- Date: 2009; Title: Cooperation and Confrontation in the East China Sea Dispute: Lessons for China-Japan Relations
- Date: 2009; Title: Detection and Expression of Biosynthetic Genes in Actinobacteria
- Date: 2009; Title: Developing large rocklobsters, Jasus edwardsii, as a premium value-added product: Key sensory and biochemical characteristics of the flesh.
- Date: 2009; Title: Development and use of an adoptive transfer method for detecting radiation-induced bystander effects in vivo
- Date: 2009; Title: Enabling Gigabit IP for Embedded Systems
- Date: 2009; Title: Gene expression biomarkers for colorectal neoplasia
- Date: 2009; Title: How and Why GPs commit the time to precept medical students
- Date: 2009; Title: Investigating genetic population substructure of an Australian reptile tick, Bothriocroton hydrosauri, using highly polymorphic microsatellite markers
- Date: 2009; Title: Investigations into the Qualities of Farmed, Fresh Southern Bluefin Tuna, Air-Freighted from Port Lincoln, South Australia to Tokyo, Japan
- Date: 2009; Title: Molecular and Phenotypic Associations in the Open Angle Glaucomas.
- Date: 2009; Title: Moving Forward Together in Aboriginal Women’s Health: A Participatory Action Research Exploring Knowledge Sharing, Working Together and Addressing Issues Collaboratively in Urban Primary Health Care Settings
- Date: 2009; Title: Nunga rappin: talkin the talk, walkin the walk: Young Nunga males and Education
- Date: 2009; Title: Part-of-Speech Bootstrapping Using Lexically-Specific Frames
- Date: 2009; Title: Porous Silicon Structures for Biomaterial and Photonic Applications
- Date: 2009; Title: Pre-Conditioned Lesion: Inflammatory Effects on CNS Regeneration
- Date: 2009; Title: Rare and tragic: Young women diagnosed with advanced breast cancer; a discourse analysis
- Date: 2009; Title: Rhizoremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil using Australian native grasses
- Date: 2009; Title: Semantic Extensions and a Novel Approach to Conceptual Modelling
- Date: 2009; Title: Solutions to Blistering: Modification of a Poly(urea-co-urethane) Coating Applied to Concrete Surfaces
- Date: 2009; Title: The Importance of Non-Anatomical Factors in the Pathogenesis of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
- Date: 2009; Title: The Prospect of Independence: A critique and proposal for responding to youth homelessness in South Australia
- Date: 2009; Title: The US-China Trade: Capitalism, Consumption and Consumer Identity
- Date: 2009; Title: Understanding hysterical conversion an interdisciplinary approach
- Date: 2009; Title: Using colour exhibited by venous leg ulcers to develop a range of hues that represent the clinical manifestations of erythema and wet necrotic tissue.
- Date: 2009; Title: Wedding the Poem and its Reader: The Function of Narrative in Contemporary Lyric Poetry
- Date: 2009; Title: Women, social capital and mental well-being: An examination of participation in community groups
- Date: 2010; Title: ‘A Spirituality of silence’ An interpretation of Karl Rahner and his importance as a resource for contemporary initiatives in spiritual formation
- Date: 2010; Title: A realist review of evidence to guide targeted approaches to HIV/AIDS prevention among immigrants living in high-income countries
- Date: 2010; Title: Clearance of amyloid-beta in Alzheimer's disease: To understand the pathogenesis and develop potential therapies in animal models
- Date: 2010; Title: Defining, Assessing and Measuring Generic Competences
- Date: 2010; Title: Dutiful Daughters and the Fathers Who Fail Them: The application of feminist insights and the retrieval of resistance strands of women's traditions via a narrative analysis of four unmarried daughter texts in the Hebrew Bible.
- Date: 2010; Title: Electroencephalographic, Cognitive and Autonomic Correlates of States of Concentrative Meditation
- Date: 2010; Title: Field based testing protocols to monitor training adaptations and performance in elite rowers.
- Date: 2010; Title: Interactions between Silver Gulls (Larus novaehollandiae) and Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) aquaculture in the Port Lincoln area
- Date: 2010; Title: Investigation of the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis pathway in Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) and Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi)
- Date: 2010; Title: Labo(u)r Governments, Consultation and the New Social Democracy: Five case studies of consultation by Labo(u)r governments in Britain and Australia (1997-2008)
- Date: 2010; Title: Molecular Insight into the Activation of a Plant Disease Resistance Protein
- Date: 2010; Title: Mothers, breast cancer survivorship and physical activity promotion
- Date: 2010; Title: Point and Regional Scale Modelling of Vadose Zone Water and Salt Fluxes in an Area of Intensive Horticulture
- Date: 2010; Title: Real-Time Multi-Sensor Localisation and Mapping Algorithms for Mobile Robots
- Date: 2010; Title: Regional Immunosuppression for Corneal Transplantation
- Date: 2010; Title: Salinity Risk in the Corangamite Region, Australia
- Date: 2010; Title: Shared Responsibility for the Enforcement of International Criminal Law
- Date: 2010; Title: Solute Dynamics in Advanced Fertigated Horticulture
- Date: 2010; Title: Synthesis of Procyanidin Oligomers. Development and Application of Cross-Coupling Reactions using Novel C8-organometallic Derivatives.
- Date: 2010; Title: Systematics, Phylogeny, Phylogeography and Reproduction of Neotrigonia (Bivalvia: Palaeoheterodonta)
- Date: 2010; Title: The interaction between physical and sedimentary biogeochemical processes in south-west Spencer Gulf, South Australia.
- Date: 2010; Title: The Life Chances of Women and Children: Does development make a difference? A Case Study of the Management of NGOs and Competing Interests in the Volta Region of Ghana.
- Date: 2010; Title: The processes and outcomes of professional learning in an innovative school: the construction of an explanatory model.
- Date: 2010; Title: The receptive language and reading abilities of students diagnosed with auditory processing disorder (APD)
- Date: 2010; Title: The shell mounds of Albatross Bay: an archaeological investigation of late Holocene production strategies near Weipa, north eastern Australia
- Date: 2010; Title: The Storm Surge Model Associated With Tropical Cyclone Linda In The Gulf of Thailand
- Date: 2010; Title: Through the Looking Glass: The Politics of Advancing Nursing and the Discourses on Nurse Practitioners in Australia
- Date: 2010; Title: Towards obesity resistance in children: Assessing the predictors of healthy behaviours within the family environment.
- Date: 2010; Title: Walking the Line: Southern Sudanese Narratives and Responding to Trauma
- Date: 2011; Title: 'Taking the next step': the role of social capital in the development of women's football players in South Australia
- Date: 2011; Title: A Glasgow Voice:James Kelman's Literary Language
- Date: 2011; Title: A Novel Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Mutation Significantly Attenuates Transcription Termination In A Patient With A Mitochondrial Myopathy
- Date: 2011; Title: Adaptive divergence, genetic connectivity, and post-parasitism morbidity in Darwin's small ground finch, Geospiza fuliginosa, on the island of Santa Cruz, Galapagos Archipelago.
- Date: 2011; Title: An Experimental Study of Elastic Electron Scattering from Fluorocarbon Radicals
- Date: 2011; Title: Between Discourse and Action: Agrarian Reform and Rural Social Movements in Indonesia post-1965
- Date: 2011; Title: Beyond a white Australia? Race, multiculturalism, Indigenous sovereignty and Australian identities
- Date: 2011; Title: Carbon Nanotubes for Photovoltaic Devices
- Date: 2011; Title: Characterisation and modelling of stress-dependent permeability and flow in shallow fractured rock aquifers.
- Date: 2011; Title: Characterisation of Mammalian Cell Lines for use in Proliferative and Estrogenic Response Assays
- Date: 2011; Title: Clothing the Body of Christ at Colossae: A Visual Construction of Identity
- Date: 2011; Title: Congenital Hemiplegia and the Neglected Upper Limb
- Date: 2011; Title: Coronary heart disease patients' compliance with dietary recommendations: Does trust matter?
- Date: 2011; Title: Cutting Action : Appreciating Hong Kong's Wuxia Films Through an Analysis of Constructive Editing
- Date: 2011; Title: Ecological impacts of vehicles on the sandy beaches of southern Adelaide, South Australia
- Date: 2011; Title: Evolution and Ecology of the Prehensile-Tailed Skink - Corucia zebrata
- Date: 2011; Title: Evolution, gene expression and enzymatic production of Tyrian purple: A molecular study of the Australian muricid Dicathais orbita (Neogastropoda: Muricidae)
- Date: 2011; Title: Examining the Nature of Resilience and Executive Functioning in People with Brain Injury and People with Multiple Sclerosis
- Date: 2011; Title: Expression and Function of Toll-like Receptors in Lymphocytes from Human Neonates.
- Date: 2011; Title: Fabrication and Application of Carbon Nanotube/Silicon Nanostructures
- Date: 2011; Title: FEM Analysis of an Amplified Bidirectional Piezoelectric Actuator for Shape Control of Thermally Distorted Structures
- Date: 2011; Title: Genetic Investigations of Central Corneal Thickness in Relation to Open-Angle Glaucoma
- Date: 2011; Title: God's story is my story: the application of a narrative epistemology to preaching
- Date: 2011; Title: Interactive Soft Tissue for Surgical Simulation
- Date: 2011; Title: Intercultural communication in Central Australian Indigenous health care: A critical ethnography
- Date: 2011; Title: Investigation of Rainfall Variability and Trends in the Indonesian Region (1900 - 2008)
- Date: 2011; Title: Lessons From The Development Of A Maternity Managed Clinical Network In A Low Volume Rural Context
- Date: 2011; Title: Life After Football: The construction of masculinity following a career in elite Australian Rules football.
- Date: 2011; Title: Methods for the Asymmetric Synthesis of α-Fluoro and α,α-Difluoro-β³-Amino Acids
- Date: 2011; Title: Microphase Separated Block Copolymers as Templates for the Directed Cross-Phase Alignment of Segmented Nanorods
- Date: 2011; Title: Mining the Seams: The Metamorphosis of Punning 1590-1750
- Date: 2011; Title: Never judge a wolf by its cover. An investigation into the relevance of phrasemes included in advanced learners' dictionaries for learners of English as an additional language in Australia
- Date: 2011; Title: Nonproliferation and the North Korean Nuclear Weapons Program: Impotence Meets Ambition
- Date: 2011; Title: Optimizing the management of Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
- Date: 2011; Title: Orbits and Khinchine-type inequalities in symmetric spaces
- Date: 2011; Title: Oxidative stress in plants and the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum
- Date: 2011; Title: Parenting groups as sources of social capital: their patterns of use and outcomes for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal mothers of young children
- Date: 2011; Title: Pixel- and Feature-level Fusions of Aerial Imagery with LiDAR Data for Landscape Object Extraction
- Date: 2011; Title: Polymer Brush Carbon Nanotubes as Nanofillers in Macro and Nano Size Composites
- Date: 2011; Title: Population and reproductive ecology of the direct-developing sea stars Parvulastra parvivipara and Cryptasterina hystera
- Date: 2011; Title: Principles in East Asian Shipbuilding Traditions
- Date: 2011; Title: Realising the Dream: The Story of Epic Fantasy
- Date: 2011; Title: Religious Conversion and the Reconstruction of Ethnic Identity: An Investigation into the Conversion of Muslim Kyrgyz to Protestant Christianity in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia
- Date: 2011; Title: Spiritual Guidance as Pastoral Care: an examination of the spirituality of Ignatius Loyola and John Wesley and their guidance to people of their own generation as these relate to pastoral care in congregations within the Uniting Church in Australia.
- Date: 2011; Title: Studies on Tiger (Panthera tigris) Taxonomy and Identification
- Date: 2011; Title: Synthetic Studies Towards Spirangien A and Total Synthesis of (+)-Ascosalipyrone and ent-Micropyrone
- Date: 2011; Title: Tailoring the surface properties of nanotube membranes for controlled separations
- Date: 2011; Title: The Acquisition of the Syntax and Morphology of the English Spoken in Singapore: Evidence from preschool speakers of Singapore Colloquial English
- Date: 2011; Title: The Christian Conservative Agenda in the United States: From 1980 to 2008
- Date: 2011; Title: The Evolution and Diversification of the Allodapine Bees.
- Date: 2011; Title: The evolutionary basis of morphological and behavioural variation in the New Holland Honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae)
- Date: 2011; Title: The fostering and inheritance of gardening principles, sustainability and knowledge of herbs, foods and their properties, being handed down from generation to generation in Greek and Greek Australian people (1st and 2nd generation)
- Date: 2011; Title: The Generation and Characterisation of Human Insulin-like Growth Factor Mutants
- Date: 2011; Title: The importance of haemoglobin mass for cycling performance
- Date: 2011; Title: The Influence of Psychological Factors on Adjustment to Pain in Cancer Patients Receiving Palliative Care
- Date: 2011; Title: The Lived Experience of Job Loss: Consequences for Health and Well-being and Implications for Social Policy
- Date: 2011; Title: The Postmodern Pedagondage
- Date: 2011; Title: The Rational Design of Diazenyl Amphiphiles for Self-Assembly into Nanotubes within Aqueous Systems
- Date: 2011; Title: The use of stable isotopes and chloride to assess evaporation and transpiration impacts from flood irrigation
- Date: 2011; Title: Towards Improving Ethics and Governance in the Philippine National Police: A Critical Systemic Review
- Date: 2011; Title: Trust me, this is(n't) scary! How trust affects social emotional influence in threatening situations
- Date: 2011; Title: Unreliable Narration: The Exploration of a Technique to Destabilize Reliable Narration in Prose, and, I Am Tree: a novel
- Date: 2011; Title: Using very short-term heart rate variability to monitor fentanyl-induced changes in the autonomic nervous system preceding respiratory depression
- Date: 2011; Title: White Lives in a Black Community: The lives of Jim Page and Rebecca Forbes in the Adnyamathanha community
- Date: 2011; Title: Word Segmentation and Ambiguity in English and Chinese NLP & IR
- Date: 2012; Title: "I don't think there will be a legal system for me." Meeting the legal needs of South Sudanese communities in Australia
- Date: 2012; Title: 'Risk on the Dance Floor': An Empirical Analysis of Young People's Perceptions of Risk Associated with Nightclubs, Methamphetamine Use and Young People in the Adelaide Night-time Economy.
- Date: 2012; Title: A longitudinal evaluation of Kangaroo Care for preterm infants in Thailand
- Date: 2012; Title: Addressing Uncomfortable Issues: The role of White health professionals in Aboriginal health
- Date: 2012; Title: An examination of malate metabolism in Vitis vinifera during fruit ripening and in response to elevated vineyard temperature
- Date: 2012; Title: Antiviral immune responses in abalone and influence of potential abiotic and biotic factors
- Date: 2012; Title: Aqueous Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes for Electronic Type-Selective Reactions with Aryl Diazonium Salts
- Date: 2012; Title: Characterisation of Fibre-Forming Peptides and Proteins by Means of Atomic Force Microscopy
- Date: 2012; Title: Conservation issues for Darwin's finches in the Galapagos Islands: invasive species and loss of genetic diversity.
- Date: 2012; Title: Dietary regulation of microRNA expression in colorectal cells
- Date: 2012; Title: Effect of foot reflexology on pain reduction in older Thai people
- Date: 2012; Title: Evaluating IT use in Saudi Secondary schools, to suggest appropriate strategies for improving IT use in education
- Date: 2012; Title: Exploring the Process of Adjustment to Retrenchment: Putting Home in its Place
- Date: 2012; Title: Free Solution Capillary Electrophoresis for Purity and Identification of Synthetic Oligonucleotides on Polymer Modified Capillary Surfaces
- Date: 2012; Title: Heritable Influences in Experimental Retinopathy of Prematurity
- Date: 2012; Title: I Know I Should, but I Haven't: South Australian Baby Boomers Forever Contemplating Advance Care Directives
- Date: 2012; Title: Identification and Characterisation of the Enzymes Involved in the Biosynthetic Pathway of Tartaric Acid in Vitis vinifera
- Date: 2012; Title: Identification of O-methyltransferase genes involved in the biosynthesis of 3-alkyl-2-methoxypyrazines in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.)
- Date: 2012; Title: Implicit and Explicit Face Recognition in Association with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Date: 2012; Title: Improving the Performance of Cellulose Acetate Reverse Osmosis Membranes
- Date: 2012; Title: In Vitro Anti-skin Cancer Properties and Mechanisms of Action of Xanthones from the Mangosteen Pericarp
- Date: 2012; Title: Informed Consent for Schizophrenic Patients
- Date: 2012; Title: Investigation of MicroRNA's in the Gastroesophageal Reflux - Barrett's Oesophagus - Adenocarcinoma Sequence
- Date: 2012; Title: Investigation of the modulation of murine repeat element DNA methylation by ionising radiation in vivo
- Date: 2012; Title: Low skilled men's access to low skilled female dominated jobs: An occupational case-study approach.
- Date: 2012; Title: Microbial Processes, Structure and Diversity along the Natural Salinity Gradient of the Coorong Lagoon, South Australia; A Model for Anthropogenic Impact
- Date: 2012; Title: New Directions in the Diagnostic Assessment of Swallowing Disorders in Children
- Date: 2012; Title: Normalising New Behaviour: Networks and the uptake of environmental practices amongst small businesses in Australia
- Date: 2012; Title: On the role of local and global physical forcing to space-time dynamics of microbes: a case study from the Southern Seas
- Date: 2012; Title: Oxygen Dynamics in Algal Based Wastewater Treatment Systems
- Date: 2012; Title: Phases of Aboriginal Inclusion in the Public Space in Adelaide, South Australia, since Colonisation
- Date: 2012; Title: Plasma Processing Studies with Application to Carbon Nanotube Fluorination
- Date: 2012; Title: Positron Scattering from Atoms and Molecules
- Date: 2012; Title: Quantification of Arsenic Mobilisation and Attenuation by Coupled Flow and Multi-Component Reactive Transport Modelling
- Date: 2012; Title: Receptive and Expressive Prosody of Individuals with Asperger Syndrome
- Date: 2012; Title: Regenerative Voices: Narrative Strategies and Textual Authority in Three Post-colonial Novels and The Wheel Pin
- Date: 2012; Title: Simplified Pathways for the Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Primary Care
- Date: 2012; Title: Stately Homes the mirror and metaphor of colonial South Australia
- Date: 2012; Title: Surface modification of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) for microfluidic devices
- Date: 2012; Title: The Demographic Behaviour of an Indigenous Population in Urban Papua New Guinea: the Motu Koitabu of Hanuabada
- Date: 2012; Title: The effects of domestic violence on the relationship between women and their babies: Beyond attachment theory
- Date: 2012; Title: The Everyday Sexual Self in Late Modern Life
- Date: 2012; Title: The Feasibility of Implementing Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programs in Community Pharmacy
- Date: 2012; Title: The Genetic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy
- Date: 2012; Title: The Impact of China's Resurgence on the Political Economy of East Asia: Economic Integration and Security Challenges?
- Date: 2012; Title: The Mechanism of glucose-induced RCAN1 expression in beta-cells
- Date: 2012; Title: The metagenomic signatures of impacted environments: Unravelling the microbial community dynamics in ecosystem function
- Date: 2012; Title: The role of serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase 3 in the regulation of cell growth and malignant transformation
- Date: 2012; Title: Throwaway Navies: Naval Transition, Abandonment Processes, and the Archaeology of Australasia's Torpedo Boat Defences, 1884-1924
- Date: 2012; Title: Tokenisation and Compression of Java Class Files for Mobile Devices
- Date: 2012; Title: Uncovering the Covered: Pregnancy and Childbirth Experiences of Women Living in Remote Mountain Areas of Nepal
- Date: 2012; Title: Understanding school violence in Thailand and the effectiveness of intervention programs
- Date: 2012; Title: Understanding the Relationship Between the Social Determinants of Health (SDH), Paediatric Emergency Department use and the Provision of Primary Care.
- Date: 2012; Title: Why do individuals with Asperger's Syndrome have difficulty recognising the emotions of others?
- Date: 2012; Title: Women's Identity and Moral Authority Under Colonial Rule in Kenya
- Date: 2013; Title: 'Little Borders', a play for two actors, and accompanying exegesis
- Date: 2013; Title: A Genetic Study of Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma and Nanophthalmos
- Date: 2013; Title: An examination of individual packages of care for young people under ministerial guardianships
- Date: 2013; Title: An exploration of the experiences of people living with COPD in rural Australia and the influence of pulmonary rehabilitation
- Date: 2013; Title: An Investigation of Biomarkers in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
- Date: 2013; Title: Australian Psychoses: Women's Madness and Colonial Psychosis
- Date: 2013; Title: Becoming Informed: A Grounded Theory of how older Greek and Italian migrants to South Australia find everyday information
- Date: 2013; Title: Contentment and Modernity: A Comparative Critique of Zygmunt Bauman and Jorgen Habermas
- Date: 2013; Title: Coping with change: An analysis of the subjective meaning of enforced workplace rationalisation within rural New South Wales' public health agencies
- Date: 2013; Title: Dynamical (e,2e) Studies of Bio-Molecules
- Date: 2013; Title: Ethnography in the pre-hospital field: An exploration of the culture of how paramedics identify, assess and manage psychiatric presentations in the community
- Date: 2013; Title: Expression, purification and characterisation of typical 2-Cys peroxiredoxins from Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi)
- Date: 2013; Title: Gene Therapy of the Sheep Cornea for the Prolongation of Corneal Graft Survival
- Date: 2013; Title: Governing the Good Teacher: A white governmentality lens on the 'white' teacher in South Australia's APY Lands
- Date: 2013; Title: Heritage today, gone tomorrow: in-situ preservation of underwater cultural heritage in law and practice
- Date: 2013; Title: In-depth characterisation of the Alms1foz/foz mouse model of Alstrom syndrome
- Date: 2013; Title: Investigating the genetics and agronomic traits associated with elevated grain Zn concentration in wheat
- Date: 2013; Title: Investigations into the Natural Variation of Pyrite Reactivity
- Date: 2013; Title: Iron loading in rice endosperm controlled by cell-type specific over-expression of OsNAS
- Date: 2013; Title: Late Quaternary faunal responses to environmental change and isolation on a large Australian land-bridge island
- Date: 2013; Title: Leading to Participatory Local Governance? Participation, Empowerment and Community-Driven Development
- Date: 2013; Title: Management of delirium at the end of life - developing an evidence base
- Date: 2013; Title: Natural variation in south-eastern South Australian small mammal communities through the Late Quaternary
- Date: 2013; Title: Negotiating History, (Re-)imagining the Nation: The Indian Historical Novel in English, 1900-2000
- Date: 2013; Title: No coward soul: a biography of Alison Gent, radical feminist, activist for the ordination of women
- Date: 2013; Title: On the importance of behavioural adaptations in thermally challenged intertidal ectotherms: implications for climate change studies
- Date: 2013; Title: Parents' and children's perceptions of food and beverage marketing to which children are exposed.
- Date: 2013; Title: People's Experience of Vitreo-Retinal Day Surgery: A Gadamerian Guided Study Embedded within and Evidence Based Nursing Practice Framework
- Date: 2013; Title: Resisting Regime Change in Singapore: Governmentality and the Impact of the Internet
- Date: 2013; Title: Selective manipulation of microglia using non-viral targeted DNA delivery
- Date: 2013; Title: Single walled carbon nanotube photovoltaics
- Date: 2013; Title: Social and Reproductive Behaviours in the Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) in a Captive Population
- Date: 2013; Title: Soldiers' Words: A comparative study of Australians' letters and diaries from the Boer and Vietnam Wars in the context of 20th century theories of soldiering
- Date: 2013; Title: Specialist Courts for Sentencing Aboriginal Offenders
- Date: 2013; Title: Synthesis, Evaluation and Immobilisation of Anion Sensors Based on the 4-amino-1,8-naphthalimide Fluorophore
- Date: 2013; Title: Taxation and Good Governance: The Case of Value-Added Tax in Bangladesh
- Date: 2013; Title: The application of RNA interference to study the biology of the Neoparamoeba genus
- Date: 2013; Title: The geology and hydrochemistry of calcareous mound spring wetland environments in the Lake Eyre South region, Great Arteisan Basin, South Australia
- Date: 2013; Title: The other driver: an analysis of the construction of culpable subjectivities in advertising aimed at reducing motor vehicle related injuries and fatalities.
- Date: 2013; Title: The purification and proteomic analysis of α-synuclein-containing inclusions in neurodegenerative disorders
- Date: 2013; Title: The risks of social networking sites to South Australian High School students
- Date: 2013; Title: The Speciation of Gold in Mine Wastes and Natural Waters
- Date: 2013; Title: The Work of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Nurses: A Conceptual Framework
- Date: 2013; Title: To Discern the Body is to Become the Body. An investigation into the communal discernment practices of the Church.
- Date: 2013; Title: Towards Liberation: Pastoral Relationship with People with Intellectual Disabilities Living in Institutions
- Date: 2013; Title: TUBERCULOSIS AND THE AUSTRALIAN STATE: Australia's National Anti-tuberculosis Campaign 1898-1948: An Administrative History of a Public Health Policy
- Date: 2013; Title: Using Applied Tracer Tests to Predict Solute Transport in Fractured Rock Aquifers
- Date: 2013; Title: Validating dipeptidyl peptidase (DP) 8 and DP9 potential substrates and investigating the effects of DP8 and DP9 overexpression and silencing on adenylate kinase (AK) 2 in ovarian cancer cells
- Date: 2013; Title: Writing is Rewriting. Defining the purpose of drafts in feature screenplay development in a collaborative, micro-budget environment
- Date: 2014; Title: 'Deep Green Loathing'? Shifting Irish-Australian Loyalties in the Victorian and South Australian Irish-Catholic Press 1868-1923'
- Date: 2014; Title: 'There's More to a Dog Guide than Meets the Eye' A Mixed Methods Investigation into the Self-reported benefits of having a Dog Guide.
- Date: 2014; Title: A Botrytis cinerea aspartic protease targets grape pathogenesis-related proteins and facilitates their removal from wine.
- Date: 2014; Title: A comparative study of examination performance at the five Deakin University School of Medicine clinical school sites.
- Date: 2014; Title: A novel technique to analyse trabecular bone mechanics during screw insertion.
- Date: 2014; Title: A Topological Approach To Spectral Flow
- Date: 2014; Title: After Romance: portrayals of the body in films by Catherine Breillat, Claire Denis, and Marina de Van- a creative exploration.
- Date: 2014; Title: An Acceptance Model for Citizen Adoption of Web-Based E-Government Services in Developing Countries: An investigation in the Saudi Arabia Context
- Date: 2014; Title: An investigation into the effect of an Australian-type rodent diet, with and without nutritional supplementation on the behavioural deficits, neuropathology and telomere length in an amyloid mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
- Date: 2014; Title: Ascertaining risk of an allergic reaction from consuming wine in Australia
- Date: 2014; Title: Aspects of life history and ecology of Dicathais orbita Gmelin, 1781 related to potential aquaculture for bioactive compound recovery
- Date: 2014; Title: Assessment for learning: A school-based intervention study in Singapore
- Date: 2014; Title: Bees of the South West Pacific: Evolution of an island pollinator group
- Date: 2014; Title: Beyond Basics: Embedded infection control in everyday practices of nurses in an intensive care unit
- Date: 2014; Title: BIG STORIES, SMALL TOWNS: a participatory and web-based documentary and exegesis www.bigstories.com.au
- Date: 2014; Title: Bio-molecular impedance biosensing in Nanofluidic devices
- Date: 2014; Title: Bioremediation of Tetrachloroethene Contaminated Groundwater by Dechlorinating Microbial Communities
- Date: 2014; Title: Breast Cancer Risk Assessment using Mammographic Image Texture Analysis
- Date: 2014; Title: Capturing and Maintaining Genetic Diversity for the Establishment of a Long-Term Breeding Program for Barramundi (Lates Calcarifer) Aquaculture
- Date: 2014; Title: Cave Archaeology of the Lenggong Valley, Malaysia: A heritage management perspective
- Date: 2014; Title: Changing attitudes? Interprofessional training for doctors and nurses.
- Date: 2014; Title: Characterisation of X Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeat Markers for Forensic Use
- Date: 2014; Title: Characterization of viscerofugal neurons
- Date: 2014; Title: Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder: The Usefulness of a Combined Treatment Approach
- Date: 2014; Title: Comparing the performance of a High Rate Algal Pond with a Waste Stabilisation Pond in rural South Australia
- Date: 2014; Title: Confluents: A study of children of interfaith and intercultural marriages between Christian Anglophones and Muslim immigrants in Australia in the 1990s
- Date: 2014; Title: Cupriavidus metallidurans and the biomineralization of gold
- Date: 2014; Title: Curriculum development in an Islamic university in Indonesia: addressing government policy (UUPA) and graduate employability
- Date: 2014; Title: Defining the Imaging Biomarkers and Temporal Effects of Ischaemic and Non-Ischaemic Injury on the Myocardium
- Date: 2014; Title: Defining the role of p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) in the development of Alzheimer's disease
- Date: 2014; Title: Development and implementation of visual scaffolds to support students with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive classrooms
- Date: 2014; Title: Dispersal, population genetics and taxonomy of selected aquatic macroinvertebrates in ephemeral river systems
- Date: 2014; Title: Divine Madness: Identifying, Analysing and Developing the Campus Clique Crime Novel
- Date: 2014; Title: Do dietary induced pro-mutagenic DNA adducts increase risk for colorectal cancer?
- Date: 2014; Title: Economic Evaluation of Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Following Hip Fracture
- Date: 2014; Title: Electronic and Chemical Properties of Interfaces in Organic Photovoltaic Devices
- Date: 2014; Title: Empowering women through direct election in reserved seats: a comparative study of rural and urban local government institutions in Bangladesh
- Date: 2014; Title: Environmental tracers for quantifying surface water-groundwater interaction
- Date: 2014; Title: Evaluation of bank storage using pressure and solute propagation
- Date: 2014; Title: Examination of a Mindfulness-based Prevention Program for Eating Disorders and Related Risk Factors
- Date: 2014; Title: Experience and expectation: Socialization and the different motivational bases of party policy on campaign finance reform in Australia, Canada and the United States
- Date: 2014; Title: Experimental and Modelling Analyses of Saltwater Upconing
- Date: 2014; Title: Experimental assessment of constraints for King George whiting (Sillaginodes punctata) recruitment in Gulf St Vincent, South Australia
- Date: 2014; Title: Fatty acid profiles of a benthic chondrichthyan: captive feeding trials and ecological applications
- Date: 2014; Title: Forgotten Footpath Fellow?: The latent legacy of geographer Sir Archibald Grenfell Price
- Date: 2014; Title: Gimme Shelter: Archaeology and the Social History of Structural Defence in Adelaide 1941-1943
- Date: 2014; Title: Hospital Patient Journey Modelling to Assess Quality of Care: An Evidence-Based, Agile Process-Oriented Framework for Health Intelligence
- Date: 2014; Title: How does the lived experience of older people influence their preparedness for emergency events?
- Date: 2014; Title: How is nursing practice with suicidal consumers in acute mental health inpatient units constructed?
- Date: 2014; Title: Hypoxic regulation of microRNA biogenesis
- Date: 2014; Title: I Am; I Exist: An Exploration Of What The Self Is And How It Is Constituted
- Date: 2014; Title: Indonesian Mental Health Reform: A case study of West Java, Indonesia
- Date: 2014; Title: Influences on smoking among Greek-Australians aged 50 and over: A mixed-methods study
- Date: 2014; Title: Islamic Corporate Social Reporting Practices and the Link with Financial Performance in the Malaysian Islamic Banking Industry
- Date: 2014; Title: It's sort of hard to draw the line. Parental influence in the junior Australian football experience: The voices of children, parents and coaches
- Date: 2014; Title: Learning to live with an altered functional self after inpatient rehabilitation
- Date: 2014; Title: Level and Change in Cognitive Functioning in Later Life and Principal Life-Time Career: The Role of Occupational Complexity and Physical Job Demands
- Date: 2014; Title: Lines in Space: Australian Verse Novels for Children and Young Adults (YA) in Conjunction with 'Copper Coast' Part 2
- Date: 2014; Title: Lines in Space: Australian Verse Novels for Children and Young Adults (YA) in Conjunction with 'Copper Coast' Part 1
- Date: 2014; Title: Measurement and Simulation of Environmental Controls on Vegetation Water Use for Selected Native Species in South Australia
- Date: 2014; Title: Minimum Wage and HR Practices: The Perspective and Implications for the Malaysian Hotel Industry
- Date: 2014; Title: Molecular assessment of spawning cues in temperate abalone Haliotis laevigata
- Date: 2014; Title: Neural control mechanisms underlying motility in the guinea pig and human intestine
- Date: 2014; Title: New Approaches in Porous Silicon Based Optical Immunosensors
- Date: 2014; Title: Novel Assessment Of Gait And Mobility Function In Transtibial Amputees
- Date: 2014; Title: On Their Majesties' Secret Service: An Historical Perspective of British Invasion/Spy Literature, 1871-1918
- Date: 2014; Title: Optimising translocation strategies in the conservation management of reptiles; a case study of an endangered Australian skink Tiliqua adelaidensis
- Date: 2014; Title: Overgeneral Memory, Trauma, and Psychopathology in Children
- Date: 2014; Title: Performing Ethics: Ritual practice and performance in the ethical lives of two Australian religious communities
- Date: 2014; Title: Photo Finish (a novel) and Too high, too low, just right: Defining Australian young adult literature through metaphors of social class (an exegesis)
- Date: 2014; Title: Point Space and Interface: A Holistic Approach to Search Result Visualisation
- Date: 2014; Title: Population biology and ecology of the greenback flounder (Rhombosolea tapirina) in the Coorong estuary, South Australia
- Date: 2014; Title: Population growth, poverty and environmental sustainability in Timor-Leste
- Date: 2014; Title: Practical approaches to seawater intrusion investigation and management
- Date: 2014; Title: Preclinical in vitro and in vivo effects of purified and synthetic bioactive compounds from marine mollusc Dicathais orbita on colorectal cancer: Cancer prevention and toxicity study
- Date: 2014; Title: Quantifying Groundwater Ages in Heterogeneous Environments
- Date: 2014; Title: Quantifying Hyporheic Exchange Fluxes And Residence Times Using Environmental Tracer
- Date: 2014; Title: Quantum dot and carbon dot polymer nanocomposites for latent fingermark detection
- Date: 2014; Title: Reading Goldilocks: Interrogating the Relationship between Therapeutic Life Narrative and First and Third Person Narrative Voice
- Date: 2014; Title: Reasons for the Sex Difference in the Prevalence and Age of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis
- Date: 2014; Title: Recharge to a semi-arid, heterogeneous coastal aquifer: Uley South Basin, South Australia
- Date: 2014; Title: Relapse in Electronic Gaming Machine Gambling
- Date: 2014; Title: Seascape Genetics and Conservation Management of Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) in the Eastern Pacific
- Date: 2014; Title: Shame and Blame: Second Generation Memories of Nazi Germany
- Date: 2014; Title: Sharing Midnight: National and Generational Perspectives on a Theatrical Journey Through Japan and Australia
- Date: 2014; Title: Spatial variability in surface water - groundwater fluxes using hydraulic methods
- Date: 2014; Title: Sperm Cryopreservation in Australian Farmed Greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and Blacklip (H. rubra) Abalone
- Date: 2014; Title: Spirituality and Spiritual Care in the Deployed Australian Military Nursing Context: A Hermeneutic of Understanding
- Date: 2014; Title: Storytelling and the Crusades: an examination of the importance of storytelling in our understanding of the crusades from the earliest written accounts to a present-day novel, 'Kyrie Eleison'
- Date: 2014; Title: Stress, resources and psychological adaptation in young people from refugee backgrounds resettled in Australia
- Date: 2014; Title: Successful schools in Indonesia: The impact of the policy of school categorisation on leadership, teaching, and learning
- Date: 2014; Title: The effect of dietary micronutrients and micronutrient supplementation on telomere length
- Date: 2014; Title: The generative mechanisms of 'food waste' in South Australian household settings
- Date: 2014; Title: The Influence of Heterogeneity on Subsurface Microbial Ecology
- Date: 2014; Title: The Occupation of Baker's Flat: A Study of Irishness and Power in Nineteenth Century South Australia
- Date: 2014; Title: The Role of Informativeness in Eyewitness Memory Reporting
- Date: 2014; Title: The Role of Recollection in the Confidence-Accuracy Relationship for Negative Decisions
- Date: 2014; Title: The Search for Closure in Selected Literary Representations of the End of the World
- Date: 2014; Title: Thermal transport in heterogeneous groundwater systems: Dynamics and flow estimation
- Date: 2014; Title: Trees and groundwater on the water-limited Eyre Peninsula: an ecohydrological perspective
- Date: 2014; Title: Unfolding transitions: A collaborative investigation of the education and career pathways of African youth from refugee backgrounds in South Australia
- Date: 2014; Title: Water Flow and Solute Transport Across the Surface-Subsurface Interface in Fully Integrated Hydrological Models
- Date: 2015; Title: “And So Ends this Day’s Work”: Industrial Perspectives on Early Nineteenth-century American Whaleships Wrecked in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
- Date: 2015; Title: 'Now, are you going to believe this or not?' Addressing neglected narratives through the maritime cultural landscape of Point Pearce Aboriginal Mission/Burgiyana, South Australia
- Date: 2015; Title: A ‘history of influence’ study of John Baptist de La Salle’s recourse to the Bible, with particular reference to the Gospel of Matthew 4.23-10.8
- Date: 2015; Title: A comparative study of the reproductive biology and invasive ranges of gorse (Ulex europaeus) in the Mount Lofty Ranges of South Australia and central highlands of Sri Lanka
- Date: 2015; Title: A Comparison of Intranasal Fentanyl, Subcutaneous Fentanyl and Intramuscular Pethidine during Childbirth: A Randomised Controlled Trial
- Date: 2015; Title: A critical review of democracy and governance challenges in Bangladesh with special reference to a human rights-based approach for the development of the marginalized Indigenous women and children.
- Date: 2015; Title: A Novel Capacitively Coupled Contactless Conductivity Detection System for Microfluidic Devices: Design, Optimisation and Application
- Date: 2015; Title: A Philosophy for the Powerful Learning of Mathematics
- Date: 2015; Title: Abroad One More Time: Understanding Re-Expatriation Intentions among Overseas Returnees – An Emerging Economy Perspective
- Date: 2015; Title: Adolescent Romantic Experience: Tensions Regarding Parent-Adolescent Communication and Perceptions in the Chinese Socio-Cultural Context
- Date: 2015; Title: Advance Directives in an E-Health Environment: South Australian Preferences and Baby Boomer Choices
- Date: 2015; Title: Application of Alginate in Water Treatment and Drug Delivery Systems
- Date: 2015; Title: Application of high rate nitrifying trickling filters on the removal of ammonium and chemicals of concern
- Date: 2015; Title: Application of Mechanoenergy in Accessing Graphene Composite Functional Nanomaterials
- Date: 2015; Title: Applying performance to transform scripts of gender and sexuality that enable rape
- Date: 2015; Title: Aquaporins: A channel to understanding the pathogenesis of Chronic Rhinosinusitis
- Date: 2015; Title: Assessing Organizational E-Government Readiness of the Public Sector: A Saudi Arabian Context
- Date: 2015; Title: Assessing the clinical capabilities of Maternal, Child and Family Health Nursing students
- Date: 2015; Title: Assessing the Quality of Computer Science Courses Using Taxonomy Tools
- Date: 2015; Title: Back from the edge: reducing stress among remote area nurses in the Northern Territory
- Date: 2015; Title: Borrowing the Blues: Appropriations, Marginalisations and the Ambiguous Voice in Women's Autobiography, Fiction and The Blues
- Date: 2015; Title: Brain, Mind and Soul: Towards a Contemporary Catholic Understanding of the Human Soul
- Date: 2015; Title: Cannibalism in Barramundi Lates calcarifer: Understanding Functional Mechanisms and Implication to Aquaculture
- Date: 2015; Title: Characterisation of Anti-Cancer Properties of Bioactive Compounds in Sea Anemone Venom
- Date: 2015; Title: Characterising whole-of-diet patterns of Australian toddlers to inform the development of a short dietary risk assessment tool
- Date: 2015; Title: Characterization of a novel VAMP2 pathology in Parkinson's disease
- Date: 2015; Title: Clinical Facilitation in Nursing: Does it meet re-entry and refresher students' expectations?
- Date: 2015; Title: Cognitive versus exposure therapy for problem gambling: A randomised controlled trial
- Date: 2015; Title: Comparative Phylogenomics, Cryptic Species and Evolution of Lizards in the Cerrado Biodiversity Hotspot
- Date: 2015; Title: Comparison of methods for forensic DNA typing of soils
- Date: 2015; Title: Conceptions and Construction of Contemporary Australian Bachelor of Arts Programs
- Date: 2015; Title: Constraining spatial variability in groundwater recharge in an arid environment using carbon-14
- Date: 2015; Title: Contemporary Spanish Women Cineastes: Constructing a feminine memory of the Spanish Civil War, Francoism and the Transition period through twenty-first century fiction films and documentaries
- Date: 2015; Title: Contribution of fluids and electrolyte management to lung injury
- Date: 2015; Title: Core temperature and brown adipose tissue activity during therapeutic whole body cooling in human neonates
- Date: 2015; Title: Corporate Influence on US Legislative, Regulatory and Judicial Decision Making
- Date: 2015; Title: Cultivation of Microalgae in Phototrophic, Mixotrophic and Heterotrophic Conditions
- Date: 2015; Title: Dancing with Dinosaurs - understanding how experienced Physical Education teachers sustain career-long professional learning in diverse settings
- Date: 2015; Title: Developing a tool for OSCE writers and reviewers to aid the identification of station-level errors.
- Date: 2015; Title: Development and validation of a novel approach for delineating the role of sponge-bacteria interactions: Aplysilla rosea as a model sponge
- Date: 2015; Title: Digestive physiology and utilisation of macroalgae as feed for Australian abalone.
- Date: 2015; Title: Discovering Patterns and Anomalies in Association Rules
- Date: 2015; Title: Discovery of novel saponins as potential future drugs from sea cucumber viscera
- Date: 2015; Title: Doing time with my best friend: Animal Offender Co-rehabilitation Within Correctional Facilities
- Date: 2015; Title: Effects of endophytic actinobacteria on lucerne growth and the development of its N2-fixation symbiosis with rhizobia
- Date: 2015; Title: Effects of Lineup Members' Facial Characteristics and Demeanour on Eyewitness Identification Performance
- Date: 2015; Title: Ethical Decision Making, Social Desirability Bias and Ethics Training of Vietnamese Banking and Finance Professionals
- Date: 2015; Title: Evaluation of performance auditing in Indonesia: a critical systemic approach to addressing public accountability
- Date: 2015; Title: Evolutionary Path Planner with Shell Space Decomposition for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in Ocean Environments
- Date: 2015; Title: Examining the role of the barley sucrose transporter HvSUT1 in increasing grain nutrients in rice (Oryza sativa)
- Date: 2015; Title: Exploration of Email Spam, with a Focus on its Effects and Mitigation in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2015; Title: Exploring knowledge and information needs among cancer patients in the United Arab Emirates during their cancer treatment journey
- Date: 2015; Title: Family presence during resuscitation: a constructivist grounded theory.
- Date: 2015; Title: Faunal associations with drifting macrophytes and wrack accumulations in the nearshore of South Australian sandy beaches
- Date: 2015; Title: Financial integration, capital market development and private sector access to finance in Botswana
- Date: 2015; Title: FINANCIAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH NEXUS: An Empirical Analysis of Pacific Melanesian Countries
- Date: 2015; Title: From Gender Disparity to Women’s Empowerment : A critical evaluation of the impact of selected microfinance programs on women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh.
- Date: 2015; Title: Greens’ Art: Art and Digital Media in the Green Movement of Iran (2009-2011)
- Date: 2015; Title: Grounds for Learning: Schoolyard activities as provocations, scaffolds and mediators for childhood learning.
- Date: 2015; Title: Habitat, growth and life history of the goby Parapocryptes serperaster
- Date: 2015; Title: How do parents and preschool educators perceive children’s experiences of preschool in a time of policy reform?
- Date: 2015; Title: How Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Make Decisions About Which Intervention Approaches to Access.
- Date: 2015; Title: Identification of Inhibitors of Human and Plasmodium Falciparum Orotate Phosphoribosyltransferase and Orotidine 5'-Monophosphate Decarboxylase, and a Novel Hybrid Screening Technique
- Date: 2015; Title: Identifying Operational Mechanisms for the Mainstreaming of Climate Change Adaptation in Nepal
- Date: 2015; Title: Impacts of environmental variation on the fitness of the pygmy bluetongue lizard Tiliqua adelaidensis
- Date: 2015; Title: Implications of movement and population structure in the endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis): Lessons for conservation
- Date: 2015; Title: Improving E-Government Performance through Enterprise Architecture in Developing Countries: The Case of the Indonesian Treasury
- Date: 2015; Title: Improving Early Identification of Young Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Using the Autism Detection in Early Childhood (ADEC)
- Date: 2015; Title: In the shadow of the tsunami: A case study of a tsunami affected school in Banda Aceh
- Date: 2015; Title: Increasing fish consumption in women of child-bearing age: an evaluation of risks and benefits
- Date: 2015; Title: Integrated Pest Management Approach to Ectoparasite Management in Freshwater Aquaculture
- Date: 2015; Title: Interactions between Health and Labour Market Outcomes over the Life Course
- Date: 2015; Title: Intervention for Children with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD): The Effectiveness of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Interventions
- Date: 2015; Title: Investigating the Surface Structure of Liquids Containing Ionic Species
- Date: 2015; Title: Investigation into the interaction of Dantocol in polymer bonded explosives and bonding agent development
- Date: 2015; Title: Japan's and China's Strategies for Maritime Diplomacy in Southeast Asia, 1945-2014: Identifying Prospects for Cooperation
- Date: 2015; Title: Last Seen Alive: Navigating the Abyss
- Date: 2015; Title: Legionella spp., L. pneumophila and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) in potable and reuse water distribution pipelines.
- Date: 2015; Title: Light Ignition of Carbon Nanotubes for the Initiation of Energetic Materials
- Date: 2015; Title: Long distance transport of micronutrients in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum): exploring the role of phloem composition and sources of variability.
- Date: 2015; Title: Maternal Health Care Seeking Behaviour of Women from Lower and Upper Socio-Economic Groups of Dhaka, Bangladesh – Fear or Fashion?
- Date: 2015; Title: Mathematical Models for the Spread and Control of Multi-strain Influenza-A Viruses in Indonesia
- Date: 2015; Title: Methods for Enhancing the Accuracy, Precision and Spatial Resolution of the Atomic Force Microscope
- Date: 2015; Title: Molecular Biology and Genetics of Fuchs’ Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy
- Date: 2015; Title: Molecular Genetics and Molecular Biology of Cataract
- Date: 2015; Title: Motherhood Experience and its Relationship to Postpartum Adjustment
- Date: 2015; Title: Motivation for learning English in the Saudi Arabian context: Perceptions of learners, teachers and parents
- Date: 2015; Title: Multi-mode Active Vibration Control Using H_∞ Optimization MIMO Positive Position Feedback Based Genetic Algorithm
- Date: 2015; Title: Multiscale mechanical investigations of the human anulus fibrosus
- Date: 2015; Title: Neurons containing calcitonin gene-related peptide without substance P in nociception
- Date: 2015; Title: Neurotrophin Receptor p75 as a target for gene delivery to motor neurons
- Date: 2015; Title: Neurotrophin receptor p75 extracellular domain as a novel urinary biomarker in Motor Neuron Disease
- Date: 2015; Title: Novel therapies for diseases of the ocular surface
- Date: 2015; Title: Optimising Remission and Treatment Outcomes in Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Date: 2015; Title: Out of exile: identifying The Storm Wreck, a colonial shipwreck off St. Augustine Florida; finding context through artifactual and archival research
- Date: 2015; Title: Patronage Driven Democracy: Narratives of Survival and Failure of District Heads in the Emerging Democratic Indonesia (A Case Study in Four Rural and Urban Districts in East Java, Indonesia)
- Date: 2015; Title: Perceptions and attitudes of international tourists towards Aboriginal tourism.
- Date: 2015; Title: Perceptions of nursing students towards caring for people living with HIV/AIDS: A qualitative study spanning multiple cultural contexts
- Date: 2015; Title: Perceptions of prostitution: a critical ethnographic case study of urban and regional areas in Indonesia
- Date: 2015; Title: Pharmacogenetics of Antidepressants in Major Depressive Disorder
- Date: 2015; Title: Policy Coherence in the Emerging International Business and Human Rights Regime: Lessons from Canada.
- Date: 2015; Title: Predictors and Outcomes of Positive Body Image in Young Women and Adolescent Girls
- Date: 2015; Title: Process of Budgeting at Local Government Level under Indonesia's Fiscal Decentralisation Policy
- Date: 2015; Title: Processing, Properties and Applications of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
- Date: 2015; Title: Prospective memory in the fourth age: Evidence from the ALSA Daily Life Time Sampling (ADuLTS) study.
- Date: 2015; Title: Reappraising the Renaissance: The New Hollywood in Industrial and Critical Context
- Date: 2015; Title: Refining the Model of Plant Disease Resistance Protein Activation
- Date: 2015; Title: Regulating Unhealthy Snacking Behaviour: The Interplay Between Desire and Self-control
- Date: 2015; Title: Regulation of Complement Receptor Immunoglobulin (CRIg) Expression by Cytokines
- Date: 2015; Title: Remembering is a form of forgetting: episodic memory as simulacrum
- Date: 2015; Title: Resources and Governance Bounded by Dayak Worldviews: The Taman and Kantu’ Communities in Kapuas Hulu District, Kalimantan
- Date: 2015; Title: Rumination, Time and Forgiveness: Are Changes in Thinking over Time associated with the Development of Forgiveness?
- Date: 2015; Title: Seed dispersal and population genetic variation in the context of fire - A case study on two plant species in fire-prone mallee in South Australia
- Date: 2015; Title: Senior secondary school-based assessment: quality management processes and teachers' professional learning
- Date: 2015; Title: Spirituality in cancer care: A survey on current practice, preparedness and prior education of oncology professionals
- Date: 2015; Title: Split Three Atoms and Report Tomorrow: the funding relationship between Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations and Government Departments
- Date: 2015; Title: Store-operated calcium channels and the development of liver steatosis
- Date: 2015; Title: Structural and functional assessment of the Staphylococcus aureus multidrug transporter QacC
- Date: 2015; Title: Synthesis and Reactivity of Novel Pyrazolo-Thiatriazines and Thiadiazines
- Date: 2015; Title: Synthesis of Siliceous Materials Using Vortex Fluidic Devices (VFDs)
- Date: 2015; Title: Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Language in a Global Context
- Date: 2015; Title: The Cherokee Nation In the Nineteenth Century: Racial Tensions and the Loss of Tribal Sovereignty
- Date: 2015; Title: The development and evaluation of a dementia education program for health professionals in primary care in China
- Date: 2015; Title: The Development and Reception of Public Opinion POlling in Australia 1920-1945
- Date: 2015; Title: The distribution of genetic diversity in sleepy lizards
- Date: 2015; Title: The Distributional Dynamics of South Australian Aquatic Bacterio- and Virioplankton
- Date: 2015; Title: The effect of different forms of exercise on the clinical, systemic and local biological responses in intermittent claudication
- Date: 2015; Title: The effect of financial crisis and global recession on climate change policy as explained by ecopolitical theory
- Date: 2015; Title: The Effect Of Interactive Whiteboard Use On The Engagement Of Students With Intellectual Disability In Early Reading Lessons
- Date: 2015; Title: The Effect of Microorganisms on the Surface Properties of Chalcopyrite
- Date: 2015; Title: The evolution of the volunteering infrastructure and Volunteering Australia: its impact on the history and development of volunteering in Australia 1970-2012
- Date: 2015; Title: The Expulsion of the Outcaste Women of the Land: Re-reading of Ezra 9-10 from a Dalit Perspective
- Date: 2015; Title: The Presence of Women in Kazantzakis' Plays
- Date: 2015; Title: The Production of Disaster: State, Capital and Civil Society in the Lapindo Mudflow Eruption in East Java, Indonesia
- Date: 2015; Title: The role of dynamin, actin/myosin II and clathrin in controlling catecholamine release from mouse adrenal chromaffin cells
- Date: 2015; Title: The Settlement of Greek-Cypriot Migrants and Refugees in South Australia: 1945-1980
- Date: 2015; Title: The Transition of Refugee Youth to Mainstream Education in Australia.
- Date: 2015; Title: The Use of Advanced Analytical Techniques to Enable Batch and Source Matching of Homemade Explosives
- Date: 2015; Title: Third Generation Ethnic-cultural Identities within a Diaspora and Multi-ethnic Context: A Greek-Australian Adolescent Case Study
- Date: 2015; Title: Toward a new understanding of relationship in social work: purposeful, profeminist mentoring of males by male social workers.
- Date: 2015; Title: Understanding preadolescent nutrition literacy in a low socio-economic region of South Australia
- Date: 2015; Title: Weber, Schumpeter and Modern Capitalism: Toward a General Theory
- Date: 2015; Title: What Drives Bank Wholesale Funding Spreads? Empirical Evidence from Australia
- Date: 2015; Title: Who ate my phenathrene? An investigation of hydrocarbonoclastic organisms in pristine and contaminated soils.
- Date: 2015; Title: Whose Values Count? Class, Place and Heritage During Waterfront Development Port Adelaide, South Australia
- Date: 2015; Title: Why Confess? The Role of Instrumental and Symbolic Motivations on Confessions in an Interpersonal Context
- Date: 2015; Title: Why would you want to be a Disability Support Worker (DSW)?
- Date: 2016; Title: ‘Being an educator’ in university-based youth worker education: A hermeneutic phenomenological study
- Date: 2016; Title: "The Character Feels That Way, Not Me". Player Driven Narrative Experiences in Grand Theft Auto IV
- Date: 2016; Title: 'I hope to be of some real assistance to your government'. The Extra-Judicial Activities of Sir William Flood Webb, 1942-1948
- Date: 2016; Title: A Case Study Of Pedagogical Documentation In A South Australian Early Childhood Centre
- Date: 2016; Title: A highly parameterised groundwater modelling study: Insights into recharge estimability in the face of non-uniqueness and the impacts of climate versus pumping
- Date: 2016; Title: A Mixed Methods Study of the Factors that Influence Papua New Guinean Nurses’ Identification and Management of Family and Sexual Violence
- Date: 2016; Title: A New, Wireless Mesh Monitoring Technology that is Self-Installable in Family Farms
- Date: 2016; Title: A Realist Case Study of Alice Springs Hospital’s Response to Improve Emergency Department Access in the Context of National Healthcare Reforms (Why and How Alice Springs Hospital improved their emergency department access)
- Date: 2016; Title: A Technological Analysis of Stone Artefacts from Allen's Cave, South Australia
- Date: 2016; Title: Aboriginal health care and public administration: Could a framework of reciprocal accountability reset the relationship?
- Date: 2016; Title: Advanced and integrated technologies for the valorization of South Australia's unique seaweed resources
- Date: 2016; Title: Alcohol consumption as symbolic capital: Understanding how young women’s drinking shapes and is shaped by social relations
- Date: 2016; Title: An Analysis of Rock Art Sites in the Ranges Northwest of the Cumberland Plain
- Date: 2016; Title: An Evaluation of Laparoscopic Pelvic Floor Repair
- Date: 2016; Title: An Explanatory Study of Health Policy Agenda Setting in Indonesian Immunisation Policy for Religious Anti-vaccination
- Date: 2016; Title: An Exploration of Ways to Improve Metacognitive Monitoring and Maximise the Quantity and Accuracy of Eyewitness Memory Reports
- Date: 2016; Title: An Investigation into Real-time, Small-Group, Student-Centred Engagement on Mobile Devices in Lectures.
- Date: 2016; Title: An investigation of the role of cognitive bias in eating disorders and its relation to difficulties in emotion regulation
- Date: 2016; Title: An SMS-Based Flood Warning System for Developing Countries: the Case of Laos
- Date: 2016; Title: Analysis of Potential Types of Brain-Computer Interface Technology for a Severely Locked-in Patient
- Date: 2016; Title: Approach and Avoidance Motivation: Visual Asymmetries and Replicability
- Date: 2016; Title: Approximations of the Convex Hull of Hamiltonian Cycles for Cubic Graphs
- Date: 2016; Title: Ara Irititja Mituni (Tracking the Past) An investigation into Aboriginal occupation and resource use Island Lagoon, South Australia.
- Date: 2016; Title: At Home in the Market: Risk, Acculturation and Sector Integration in the Private Rental Tenancies of Humanitarian Migrants
- Date: 2016; Title: Awareness of Risk Factors for Developing Colorectal Cancer and Effect of Intensive Individualised Dietary Counselling on Improving Nutritional Status and Quality of Life
- Date: 2016; Title: Barriers to ecotourism development from the local government perspective: The case of Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
- Date: 2016; Title: Behavioural and Post-Keynesian Foundations of a New Macroeconomics
- Date: 2016; Title: Beyond Bharatanatyam: Re-visions, Ruptures and Resistance in the Feminist Choreographies of Anita Ratnam and Mallika Sarabhai
- Date: 2016; Title: Biological and Behavioural Basis of Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder
- Date: 2016; Title: Biomimetic total synthesis of peroxide-derived secondary metabolites from marine sponges
- Date: 2016; Title: Boards, Gender and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Date: 2016; Title: British Imperialism in Iraq, 1914 - 1932: asking for trouble.
- Date: 2016; Title: Côte d’Ivoire: A Crisis of Leadership from Houphouët-Boigny to Bédié, Gbagbo and Ouattara
- Date: 2016; Title: Can a pre-graduate interprofessional education program result in transformative learning and maintenance of perceived interprofessional competencies in the workplace?
- Date: 2016; Title: Can Intensive Wilderness Programs be a Catalyst for Positive Change for Young People at Risk of Future Offending, Educational Disengagement or Poor Wellbeing?
- Date: 2016; Title: Characterisation of Au9 –Nanoclusters Deposited on Titania Surfaces Using Spectroscopic and Microscopic Techniques
- Date: 2016; Title: Collaborative care for co-morbid depression, heart disease and diabetes in Australian general practice
- Date: 2016; Title: Community-associated Clostridium diffiicle infection in Western Australia: epidemiology and implications for public health policy
- Date: 2016; Title: Comparison of Learning Management Systems and Social Media Sites for Delivery of Learning Resources in Saudi Universities
- Date: 2016; Title: Computational assessment of the structure and function of cystic fibrosis lung disease pathogenesis
- Date: 2016; Title: Connecting Rural Masses to the Information Superhighways: An assessment of Union Digital Centres (UDC) in Bangladesh
- Date: 2016; Title: Control of Highly Manoeuvrable Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in Full 6 Degrees-of-Freedom
- Date: 2016; Title: Coping with Change: Staff perceptions and responses to the new Youth Training Centre in South Australia
- Date: 2016; Title: Crowd Counting Through Head Detection
- Date: 2016; Title: Cytotoxicity of Doxorubicin (Adriamycin), Cyclophosphamide, alpha and gamma tocopherol towards breast and granulosa tumor-derived cell lines in vitro
- Date: 2016; Title: Design And Thermal Simulation of an Energy Storage System for Flinders University’s Solar Electric Vehicle
- Date: 2016; Title: Designing a Novel Drug Delivery System Based on Gold Nanoparticles for Breast Cancer Therapy
- Date: 2016; Title: Determinants of body-size variation within Australian mammal species
- Date: 2016; Title: Developing an Automated Algorithm Detection of Micro Aneurysms in Images of Retina for The Purpose of Early Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy
- Date: 2016; Title: Developing Practice-led Feminist Mythology of the Third Generation and a novel: 'The Material and the Divine'
- Date: 2016; Title: Dialysis technology in Australian Aboriginal Desert Communities
- Date: 2016; Title: Digital alteration disclaimer labels on fashion magazine advertisements: Role of social appearance comparison and effect on body dissatisfaction
- Date: 2016; Title: Distribution of STIM1 and Orai1 and associated proteins in subcellular fractions of rat liver
- Date: 2016; Title: Do you truly love your partner genuinely and unconditionally? A critical discourse analysis of the Australian Partner Migration Booklet
- Date: 2016; Title: Dominant Ideologies: A Study of Social Class and Status in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries in West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, South Australia
- Date: 2016; Title: Drought, Drought Vulnerability and Adaptation Policy in Cambodia With Reference to the Farming Sector
- Date: 2016; Title: Early and late effects of transcatheter aortic valve implantation on myocardial function, myocardial injury and valve haemodynamics
- Date: 2016; Title: Earned Sovereignty: The Road to Addressing the Prolonged Conflict in West Papua - Indonesia
- Date: 2016; Title: Effects of the Pole-Slot Combination on a Surface Permanent Magnet Generator for Wind Applications
- Date: 2016; Title: Efficient Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis Using Surrogate Models Conjunctively with a Complex Groundwater Model.
- Date: 2016; Title: Entertaining the Classes: An archaeological investigation of historic cinemas in Metropolitan Adelaide, South Austrlaia, and their development in relation to social class, 1896-1949
- Date: 2016; Title: Ethnic differences in seeking medical care for chest pain among culturally and linguistically diverse populations: Time, Ethnicity and Delay (TED) study
- Date: 2016; Title: Evaluating Efficacy and Usability of Mobile Devices for Learning New Vocabulary Items
- Date: 2016; Title: Evaluating the effectiveness of EIA system in Vietnam: a synthesis approach of key stakeholder perspectives and content analysis
- Date: 2016; Title: Evaluation of Cancellous Screw Pullout Strength at Varying Levels of Torque in the Human Trabecular Bone of Femoral Heads
- Date: 2016; Title: Examination of Lifestyle Changes of English, French and Chinese Speaking Immigrants in Ottawa and Gatineau, Canada. French/Français/法文: L’étude du changement de mode de vie des immigrants anglophones, francophones et sinophones à Ottawa et Gatineau au Canada. Chinese/Chinois/中文: 调查加拿大渥太华和加蒂诺市的英文,法文和中文移民的生活方式改变
- Date: 2016; Title: Examining pre-colonial Southeast Asian boatbuilding: An archaeological study of the Butuan Boats and the use of edge-joined planking in local and regional construction techniques
- Date: 2016; Title: Exploring design and implementation of technologies with rural mental health consumers and professionals
- Date: 2016; Title: Exploring Sub-Saharan African women's experiences of maternity care in their home countries and in Australia
- Date: 2016; Title: Exploring the impacts of social determinants of health over the life-course on well-being in widowhood for older Greek migrants in urban and rural South Australia
- Date: 2016; Title: Exploring the settlement experiences of Eritreans in South Australia
- Date: 2016; Title: Exposure and Risk Associated with Clandestine Amphetamine-Type Stimulant Drug Laboratories
- Date: 2016; Title: Facilitating Digital Citizenship in an International Baccalaureate (IB) - Primary Years Program (PYP) school in Singapore
- Date: 2016; Title: Factores de influencia en la comprensión y apreciación del humor en las viñetas cómicas. El caso de Dosis Diarias
- Date: 2016; Title: Factors Influencing the Adoption of E-commerce in Saudi Arabia: Study of Online Shopping
- Date: 2016; Title: Factors that Contribute to Situations of Genuine Inclusion for People with Disabilities
- Date: 2016; Title: Fate, Transport, and Retention of Viruses, Bacteria, and Nanoparticles in Saturated Porous Media
- Date: 2016; Title: Fatty acid metabolism in southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii)
- Date: 2016; Title: Female song in the superb fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus): perspectives informed by function and ontogeny
- Date: 2016; Title: Flood Inundation Mapping Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Sokoto plain, Nigeria
- Date: 2016; Title: Fluid intake, hydration and health status of inpatients with and without dysphagia following stroke
- Date: 2016; Title: From Script to Novel: An Exploration of Reverse Adaptation
- Date: 2016; Title: Gene identification and characterisation for blinding inherited eye diseases
- Date: 2016; Title: Going Political During Violent Conflict: Lessons from Aceh (Indonesia) and Patani (Thailand) regarding the Ideas and Roles of Elites in Peace Building
- Date: 2016; Title: Growth and reproduction of Cyclopina kasignete and its application as a potential live food for fish larvae
- Date: 2016; Title: Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain: Studies of Epidemiology, Assessment and Management
- Date: 2016; Title: How is teacher underperformance constructed by principals of Lutheran schools?
- Date: 2016; Title: How rural communities take action to develop sustainable and healthy communities
- Date: 2016; Title: How to be a productive researcher: an exploration of successful Vietnamese researchers’ experiences
- Date: 2016; Title: Imaging the superficial lymphatic system of the lower limb after soft tissue injury.
- Date: 2016; Title: Improving social and economic participation for young people experiencing depression and anxiety
- Date: 2016; Title: Indonesia’s Middle Power Project in the Indo-Pacific during the presidencies of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Joko Widodo 2004-2016
- Date: 2016; Title: Indonesia's China foreign policy under President Joko Widodo: projecting the 'Global Maritime Fulcrum'
- Date: 2016; Title: Induction of secondary metabolism across actinobacterial genera
- Date: 2016; Title: Influences behind the increasing trends of Corporate Environmental Reporting in China
- Date: 2016; Title: Integration of nitrification with denitrification for surface water and groundwater treatment
- Date: 2016; Title: Investigating the Enablers and Barriers of Professionally Certified Teachers of English in Enacting the Professional Standard Competencies in a Polytechnic in Indonesia
- Date: 2016; Title: Investigation into Mycobacterium Avium Complex and its Presences in Australian Commercially Available Pasteurised Milk
- Date: 2016; Title: Is access and equity extended to New Zealand prisoners who are hard of hearing?
- Date: 2016; Title: Learning from the road well travelled: The impact of chronic childhood maltreatment on brain development and function as a contributor to future criminal recidivism
- Date: 2016; Title: Lived Experiences of Adults with Acquired Visual Impairment in Nigeria: A Preliminary Study Focusing on Social Capital
- Date: 2016; Title: Living and Trading in Hội An: The Development of a Nguyễn Port in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
- Date: 2016; Title: Loving our neighbours as ourselves: towards a radical discipleship hermeneutic. Mark 12:28–34
- Date: 2016; Title: Mass spectrometric analysis, in situ imaging and preparative tools for the study of marine secondary metabolites: Chemo-ecological and natural products research on the muricid Dicathais orbita
- Date: 2016; Title: Maternal Health Inequality in West Java Province, Indonesia: A Macro and Micro Level Analysis
- Date: 2016; Title: Measuring the Benefits of Information Systems for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2016; Title: Methodists and Revivalism in South Australia, 1838-1939: The Quest for 'Vital Religion'
- Date: 2016; Title: Midwifery Group Practice And Standard Hospital Care: A Cost And Resource Study Of Women With Complex Pregnancy
- Date: 2016; Title: Modelling a Smoking Cessation Assistance mHealth (Mobile Phone Based Health Intervention) for Male Smokers in Macao
- Date: 2016; Title: Molecular Basis of Recognition of Rust Effectors by the M Flax Resistance Protein
- Date: 2016; Title: Molecular Signatures of Lupus-Specific Autoantibody Proteomes
- Date: 2016; Title: Mongolian Social Workers’ Perceptions of Protective Factors against Child Maltreatment
- Date: 2016; Title: Multistep Continuous Flow Transformations Using Vortex Fluidics
- Date: 2016; Title: Mundane choices and everyday encounters; food labelling as an access point to the Australian food system.
- Date: 2016; Title: National Instruments Autonomous Robotics Competition 2016: Programming of the robot using LabVIEW
- Date: 2016; Title: Numerical investigations of contaminant transport in permeable rocks: examining the effects of discrete flow features in density-dependent and density-independent systems
- Date: 2016; Title: Numerical modelling of flow, transport and reactions in hyporheic zones
- Date: 2016; Title: Organic Diodes Toward Radio Frequency Identification
- Date: 2016; Title: Pathways to Belonging: An Ethnographic Study of Students of Refugee Experience making their way in a South Australian Mainstream Primary School
- Date: 2016; Title: Patterns of motor activity in the isolated large intestine of mice
- Date: 2016; Title: Peri-infarct Glial Cell Responses and Functional Recovery After Stroke
- Date: 2016; Title: Porphyrin Molecular Tweezers with Varying Degrees of Rotational Freedom
- Date: 2016; Title: Predicting treatment outcome in individuals with an eating disorder
- Date: 2016; Title: Predictors and Outcomes of Labiaplasty
- Date: 2016; Title: Questioning the problem representation in a poverty reduction progran East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia
- Date: 2016; Title: Radical and Subversive Theology of Ezekiel 1-An Intertextual Reading
- Date: 2016; Title: Radio Performance Testing for Disaster Communication
- Date: 2016; Title: Re-viewing the Lives of Others: "New Biography" in the Early Twenty-First Century
- Date: 2016; Title: Reading attitudes and reading habits of Vietnamese undergraduate students.
- Date: 2016; Title: Reclaiming personhood in later life: Towards a new model of decision-making
- Date: 2016; Title: Rediscovering Nation Review
- Date: 2016; Title: Returning to driving post-stroke: Identifying key factors for best practice decision making over the recovery trajectory
- Date: 2016; Title: Risk Factors for Organophosphate Pesticide (OP) Exposure among Indonesian and South Australian Migrant Farmworkers and the Impact of an Intervention to Reduce Exposure
- Date: 2016; Title: Roles of RCAN1 in Metabolism
- Date: 2016; Title: School to Work Transition Programs for Students with Physical Disabilities in Indonesian Special Schools
- Date: 2016; Title: Screening South Australian Native seaweeds for antioxidant activities
- Date: 2016; Title: Simulation-based Medical Education: A Transformative Bridge of Complexity
- Date: 2016; Title: Social factors impacting on Hazara community members as they engage in the task of settling into mainstream Australia, and their utilisation of social services.
- Date: 2016; Title: Solution Processed Nanocarbon-Based Materials for Use in Photovoltaic Systems
- Date: 2016; Title: Structural Volatility & Australian Electricity Market
- Date: 2016; Title: Students’ uses and attitudes towards multiple languages in Timor-Leste
- Date: 2016; Title: Synthesis of Molybdenum Disulfide, and Preparation of Hybrid Molybdenum Disulfide/Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes–n-type Silicon Solar Cells
- Date: 2016; Title: System building blocks for health promotion policy and practice in a regional health system in South Australia
- Date: 2016; Title: Targeting healthy weight? How the ideologies and discourses underpinning the policies addressing South Australia’s Healthy Weight Target (2007) affect health equity.
- Date: 2016; Title: Teacher Awareness of School Bullying in Bangladesh: A Review and Intervention
- Date: 2016; Title: Teacher Pedagogy to Develop Student Writing Through the Integration of Text-To-Speech Technology
- Date: 2016; Title: Teachers teaching mindfulness with children: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
- Date: 2016; Title: The behavioural ecology of the thick-billed grasswren
- Date: 2016; Title: The Effects of Foreign Aid on National Development: A Case Study of Australian Aid through the Provision of Scholarships to Laos
- Date: 2016; Title: The effects of neoadjuvant therapy on the methylation levels and gene expression of BCAT1 and IKZF1 in colorectal tumour and para-tumour tissues
- Date: 2016; Title: The Influence of Governance on the Quality of Health Service Delivery in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study of Rural and Urban Health Service Organisations
- Date: 2016; Title: The Life Chances of Young People in Voluntary Children’s Homes in Sri Lanka: A critical review of policy and governance with references to case studies
- Date: 2016; Title: The Lived Experience of Australian Public Health Nurses' Roles in Disasters
- Date: 2016; Title: The many faces of Asperger syndrome: A study of the education, employment and intimate relationship experiences of adults with Asperger syndrome in South Australia
- Date: 2016; Title: The Modular Synthesis of Rigid Rod-like Scaffolds Towards Artificial Ion Channels
- Date: 2016; Title: The Nursing Centre Model as a Collaborative Approach to Service Learning in Community Health in Indonesia
- Date: 2016; Title: The Pastoral Care Experiences of Residents in South Australian Aged Care Facilities
- Date: 2016; Title: The pollination biology and reproductive ecology of selected plants in South Australian saltmarshes, with a focus on the impact of the introduced plant genus Limonium
- Date: 2016; Title: The reading habits of the French in 2015, with particular reference to bestsellers
- Date: 2016; Title: The role of homeobox factors Barx2 and Pax7 in Wnt signalling in muscle stem cells
- Date: 2016; Title: The Role of Rumination on Posttraumatic Intrusions: An Investigation Using the Trauma-film Paradigm
- Date: 2016; Title: The Role of the Iliopsoas Muscle Complex in Chronic Spinal Pain and Associated Signs and Symptoms
- Date: 2016; Title: The Social Space Around Us: the effect of social distance on spatial attention
- Date: 2016; Title: The Use of Spectral Unmixing of Landsat Imagery in Estimating Surface Runoff
- Date: 2016; Title: Thrown Out on the Streets: Domestic Violence Survivors and Shelter Homes in Bangladesh
- Date: 2016; Title: Towards Inclusive Education in Nigeria: Appreciative Voices of Parents and Educators of Primary School Children With(out) Disabilities
- Date: 2016; Title: Towards t-Government: An Interoperability Model for e-Government in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2016; Title: Towards Understanding Reality using Dynamical 3-Space Theory
- Date: 2016; Title: Translating research evidence into health service delivery
- Date: 2016; Title: Understanding Blogging Behaviour and Motivation in Narrative Construction of the Tourist Experience at the Pre-visit, On-site and Post-visit Stages: The Malaysian Travel Blogger and Tourist Perspective
- Date: 2016; Title: Unravelling the dynamics of hybridisation and its implications for ecology and conservation of Darwin’s tree finches
- Date: 2016; Title: Using tracers to determine groundwater fluxes in a coastal aquitard-aquifer system
- Date: 2016; Title: Utility of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Ischaemia Assessment of Chronic Kidney Disease and Post Renal Transplant Population
- Date: 2016; Title: UVB and Dark Disinfection in Wastewater
- Date: 2016; Title: Validating the Altered Self: A qualitative study of the total laryngectomy experience
- Date: 2016; Title: Vibration Cancellation in Plate Structures
- Date: 2016; Title: Vortex fluidics manipulation of nano carbon
- Date: 2016; Title: Welfare to work, welfare dynamics and uncertainty
- Date: 2016; Title: What Is The Cost Of Public Hospital Care At The End-Of-Life?
- Date: 2016; Title: Who owns the waste? The implementation of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) and waste pickers marginalisation in Indonesia
- Date: 2017; Title: ‘WHAT CAN WE DO? WE HAVE TO LIVE THIS LIFE!’ The lived experiences of elderly Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon, how do those experiences influence health and the refugees’ ability to manage health as they age?
- Date: 2017; Title: “We didn’t need superheroes, we had dialogue:” Memes, morphic fields and memorable movie lines
- Date: 2017; Title: 'The Mother of All Crimes': Infanticide in the Antipodes
- Date: 2017; Title: 2500 Years of Pottery: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Investigation of Domestic Ceramic Production at Caleta Vitor Archaeological Complex, Northern Chile
- Date: 2017; Title: A Contemporary Overview of Visitor Motivations and Expectations at Naracoorte Caves National Park, South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: A Critical Systemic Approach to Human Development in Education: A Case Study of the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2017; Title: A cross-cultural study of contemporary early childhood arts curricula
- Date: 2017; Title: A Family-Directed Approach to Brain Injury in Community Settings: The Development of a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) Program
- Date: 2017; Title: A method to develop patient-specific models for FE analysis of aortic root dilatation
- Date: 2017; Title: A quantitative study exploring the differences in communication between patients, the family care giver and health care professionals in a palliative care clinic setting.
- Date: 2017; Title: A systematic review of qualitative research that examines barriers and facilitators to competitive employment for people living with mental illness: implications for developing Asian countries
- Date: 2017; Title: A Unified Guidance Framework for AUV Docking Operations
- Date: 2017; Title: A User-Oriented Statistical Model for Word Prediction
- Date: 2017; Title: ABORIGINAL HUMOUR - An investigation into the nature and purposes of Indigenous Australian performance humour and its contributions to Australian culture.
- Date: 2017; Title: Aggregation Induced Emission Bio-probes for Medical Research Application
- Date: 2017; Title: Aid dependent and vulnerable: Vanuatu's status, agency and opportunities to emerge
- Date: 2017; Title: Aid Effectiveness and Corruption in Cambodia
- Date: 2017; Title: Almost an Institution: Sustaining Rural Exhibition in South Australia (1897-1935)
- Date: 2017; Title: Alternative respiratory genes can improve tolerance to abiotic stresses in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- Date: 2017; Title: An Analysis of Lithics at Calperum Station, South Australia, to Examine the Function of Late Holocene Mound Sites along the Lower Murray River
- Date: 2017; Title: An Analysis of the Applications of Key Ideas from the Philosophy of Science to the Understanding of Doctrinal Development
- Date: 2017; Title: An assessment of transient seawater intrusion processes: Physical experiment and numerical modelling
- Date: 2017; Title: An Empirical Study of Factors that Influence the Adoption of Cloud Computing Applications by Students in Saudi Arabian Universities
- Date: 2017; Title: An Evaluation of the Impact of IMT in three small-medium irrigation systems in Northern Vietnam
- Date: 2017; Title: An Exploration of Student and Academic Issues Relating to E-learning and its Use in Undergraduate Nursing Education in Australia: A Mixed Methods Inquiry
- Date: 2017; Title: An exploration of young females’ experiences of fitness culture on social networking sites
- Date: 2017; Title: An Investigation into Sentiment Analysis and Morale Visualisation in a Digital Backchannel System
- Date: 2017; Title: Applying an Economic Framework to the Benefits for Aboriginal People of ‘Healthy Country, Healthy People’ and Government Failure in Addressing the Global Noncommunicable Disease Pandemic
- Date: 2017; Title: Are there key features that characterise appropriate styles of leadership for rural congregations in South Australia?
- Date: 2017; Title: As Above So Below: Preliminary Investigations for Submerged Landscape Site Discovery in the Greater Central Visayas, Philippines
- Date: 2017; Title: Assessing dependence on groundwater of nearshore coastal habitats in south-east South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Assessing the Extent of Water Overflows and Vegetation Dieback along Ok Tedi Mine Affected River Systems (Ok Tedi and Fly Rivers, Papua New Guinea)
- Date: 2017; Title: Australia and North Africa - A Complex Modern Reality
- Date: 2017; Title: Australian civilian hospital nurses’ lived experience of the out-of-hospital environment following a disaster
- Date: 2017; Title: Autism spectrum disorder among adults: The recognition of suspicious activity
- Date: 2017; Title: Automated camera tracking system in Gait analysis
- Date: 2017; Title: Automated style feedback for student programmers
- Date: 2017; Title: Automatic Estimation of Malaria Parasitemia Based on Microscopy Images
- Date: 2017; Title: Automatic Facial Expression Recognition: Space-Classifier Combinations.
- Date: 2017; Title: Autonomous Reactive Mission Scheduling and Task-Path Planning Architecture for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Date: 2017; Title: Behind the Words: The Art of Documentary and Verbatim Theatre
- Date: 2017; Title: Beyond the Mainstream: The Cultural Environment of Asia Minor as a Matrix for Expressions of a Highest God
- Date: 2017; Title: Bioenergetics of Australian greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata Donovan)
- Date: 2017; Title: Biomechanical Analysis of Cycling in Elite Cyclists
- Date: 2017; Title: Bird and Wyrd Song: Writing the Sacred in Australian Theatre.
- Date: 2017; Title: Building Nanostructures Toward Improved RO Membrane Performance
- Date: 2017; Title: Bystander decision-making in an emergency: a constructivist grounded theory
- Date: 2017; Title: Challenges to British Imperial Hegemony in the Mediterranean 1919-1940
- Date: 2017; Title: Characterisation of Staphylococcus spp from South Australian wallabies
- Date: 2017; Title: Characterization of Ciliate Mitochondrial Function
- Date: 2017; Title: Chemical constituents and cytotoxicity against breast cancer cells of South Australian marine sponge Aplysilla rosea
- Date: 2017; Title: Chemiluminescence detection of cytotoxic drugs and their hydrolysis products
- Date: 2017; Title: Chemotaxis in Vibrio coralliilyticus: deciphering the behavioral dynamicals of a coral pathogen
- Date: 2017; Title: Child Safety in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- Date: 2017; Title: Classroom Climate and Its Impact on Students’ Outcomes in Maros Regency Junior High Schools in Indonesia
- Date: 2017; Title: Cleaning up: graffiti removers' perceptions of order, place and identity
- Date: 2017; Title: Clinical Education of Speech-Language Pathologists in Remote Areas of Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Collagen-Stimulating Activity of Australian Sea Cucumber (Holothuria atra) Extracts on Human Skin Fibroblast Cells
- Date: 2017; Title: Comparison of Bagged Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and Boosted Regression Trees (BRT) using spatial autocorrelation for modelling the habitat niche of four tree species in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Conservation ecology of Slater’s skink (Liopholis slateri) in central Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Conservation genomics and evolutionary potential of the southern pygmy perch, Nannoperca australis, in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Contextual Legal Analysis of Terrorism Prosecutions Involving Journalists and Politicians in Ethiopia
- Date: 2017; Title: Contrasting eusociality with casteless organization: ecology, genetics and historical demography in Australian xylocopine bees
- Date: 2017; Title: Country into landscape: an examination of incised and painted boab nuts from the Kimberley and the development of a Western-style landscape genre through the National Museum of Australia collection
- Date: 2017; Title: Creation of a Socio-Technical Framework for Securing Personal Monitoring Devices (PMD)
- Date: 2017; Title: Cytotoxicity of Chemicals Present in Agricultural and Household products.
- Date: 2017; Title: Demography and spatial ecology of southern Australian bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops cf. australis) inhabiting an inverse estuary in South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Design and Optimisation of a Solar Array for the Flinders Solar Car
- Date: 2017; Title: Design and Optimize a Smartphone-Based Medical Device Using an Aggregation-Induced Emission Bio-probe for CKD Monitoring
- Date: 2017; Title: Design and performance of high efficiency Synchronous reluctance motor for an industrial application.
- Date: 2017; Title: Detecting Non-Hamiltonian Graphs by Improved Linear Programs and Graph Reductions
- Date: 2017; Title: Detection of latent DNA using intercalating dyes
- Date: 2017; Title: Determination of Cancer Induction and Cell-Killing Potential of Beauty Products and Personal Care Products Using Human Skin Cells
- Date: 2017; Title: Developing and Testing Policy for Effective Use of ICT in Saudi Arabian Universities
- Date: 2017; Title: Development of a Micro-Finite Element Model of the Interlamellar Matrix of the Intervertebral Disc
- Date: 2017; Title: Development of Oligonucleotide Modified Substrates for the Selective Detection of Harmful Algal Bloom Causative Microalgae
- Date: 2017; Title: Domain-Independent Multi-Physical Multiple-Field Systems Modeling Approach: A Novel Energy-Based Aero-Thermo-Visco-Elastic Modeling Framework by Bond Graph
- Date: 2017; Title: Drowsiness Detection and Analysis
- Date: 2017; Title: Drug-Membrane and Protein Interactions in tethered Bilayer Lipid Membranes Studied by Surface Analytical Methods
- Date: 2017; Title: Dysexecutive Syndrome, Anosognosia, and Driver and Carer Evaluation of On-road Driving Performance: Results from a Dementia Driving Clinic
- Date: 2017; Title: Ecology and physiology of forage fish species in the Murray Estuary and Coorong, South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Educators’ views of a local system-based model for addressing student behaviour through school partnerships: The LMG model
- Date: 2017; Title: EEG analysis: Brain connectivity in stroke
- Date: 2017; Title: Effects of spatial discretization on the simulation of surface water features in groundwater flow models
- Date: 2017; Title: End of the Line: Analysis of Economic Changes and its Effects on the Red Line Schooner Fleet of Northeastern Michigan
- Date: 2017; Title: Enhancement of Biomass and Lutein Production in Chloroparva pannonica.
- Date: 2017; Title: Epidemiological and molecular risk factors for diabetic retinopathy blindness.
- Date: 2017; Title: Epidemiology of hepatitis B related hepatocellular carcinoma in South Australia: Strategies for improved outcomes based on optimizing treatment uptake, screening program and percutaneous interventions
- Date: 2017; Title: Equity and Diversity for Primary School Indigenous Children in Bangladesh
- Date: 2017; Title: Evaluating the Uptake of Biomimicry Towards More Sustainable Cities
- Date: 2017; Title: Evaluation of novel genetic and pharmacogenetic targets in depression
- Date: 2017; Title: Evaluation of Statistical Region Merging Segmentation for heart and spleen contour delineation in CT images
- Date: 2017; Title: Examining resuscitation skill education as a component of paramedics' practice development.
- Date: 2017; Title: Exploring School Dynamics in Adapting to Changes in a Context of Globally-Driven Education Reform
- Date: 2017; Title: Exploring the “Gap” Between Patient and Physician Perspectives in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Date: 2017; Title: Exploring the ontological nature of teachers' conversations within a dominant ideology: A hermeneutic phenomenological inquiry
- Date: 2017; Title: Eyewitness Identification Decisions and Metacognition: Familiarity and Recollection in Simultaneous Lineups
- Date: 2017; Title: Femoral Fracture Fixation for Developing Countries
- Date: 2017; Title: Film Classification and Censorship in Australia: a filmic image response perspective
- Date: 2017; Title: Film Cycles and the Hollywood Studio System
- Date: 2017; Title: Flight Nursing in Australia: A Hidden Profession A critical qualitative inquiry into the work of Flight Nurses in Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Forensic identification from human fingermarks using direct PCR to improve DNA recovery.
- Date: 2017; Title: Foucault’s discourse analysis of education policy in Cambodia between 1979 and 2013
- Date: 2017; Title: GaitScanner: The design and development of a novel autonomous, portable, subject-centred robotic system for video data acquisition of human walking gait
- Date: 2017; Title: Game Design Tools: Can They Improve Game Design Practice?
- Date: 2017; Title: Genetic testing for glaucoma: lessons learned from translational genetic research and implications for genetic counselling
- Date: 2017; Title: Genotypic variation and mechanisms of phosphorus use efficiency in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- Date: 2017; Title: Grazing as a management tool: Effects of varying intensity of sheep grazing on the endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard.
- Date: 2017; Title: Health Practitioner Motivations in Choosing the Very Remote Indigenous Community Workplace: Developing a Scale to Describe and Measure Them and their Relationship to Total Length of Stay.
- Date: 2017; Title: Historians at War: Cold War Influences on Anglo-American representations of the Spanish Civil War
- Date: 2017; Title: Holding centres or agents for social transformation? An exploration of Australian community access services
- Date: 2017; Title: Holocene Archaeology and Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar (Land, Body, Spirit): A Critical Indigenous Approach to Understanding the Lower Murray River, South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: How Witnesses’ Perceptions of Identification Decision Consequences Affect Their Choosing Patterns
- Date: 2017; Title: I feel like a principal now: South Australian Primary School Principals reflect on their experiences and support during their socialisation into the principalship
- Date: 2017; Title: I Think I Can – The Association Between Control Beliefs and Activity Engagement in the Second Half of Life
- Date: 2017; Title: Identification and Characterization of Endophytic Actinobacteria Isolated from Plants and Sponges
- Date: 2017; Title: Identifying and understanding family resilience to disaster in China
- Date: 2017; Title: Identifying untapped microbial resources in the marine sponge microbiome
- Date: 2017; Title: Immune gene variation in the group living lizard Egernia stokesii
- Date: 2017; Title: Improving Rehabilitation Practice Through the Analysis of Musculoskeletal Muscle and Joint Forces during Motion
- Date: 2017; Title: Individual and community responses to depression in a comprehensive primary health care model of service delivery: examination of equity and empowerment aspects
- Date: 2017; Title: Individual and social influences on videogaming and sleep in adolescents
- Date: 2017; Title: Indonesian Maritime Cultural Resources Management: A Study of Salvaged Material Cultures from Historic Shipwreck Finds in Indonesia
- Date: 2017; Title: Interactivity in map learning: Does passive observation improve spatial recall?
- Date: 2017; Title: Invasion Ecology and Biology of Blackberries of the Rubus fruticosus L. agg. in Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Investigating Coastal Groundwater Discharge from the Willunga Basin, using hydrogeophysical techniques
- Date: 2017; Title: Investigating the performance and behaviour of porous silicon energetic materials.
- Date: 2017; Title: Investigating the structure of self assembled monolayers related to biological cell membranes
- Date: 2017; Title: Investigation of Novice Authoring Interfaces for Handheld Augmented Reality
- Date: 2017; Title: Investigation of Photodeposition of Gold on Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles
- Date: 2017; Title: Irish graves of South Australia's mid-north, 1850-1899: an examination of cultural significance
- Date: 2017; Title: Ironic Authority: A Rhetorical Critical Analysis of the Stability of Irony in the Fourth Gospel Passion Narrative
- Date: 2017; Title: Islamic State beyond Iraq and Syria: an analysis of ISIS provinces outside Iraq and Syria and their role in the future of ISIS as the ‘Caliphate’ collapses.
- Date: 2017; Title: Jesus and "Other" Deviants: A narrative labelling study of "aloneness" in Mark 5:1-20.
- Date: 2017; Title: Jesus as Kyrios in the Gospel of John: A Narrative, Text-Critical and Semantic Study
- Date: 2017; Title: Knowing Care. An Exploration of Secondary Trauma Involving Caregivers of People with Mental Illness
- Date: 2017; Title: Labour Migration in ASEAN: A Misguided Quest
- Date: 2017; Title: Large- and Microscale Community Structure and Abundance of Microalgae in the Coorong Lagoons, South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Large-scale response of ecosystem production to GRACE derived dynamic water storage
- Date: 2017; Title: Late Cenozoic Evolution of the Macropodoid Dentition
- Date: 2017; Title: Linear Programming Based Approach To Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems with Time Discounting Criteria
- Date: 2017; Title: Making a Difference in-the-World: A Comparative Critique of Hannah Arendt, Cornelius Castoriadis, and Peter Wagner’s Approaches to the World-Altering Dimensions of Collective Political Action
- Date: 2017; Title: Martyn Lloyd-Jones' View of Evangelical Unity
- Date: 2017; Title: Maternal feeding self-efficacy and fruit and vegetable consumption in infants and toddlers.
- Date: 2017; Title: Measuring and valuing quality of care for older adults in subacute settings: A health economics perspective
- Date: 2017; Title: Mechanical Testing of Variable Angle Locking Screws for a New Proximal Humeral Plate
- Date: 2017; Title: Meta-Analysis of a Systematic Review on Adult Obesity in Kuwait
- Date: 2017; Title: Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Few-Layer Black Phosphorus and Its Application in Solar Cells
- Date: 2017; Title: Migrant Female Domestic Workers (MFDW) and Development: A Sri Lankan Case Study
- Date: 2017; Title: Motivations for the application of co-management in protected areas in Vietnam: A case study of Xuan Thuy National Park
- Date: 2017; Title: Mount Dutton Bay: A 3D Coastal Landscape Analysis
- Date: 2017; Title: Music from Bio-Signals (Software design for music synthesis)
- Date: 2017; Title: New Stories from Old Buildings: Revisioning architecture and social organisation in central Anatolia and the Lake District between 6500 and 5500 BC
- Date: 2017; Title: Nutritional care practice in the patients receiving non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) therapy in an intensive care unit (ICU)
- Date: 2017; Title: Offshore Processing: assessing the success of Australia's offshore processing of asylum seekers in terms of policy objectives
- Date: 2017; Title: On analytical calculations of offshore fresh groundwater: Influence of aquitard salinity structure
- Date: 2017; Title: On the Properties and Behaviour of Single Neurons in the Cortex
- Date: 2017; Title: One of Us: The Values and Beliefs that Underpin a Paramedic Internship
- Date: 2017; Title: Optimising quality of care for patients with COPD in government hospitals in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2017; Title: Optimising the synthesis of Birnessite
- Date: 2017; Title: Outcomes of Numerical Groundwater Model Simplification and Calibration
- Date: 2017; Title: Parameter estimation for stage-duration models
- Date: 2017; Title: Parthenolide in the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer
- Date: 2017; Title: Patient and Surgical Variability in the Primary Stability of Cementless Acetabular Cups for Computational Pre-Clinical Testing
- Date: 2017; Title: Photosynthetic Response of Drooping Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) to Root-Zone Soil Moisture
- Date: 2017; Title: Physiological and clinical outcomes associated with fluid bolus therapy administered at rapid response calls for hypotension; A retrospective observational study
- Date: 2017; Title: Plains, Plants and Planning. An analysis of Indigenous Earth Mounds at Calperum Nature Reserve, Riverland, South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Polymer/DNA Bio-conjugates via Grafting-from and Grafting-to
- Date: 2017; Title: Porous Polysulfide Polymer in Removing Perfluorooctanoic acid from Water and Extracting Gold
- Date: 2017; Title: Post-hospital transitions for older adults and their carers
- Date: 2017; Title: Power Plays and Intersecting Inequalities: The International Medical Graduate Experience of Medical Dominance in Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Predicting Physical Activity Behaviour in Young Adults: Exploring the Role of Social-cognitive and Affective Correlates
- Date: 2017; Title: Preparation of hybrid Molybdenum Disulfide/Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes-n-type Silicon Solar Cells
- Date: 2017; Title: Probing the interaction between salivary proteins and wine tannins using surface analytical tools
- Date: 2017; Title: Process development for functional food ingredients with gut health benefits from the brown seaweed Ecklonia radiata
- Date: 2017; Title: Protective and Risk Factors for Adolescent Sleep Health
- Date: 2017; Title: Proximal tibial subchondral bone microarchitecture: regional variations and associations with in vivo joint loading in end-stage knee osteoarthritis
- Date: 2017; Title: Psychiatric risk assessment and management: an exploration of clinical perceptions, knowledges and attitudes existing within the context of risk
- Date: 2017; Title: Quantifying deforestation rates in a cocaine source region in Bolivia: A study to verify rates of land-use change under pro-coca policies
- Date: 2017; Title: Quantifying Microbial Risk Factors for the Consumption of Wastewater Irrigated Salad Crops
- Date: 2017; Title: Re-conceptualising Mental Health Social Work Education and Practice in Australia: Toward a Critical-Emancipatory Approach.
- Date: 2017; Title: Rebuilding from the ruins - Images of Greece by Eugene Delacroix
- Date: 2017; Title: Redeeming authenticity: an empirical study on the conversion to Christianity of previously unchurched Australians
- Date: 2017; Title: Reducing Stress in Professional Carers of People with Dementia: An Exploratory Study Using Reiki in Aged Care
- Date: 2017; Title: Reforming Vietnamese media law: with special reference to Australian models
- Date: 2017; Title: Regulating oil and gas operations in Indonesian waters: international and domestic legal perspectives on offshore installations and tanker
- Date: 2017; Title: Regulation of Antioxidant Enzymes and Bile Acid Transporters in Liver by Rapamycin and Oltipraz
- Date: 2017; Title: Remembering the Australian South Sea Islanders: The Secret Life of Memorials
- Date: 2017; Title: Reproductive biology of the western king prawn Penaeus (Melicertus) latisulcatus (Kishinouye 1896) in Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent, South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Reproductive strategy and sperm cryopreservation of a spermcasting bivalve - the Australian flat oyster Ostrea angasi
- Date: 2017; Title: Risk Assessment Methodology for Privacy and Security of Customer Relationship Management Systems
- Date: 2017; Title: Sea Breeze Cooling Power in the Adelaide Metropolitan Area
- Date: 2017; Title: Seeking Security under the Aegis of Two Great Powers: Singapore’s Defence Policy from 1965 to 1975
- Date: 2017; Title: Self-management exacerbation action plans in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and common comorbidities: the COPE-III study
- Date: 2017; Title: Showcasing the Star: the Commercial Aesthetics of Star Display in the 1930s RKO Astaire-Rogers Musicals
- Date: 2017; Title: Silica nanoparticles grown from organofunctionalised trialkoxysilanes: Synthesis, High Density Modification Strategies and Application
- Date: 2017; Title: Simulation of the Flows of Incompressible Bingham Fluids using Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Methods: Isothermal and Non-Isothermal Problems
- Date: 2017; Title: Siyâvash and Hippolytus: The Process of Creating an Intercultural Adaptation
- Date: 2017; Title: Social Protection for Elderly as a development Strategy: the Case of Ageing Population in Rural Bangladesh.
- Date: 2017; Title: Socio-genetic structure of southern Australian bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops cf. australis) in a South Australian embayment.
- Date: 2017; Title: Stable isotopic signatures of water resources of metropolitan Adelaide region
- Date: 2017; Title: Stakeholders' Expectations of Rural Community-Based Medical Education in Thailand
- Date: 2017; Title: State of vulnerability: Australia-US cyber maturity
- Date: 2017; Title: Stranger: A creative writing researcher immerses herself in the Uncanny
- Date: 2017; Title: Strategy for Developing Effective Cyber Security on Cloud for SMEs
- Date: 2017; Title: Strength and Weakness with the Adoption of EHR Around the Globe with Recommendations for Australian My Health Record System
- Date: 2017; Title: Studies exploring the relationship between methotrexate use and blood pressure and arterial function in the rheumatoid arthritis population
- Date: 2017; Title: Studies towards the Total Synthesis of Natural Products: CR377 and Dolabriferol
- Date: 2017; Title: Substance dependency; Interventions for Indigenous people, what works where, how and for whom. A Critical Realist Syntheis
- Date: 2017; Title: Surface Modification of Chalcopyrite and Pyrite by Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans
- Date: 2017; Title: Surface water inundation mapping by remote sensing for Milingimbi Island, Northern Territory
- Date: 2017; Title: Texture Analysis Improves the Estimate of Bone Fracture Risk from DXA Images
- Date: 2017; Title: The application and validation of direct PCR from various substrates for forensic practice
- Date: 2017; Title: The Archaeology of World War II Karst Defences in the Pacific
- Date: 2017; Title: The contribution of imbalance between interhemispheric parietal – motor facilitation and visual neglect in healthy adults.
- Date: 2017; Title: The Development of a Next Generation Total Disc Replacement Prothesis
- Date: 2017; Title: The educational experiences of rural Thai ethnic students in Vietnam: Four case studies
- Date: 2017; Title: The Experiences of Parents of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Vietnam: A Preliminary Study Focusing on Access to Education
- Date: 2017; Title: The fire ecology of spiders: investigating the effects of fire on spiders at the individual and community level.
- Date: 2017; Title: The health of newly-arrived refugees in developed countries: what are some of the differences from the majority population?
- Date: 2017; Title: The Historical Development of Irish Euroscepticism to 2001
- Date: 2017; Title: The impact of a gender quota on gender equality in the Indonesian Parliament during the consolidation of democracy 2009-2014
- Date: 2017; Title: The Impact of Knowing: Causal Attributions and Beliefs about Risk Factors for Breast Cancer
- Date: 2017; Title: The Intergenerational Transmission of Eating Behaviour
- Date: 2017; Title: The lived experience of nursing in the emergency department during a disaster
- Date: 2017; Title: The moral status of children in child protection: a case for emerging from our moral ignorance
- Date: 2017; Title: The New Bush Telegraph
- Date: 2017; Title: The Novel as Textbook: Using Literature as a Teaching Material to Teach Greek as a Foreign Language to Adults
- Date: 2017; Title: The Optimal Survey Strategy; An in-depth guide to formulation of a data-specific cetacean survey.
- Date: 2017; Title: THE PARADOX OF NOLLYWOOD: The Structural Intricacies and Cultural Significance of the World’s Fastest-Growing Film Industry
- Date: 2017; Title: The Post 9/11 Blues or: How the West Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Situational Morality - Terrorism, Ethics and Creative Synthesis in the Post-Capitalist Thriller
- Date: 2017; Title: The potential of resistant starch to function as a novel infant prebiotic and enhance Zn bioavailability.
- Date: 2017; Title: The Presentation and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adulthood
- Date: 2017; Title: The Psychology of Hope
- Date: 2017; Title: The Role of Automatic Processing of Food Cues in Unhealthy Eating Behaviour
- Date: 2017; Title: The Role of Mothers’ Parenting Styles on Self-Regulated Academic Learning among Saudi Students in Primary Schools
- Date: 2017; Title: The Role of Neighbourhood Centres in Supporting New Arrivals to Integrate Into Life in South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: The Understandings of Credentialed Diabetes Educators and Patients about Teaching and Learning in Diabetes Education
- Date: 2017; Title: The Use of Human Cell Lines to Monitor the Cytotoxicity of Environmental Mixtures in Soil
- Date: 2017; Title: The use of packaged video modelling and video self-modelling techniques to facilitate conversational interactions for adolescents with autism, who use AAC
- Date: 2017; Title: The utility of autoantibodies as biomarkers in a well characterised Australian Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) Cohort
- Date: 2017; Title: The visibility of equity and socioeconomic determinants in Australian clinical practice guidelines.
- Date: 2017; Title: Total Synthesis of Phomapyrone B and Paecilopyrone A, and Two Serrulatanes from Eremophila neglecta
- Date: 2017; Title: Tourism Development in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh: The Impact on Indigenous Peoples (IPs)
- Date: 2017; Title: Towards a Polymeric Vertical Transistor
- Date: 2017; Title: Towards an objective and quantitative approach for coastal dolphin habitat: application to management and conservation
- Date: 2017; Title: Translating Occupy Toronto: Exploring movement network leadership, order and marginalisation across online-offline platforms
- Date: 2017; Title: Transmission pathways in reptile ticks
- Date: 2017; Title: Travel Time Reliability Estimation using GPS and GIS Integration
- Date: 2017; Title: Travelling together and sitting alongside: How might the use of mobile devices enhance the professional learning of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pre-service teachers in remote communities?
- Date: 2017; Title: Trophodynamics of plankton communities subjected to environmental fluctuations in an inverse estuary: A case study of the Coorong; South Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Understanding complex bioaccumulation process of inorganic Hg2+ from zooplankton by a novel aggregation-induced emission fluorogen
- Date: 2017; Title: Understanding the Gaps in Acute Coronary Syndrome Care in Australia
- Date: 2017; Title: Using a background-vernacularist approach to promote compliance with CEDAW, with reference to Egypt and Tunisia.
- Date: 2017; Title: Virtual Agents for Dementia: Personal Assistant, Trainer and Therapist
- Date: 2017; Title: Visuomotor associations with highly manipulable objects: Effects of task and social context
- Date: 2017; Title: Water-swellable rubber with nanotechnology-enabled super capacity as smart water-leakage sealant
- Date: 2017; Title: Waverley Women: Scott, Women and the Romance of the Archive
- Date: 2017; Title: Whakapapa (genealogy), a hermeneutical framework for reading biblical texts: A Māori woman encounters rape and violence in Judges 19-21.
- Date: 2017; Title: What I Should Be and What I Fear Becoming: Self-Discrepancies and Evaluation Concerns in Social Anxiety
- Date: 2017; Title: What was the experience of undergraduate disability and developmental education students undertaking a short-term international Work Integrated Learning (WIL) placement?
- Date: 2017; Title: Wheelchair and seating prescription practices: a service evaluation in a sub-acute rehabilitation centre
- Date: 2017; Title: Women as Witnesses to the Resurrection in Luke's Gospel: A Contemporary Woman's Reading
- Date: 2017; Title: Working and learning together in rural hospitals: Engaging across boundaries to enhance collaborative practice
- Date: 2018; Title: ‘The forgotten homeless children’ Health worker perceptions of the needs of children living with HIV AIDS in Arusha, Tanzania
- Date: 2018; Title: "They call It 'the job' because it isn't a job. That's the joke." Resilience among police in South Australia"
- Date: 2018; Title: 'The Love We Court:' Medieval Discourses of Love and the Performative Politics of Romantic Love
- Date: 2018; Title: 'Where did they come from?' Baseline stable isotope mapping of the Adelaide Plains
- Date: 2018; Title: (Re)forming Christian Education in Congregations as the Praxis of Growing Disciples for a Missional Church
- Date: 2018; Title: 6-DoF Modelling and Control of a Remotely Operated Vehicle
- Date: 2018; Title: A Gendered Analysis of the Impact of Poverty on Educational Progression Rates in Bangladesh
- Date: 2018; Title: A mathematical model for seasonal patterns of Dengue fever in Laos
- Date: 2018; Title: A Mathematical Programming Approach to Considering Value Dependencies in Software Requirement Selection
- Date: 2018; Title: A Neurophysiology Model that Makes Quantifiable Predictions of Geometric Visual Illusions
- Date: 2018; Title: A Randomised Controlled Trial of Bright Light Therapy and Physical Activity for Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder in Adolescents
- Date: 2018; Title: A Tall Poppy in a Small Field
- Date: 2018; Title: A Typological Assessment of Anchors used in Northern Europe During the Early and High Middle Ages, CE 750 - 1300
- Date: 2018; Title: Accounting for the groundwater impacts of plantation forests in the South East of South Australia
- Date: 2018; Title: Actors, implementation and implications of China’s climate-related energy policies: analyses of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Scheme (ECERS)
- Date: 2018; Title: Acupuncture in the Perinatal Period: Childbearing aged women's attitudes, beliefs and practices to using acupuncture during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period
- Date: 2018; Title: Adaptive evolution of hosts and parasites: how can species maintain high evolutionary rates and persist despite very low effective population sizes?
- Date: 2018; Title: Aligning Interests: Korea and the Evolution of the American-Australian Relationship, 1947-53
- Date: 2018; Title: Amberat Middens and the Palaeoenvironmental Record of the Inland Pilbara, Western Australia
- Date: 2018; Title: An Analysis of Surface Lithics at Calperum Station, Riverland, South Australia
- Date: 2018; Title: An Audit of Clinical Practice and the Implementation of Aphasia Language Impairment and Functioning Therapy (LIFT) in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting
- Date: 2018; Title: An Electron and Ion Scattering Spectroscopic Study of Interfaces for Organic Photovoltaic Applications
- Date: 2018; Title: An Empirical Study on Factors Affecting Learning of Programming: The Impact of Learning Culture on Outcomes
- Date: 2018; Title: An Examination and Theorisation of Consumer-Brand Relationship and its Link to Customer-Based Brand Equity
- Date: 2018; Title: An Examination into Colour of Package and Its Impact on Consumer Response: A Study from Indonesia and Bangladesh
- Date: 2018; Title: An examination of the moral reasoning abilities of Cypriot accounting students
- Date: 2018; Title: An exploration of the significance of prior clinical practice on the transition of DN graduates to the second year of a BN program
- Date: 2018; Title: An inquiry into the value of embedding English studies into the interdisciplinary program at the Australian Science and Mathematics School as a preparation for further studies and post-school work: A case study 2003 to 2010
- Date: 2018; Title: An Integrated and Empirically Tested Social Psychological Model of Whistleblowing
- Date: 2018; Title: An Investigation into Government-Based Services for the Women Victims of Domestic Violence in Central Java Province
- Date: 2018; Title: An investigation of the acceptance of mobile learning by high school students in the K-12 context in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2018; Title: An Investigation of the Critical Factors for Integration of ICT in Saudi Primary Schools: A Comprehensive Exploration of Teachers’, Principals’ and Students’ Points of View
- Date: 2018; Title: An investigation of the range of cervical spine movements incurred during spinal immobilisation procedures
- Date: 2018; Title: An investigation on the fretting wear and corrosion damage to the head neck interface of total hip replacement: A finite element modelling approach
- Date: 2018; Title: An investigation on thermal impact on space vehicle hydro control system
- Date: 2018; Title: Analysis of the Dye/Titania Interface as Photo-Anode in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
- Date: 2018; Title: Analysis of the role of sphingosine kinases and the host protein viperin in dengue virus replication and pathogenesis
- Date: 2018; Title: Analytical Complexity Required for Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Dementia
- Date: 2018; Title: Appraising the Relationship of Water and Sanitation with the Socio-economic Status of Women in North-western Nigeria
- Date: 2018; Title: Archives of the Australian Second Wave: History and Feminism after the Archival Turn
- Date: 2018; Title: Are We There Yet? A study of concepts and conflicts surrounding intellectual disability and adulthood
- Date: 2018; Title: Aspects of Transfusion Medicine
- Date: 2018; Title: Assessing Policies and Strategies to Reduce the Impact of Health Worker Shortages in Primary Health Care Facilities in Ghana
- Date: 2018; Title: Assessing the life history, ecological role and spatio-temporal movements of a neritic predator, the bronze whaler (Carcharhinus brachyurus)
- Date: 2018; Title: Assessment of incorporation of drugs into hair, extraction and analysis techniques, and potential interferences with hair analysis for drug detection
- Date: 2018; Title: Audio Visual Brain Computer Controlled Wheelchair
- Date: 2018; Title: Barriers and Facilitators of Introducing PISA in Mongolia
- Date: 2018; Title: Beyond Social Mission: Understanding how employees in Australian community service organisations experience their work as meaningful
- Date: 2018; Title: Beyond the 'rotten apples' assumption: creative contributions to the issue of men's violence
- Date: 2018; Title: Bilateral Active Contours
- Date: 2018; Title: Bioactive Compounds against Multidrug Resistant Bacteria Produced by an Endophytic Actinomadura sp.
- Date: 2018; Title: Boys, reading and constructions of masculinities
- Date: 2018; Title: Building capability in VET teachers
- Date: 2018; Title: Building Capacity to be Ethical: A Critical Enquiry Based in the South Australian Public Sector
- Date: 2018; Title: Can a Novel ‘Serious Gaming’ Technology Improve Upper Limb Sensation and Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy? A Population-based Cohort Study and Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial
- Date: 2018; Title: Carbon Nanotube-based Solar Cells
- Date: 2018; Title: Challenges and Opportunities for Achieving the Drinking Water Goal of the Mongolian Sustainable Development Vision (MSDV) 2030
- Date: 2018; Title: Characterisation and disaggregation of murine oviduct to support development of a bioprinted oviduct
- Date: 2018; Title: Characterising shape patterns with applications to biomedical image analysis
- Date: 2018; Title: Children as equal members of the Lord’s family: Revealing the historical influences on the Adventist Church’s understanding of the spiritual nature of children and Ellen White’s ideal of a Grace-filled home, church and school
- Date: 2018; Title: Clinical Prediction Rules in Hospitalised Patients
- Date: 2018; Title: Collaborative Visual Search
- Date: 2018; Title: Combination of Metformin and Valproic acid for prostate cancer treatment
- Date: 2018; Title: Comparison of Optical and Microwave Space Borne Sensors for Mapping of Tropical Forest Fragmentation in Bolivia
- Date: 2018; Title: Continuous Integration for Decentralised Development of Service-Based Software Systems
- Date: 2018; Title: Corporate Community Involvement as Part of Social Responsibility: Evidence from Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
- Date: 2018; Title: Creative responses to uncertainty: the representation of environmental change themes within recent fiction
- Date: 2018; Title: Decreasing Pro-Inflammatory Signalling as an Antidepressant Strategy in Pre-Clinical Models of Major Depressive Disorder
- Date: 2018; Title: Demography, habitat use and social structure of Australian humpback dolphins (Sousa sahulensis) around the North West Cape, Western Australia: Implications for conservation and management
- Date: 2018; Title: Design and Analysis of Single-Sided Line-Start Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Motor
- Date: 2018; Title: Design and Analysis of Three Phase Double Sided Rotor Line Start Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
- Date: 2018; Title: Design and Development of a Secure Compartmentalised 8-bit Architecture
- Date: 2018; Title: Design performance evaluation of Oaklands Park wetland through water quality analysis
- Date: 2018; Title: Designing an understandably Simple and Secure Smartphone: Designing the MEGAphone PCB schematic
- Date: 2018; Title: Developing a sustainable framework for managing the implementation and assessing the effectiveness of Point-of-Care Testing in remote settings
- Date: 2018; Title: Development and Evaluation of an Autonomous, Virtual Agent Based Social Skills Tutor for Children with Autism
- Date: 2018; Title: Development and validation of technologically advanced patient-reported outcome measures for retinal diseases
- Date: 2018; Title: Development of a Face Tracking Switch Access Solution for Clients with Severe and Multiple Disabilities
- Date: 2018; Title: Development of Biomaterial for 3D Bio-printed Oviduct Model
- Date: 2018; Title: Development of Item Banks to Measure Refractive Error-specific Quality-of-Life Parameters
- Date: 2018; Title: Dipeptidyl peptidases in gastrointestinal health and disease
- Date: 2018; Title: Disclosure of Fraud Control Information in Annual Reports as a Means of Discharging Accountability: A Study of the Australian Commonwealth Public Sector
- Date: 2018; Title: Discovery of potential neuroprotective compounds from marine sponges and algae
- Date: 2018; Title: Discrimination of neuropsychiatric disease using EEG and Neurophysiological Biomarker Toolbox (NBT)
- Date: 2018; Title: Drivers of organic, biodynamic, and/or sustainable wine production in South Australia
- Date: 2018; Title: Dysregulation of the complement alternative pathway during dengue virus infection: in vitro and in vivo evidence
- Date: 2018; Title: Ecological sustainability education in a neoliberal context: Negotiating and managing the paradox
- Date: 2018; Title: Ecology and social structure of southern Australian bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) along Adelaide’s metropolitan coast
- Date: 2018; Title: Edge Elimination in 2D Euclidean TSP
- Date: 2018; Title: Edmond Jabes's 'Infinite', 'Exploded' Book
- Date: 2018; Title: Effective Professional Development for Teachers in Rural Pakistan: Perceptions of Key Stakeholders
- Date: 2018; Title: Effects of Disc Injuries on the Mechanical Properties of the Lumber Disc
- Date: 2018; Title: Enhancing Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning through Guided Assessment Design
- Date: 2018; Title: Escape artists: Prison art, de-stigmatisation and the promise of redemption
- Date: 2018; Title: Ethics and Incentives for Patient Compliance
- Date: 2018; Title: Evaluation of Novel Strategies to Address the Challenges of Precision Dosing for Small Molecule Kinase Inhibitors
- Date: 2018; Title: Examination of a new, shorter cognitive behavioural therapy for non-underweight eating disorders: Effectiveness and predictive role of body image
- Date: 2018; Title: Exploring the Discursive Construction of the Drug Court Participant in Appellate Cases
- Date: 2018; Title: Exploring the factors which influence employment following spinal cord injury in Vietnam: A preliminary qualitative study
- Date: 2018; Title: Expressions of well-being and happiness in Les Grandes Marées and Le Vieux Chagrin by Jacques Poulin
- Date: 2018; Title: Factors Affecting Saudi Secondary School Students’ English Writing in Saudi Arabia: A Mixed Methods Study
- Date: 2018; Title: Factors shaping major histocompatibility complex diversity in an Australian dragon lizard
- Date: 2018; Title: Fake News: Examining the Power of Social Media by Demographics and National Culture
- Date: 2018; Title: Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Vibration Isolation System Using Parity Relation Technique
- Date: 2018; Title: Fault Detection and Diagnosis Using Beard-Jones Filter
- Date: 2018; Title: Feasibility Design of AIEgen Based Urine Test Strip for Early Detection of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Date: 2018; Title: Feasibility study on development of soft biosensors based on conductive elastomers
- Date: 2018; Title: Feasibility study on enhancing the bio-sensors detective limitation of anionic surfactants
- Date: 2018; Title: Finding a Way in the Dark: The Both/And of Feminist Revisionism
- Date: 2018; Title: Flax NLRs and the Equilibrium-Switch Model
- Date: 2018; Title: Foreign Aid in Bangladesh: Its Contributions to Economic Growth and Development
- Date: 2018; Title: From 'Ignorant Mothers' to 'Conscientious Fathers': Cornwall and the Vaccination Act, 1840-1907
- Date: 2018; Title: Future Stress On Water Quality Due To Climate Change And Human Related Activities In The Okavango Delta, Botswana Using Weap
- Date: 2018; Title: Futurist Performance and Marketing
- Date: 2018; Title: Generalising Dynamical 3-Space Theory through comparisons with Modified Newtonian Dynamics and the General Theory of Relativity
- Date: 2018; Title: Global Justice: A Rawlsian Perspective
- Date: 2018; Title: Globalisation and the Implication for Domestic Violence Against Women and Girls in Cambodia
- Date: 2018; Title: Green Solvent Processable Conjugated Polymers for Organic Photovoltaics
- Date: 2018; Title: Groundwater Assessment of the Peshawar District and its Potential for Future Demand
- Date: 2018; Title: Growth performance and biochemical profiles of Arthrospira spp. grown in a tubular Wuhan Friendship New Tech CO. LTD. photobioreactor
- Date: 2018; Title: Gut hormone secretion by enteroendocrine cells in human ileum and colon
- Date: 2018; Title: Health and Environmental Risks of Synthetic Nanoparticles Assessed by Human Cell Lines
- Date: 2018; Title: How has the Office of the Registrar of Aboriginal Corporations represented and positioned Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People?
- Date: 2018; Title: How health care managers weather change: Implications for management education programs
- Date: 2018; Title: Human-Nonhuman Animal Connectedness in Times of Disaster
- Date: 2018; Title: Identification of molecular markers linked to multiple rust resistance traits in Kazakh bread wheat
- Date: 2018; Title: Identity Crisis of Indigenous Peoples in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), Bangladesh
- Date: 2018; Title: Immured, Suspended, Provisioned: The Meaning of Home for People with Complex Communication (Access) Needs
- Date: 2018; Title: Impacts of sheep grazing on burrow use by spiders and pygmy bluetongue lizards (Tiliqua adelaidensis)
- Date: 2018; Title: Implementation of the Hexapod Cradle
- Date: 2018; Title: Incorporation of POSS into PVDF water filtration membranes
- Date: 2018; Title: Indonesian/English code-switching on social media: A paper exploring how to mengekspresikan diri through the switching of bahasa.
- Date: 2018; Title: Informing the Development of More Effective Prevention Interventions for Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating
- Date: 2018; Title: Institutionalised or Deinstitutionalised? (A Paradigm Shift to Practice in Social Workers' Views)
- Date: 2018; Title: Inter-aquifer connectivity: Investigating groundwater movement through a regional-scale aquitard using a multi-scale and multi-tracer approach
- Date: 2018; Title: Internet inclusivity of young people with a disability: Their own stories
- Date: 2018; Title: Investigating Cultural Values associated with the Coastal Wetlands in Northern Adelaide, South Australia
- Date: 2018; Title: Investigating the Memory Amplification Effect: Understanding the Role of Reality-Monitoring Errors
- Date: 2018; Title: Investigation of Environmental Reservoirs of Strongyloides stercoralis as Targets for Utilising Nematophagous Fungi as Potential Biocontrol Agents
- Date: 2018; Title: Investigation of Ligand Protected Gold Clusters on Defect Rich ALD Titania using Electron Spectroscopies
- Date: 2018; Title: Investigation of loading techniques to create thoracolumbar burst fractures
- Date: 2018; Title: Investigation of the Combinations of Loading and Facet Joint Contributions to Lumbar Disc Herniation
- Date: 2018; Title: Involvement of the Medial Column Ligaments in Biomechanically Simulated Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
- Date: 2018; Title: Italian Filmmakers in China after 1949: Transnational cinema and its cultural, economic, and political implications
- Date: 2018; Title: Kalman filter based fault detection and diagnosis
- Date: 2018; Title: Karlsbach (Baden), a semi-autobiographical account of post-World War Two Germany
- Date: 2018; Title: La lucha: to dialogue [The struggle: to dialogue (the word dialogue is crossed out)]
- Date: 2018; Title: Landscapes of Gender in Archaeology: Theory, discourse, practice
- Date: 2018; Title: Life Post Bariatric Surgery: The Experiences of People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Kuwait
- Date: 2018; Title: Linking in situ and ex situ management: Exploring vaccine immunogenicity and capture stress in the African Painted Dog (Lycaon pictus)
- Date: 2018; Title: Livelihood vulnerability assessment to climate change in a Vietnam coastal province
- Date: 2018; Title: Load Distribution During Strength Training for Athletes with Cerebral Palsy
- Date: 2018; Title: Loans for Infrastructure in Indonesia: The Role of Subnational Governments, Local Parliaments and Non-Governmental Organisations in Negotiating Project Governance
- Date: 2018; Title: Local item independence in large scale international assessments: the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) case
- Date: 2018; Title: Locating the “Sociopsychophysical” in One-on-one Kathakali Actor Training: Reconciling the “Old Social” with the “New Social” in an Australian Context
- Date: 2018; Title: Lost but Not Forgotten: The Significance of Nineteenth-Century American Brigs To a Developing Colonial Australia
- Date: 2018; Title: Malnutrition in older general medical inpatients: Identification, prevalence and benefits of early nutritional intervention
- Date: 2018; Title: Mandaeism: Ancient Gnostic Religion; Living Religious Faith
- Date: 2018; Title: Mapping change in rice cultivation using geospatial science in the Paro Valley, Bhutan from 1995-2011
- Date: 2018; Title: Mapping the health promotion benefits of Art Centres on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands: An Ethnographic Account
- Date: 2018; Title: Maritime RobotX: A Ball Launcher and Target Tracking System
- Date: 2018; Title: Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomic Analysis of Forensic Body Fluids, Fingermarks and Fingernail Traces
- Date: 2018; Title: Mathematical Models of Facilitated Diffusion Processes in Physiology
- Date: 2018; Title: Mentoring in the workplace: A study of mentoring in allied health and aged care sectors
- Date: 2018; Title: Microbial Distribution and Community Composition of the Bohai Sea in the North of China
- Date: 2018; Title: Mimicking Microbial Membranes
- Date: 2018; Title: Mindfulness as a transdiagnostic prevention programme in secondary schools
- Date: 2018; Title: Mission Planning for Field Robots using Symbolic Planning and Topology
- Date: 2018; Title: Mobile Learning Based ICT Training for Teachers in Indonesia
- Date: 2018; Title: Model membranes for drug-membrane interaction studies
- Date: 2018; Title: Modelling the water balance and hydrologic dynamics of a farm dam
- Date: 2018; Title: Molecular characterization of a ribosome-inactivating protein from Momordica sp: literature survey and bioinformatics analysis
- Date: 2018; Title: Movement patterns and bycatch of pelagic sharks in Australian waters
- Date: 2018; Title: MPEG-7-Aligned Spatiotemporal Video Annotation and Scene Interpretation via an Ontological Framework for Intelligent Applications in Medical Image Sequence and Video Analysis
- Date: 2018; Title: Nanoparticles enhanced fibre-reinforced polymer composites used in marine environment
- Date: 2018; Title: Nanostructure and mechanical properties of the elastic fibres in the inter-lamellar matrix of the annulus fibrosus: A multi-scale analysis of intervertebral disc integrity
- Date: 2018; Title: New Generation Titanium Alloys with Low Elastic Modulus for Orthopaedic Implants
- Date: 2018; Title: Non-Contact EEG Active Multielectrode Hardware Design
- Date: 2018; Title: Novel Solvent Systems for the Extraction of Plant Metabolites
- Date: 2018; Title: Oaklands Crossing Grade Separation Evaluation
- Date: 2018; Title: Obesity and foot pain: Studies of non-mechanical and mechanical mechanisms
- Date: 2018; Title: On the Mongolian Steppe: A Subsurface Investigation of Soyo, Northern Mongolia
- Date: 2018; Title: Online Optimization of Adaptive Vibration Control System of Dynamically Loaded Flexible Structures
- Date: 2018; Title: Optimizing an ICA-Wavelet Denoising Method for investigating EMGdi Reflexes
- Date: 2018; Title: Outcomes of a specialist Autism Spectrum Professional Development model for schools and students in South Australia
- Date: 2018; Title: Patients’ and carers’ views and their involvement in safety in Australian primary care
- Date: 2018; Title: Pedagogical Leadership in Myanmar: An Exploratory Study
- Date: 2018; Title: Pedagogical Strategies in Practical Report Writing and Teacher Perceptions of the IBDP Biology 2016 Internal Assessment: A Multiple Case Study
- Date: 2018; Title: Perceptions of the readiness and preparation of South Australian local coastal councils to cope with sea level rise
- Date: 2018; Title: Perceptions, défis et réalités de l’apprentissage des langues régionales dans le contexte de la mondialisation
- Date: 2018; Title: Performance Improvement for Distributed Adaptive Data Processing of Flexible-sized Mobile Devices Network
- Date: 2018; Title: Persistence and Space: An investigation into the archaeology of the Wenlock region in Cape York Peninsula, Queensland.
- Date: 2018; Title: Plant NLR Signalling Domains Self-Associate Preceding Signal Transduction
- Date: 2018; Title: Preserving Queries within Relational Databases
- Date: 2018; Title: Primary Mathematics Teachers’ Views about Using Online Assessment in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2018; Title: Protection of Personal Information used by IOT devices in Health Care
- Date: 2018; Title: Psychosocial well-being among Vietnamese adolescents with visual and physical disabilities
- Date: 2018; Title: Quantifying Suboptimal Automation Use
- Date: 2018; Title: Radically rethinking imprisonment: A Photovoice exploration of life in and after prison in South Australia
- Date: 2018; Title: Redemption Through Suffering: How Self-Punishment Restores Moral Identity
- Date: 2018; Title: Regulation of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A genes in the intestine
- Date: 2018; Title: Research with Egyptian Mummies A bioarchaeological approach to the past
- Date: 2018; Title: Researching the Acceptance and Use of Cloud Computing for Education and Administration in Saudi Arabian Universities
- Date: 2018; Title: Residential aged care and dementia: A health economic perspective
- Date: 2018; Title: Responsive to Whom? A Critical Analysis of Risk-Based and Responsive Regulation and its Application to Australian Pharmaceutical Industry
- Date: 2018; Title: Rethinking Women’s Political Agency in Mauritius: An Intersectional Feminist Perspective
- Date: 2018; Title: Role of Chemotherapeutics in Ovarian Failure
- Date: 2018; Title: Rural-urban labour migration, recruitment practices and precarious employment: The case of construction workers in Bangladesh
- Date: 2018; Title: Screening for Drought Tolerance Using Polymorphic SNP Markers in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
- Date: 2018; Title: Sensitivity of a strain measurement technique to detect disc injury using radiostereometric analysis
- Date: 2018; Title: Separating language difference from disorder for bilingual speakers
- Date: 2018; Title: Separation, the experience of nursing education and practice in Australia 1964-1994: an autoethnographic study
- Date: 2018; Title: Separator Design and Thermal Study of Ionic Liquid Electrolyte Lithium-ion Cells
- Date: 2018; Title: Setting the Scene: Preliminary Archaeological Investigations into the Submerged Continental Shelf of South Australia – Geomorphology, Context and Significance
- Date: 2018; Title: Singular spectral shift function for relatively trace class perturbations
- Date: 2018; Title: Social Perception in Group Scenes: Social context modulates perceptions of facial attractiveness
- Date: 2018; Title: Socio-cultural and Health Care Contexts of Perinatal Survival in Rural Mountain Villages of Nepal
- Date: 2018; Title: Sovereign Goddess: Looking for Gumillya the Bound and Unbound
- Date: 2018; Title: Spectroscopic Studies of 2D Nanomaterials
- Date: 2018; Title: Stability of Ampicillin Sodium
- Date: 2018; Title: Structural and Functional Characterisation of the A6-A11 Dicarba Insulin Analolgues
- Date: 2018; Title: SWAT for Land Vulnerability Assessment in Wonogiri Dam Catchment
- Date: 2018; Title: Synthesis of Conjugated Polymers and Small Molecules for Organic Light-Emitting Devices and Photodetectors
- Date: 2018; Title: Telerehabilitation Outcomes for Frail Aged Patients Following Fracture and Technology Uptake by Patients and Clinicians
- Date: 2018; Title: The conforming power of neoliberal violence in youth and hyper-governed young people’s stories of resistance
- Date: 2018; Title: The Correlation Between Maximum Shear-strain Analysis and MRI images in Lumbar Disc Herniation
- Date: 2018; Title: The Development and Evaluation of a Sensor-Enabled Abdominal Palpation Simulator
- Date: 2018; Title: The Development and evaluation of an avatar-based education application for improving the knowledge and response of patients with symptoms of acute coronary syndromes
- Date: 2018; Title: The discordance between policy and practice in the dietary management of diabetes in residential aged care: A mixed methods study
- Date: 2018; Title: The early evolution of jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes), with a special focus on sensory systems and the application of Bayesian phylogenetic methods
- Date: 2018; Title: The ecology of gene flow between two subspecies of thick-billed grasswren (Amytornis modestus)
- Date: 2018; Title: The effect of extended boiling on peanut allergenicity and its clinical implications
- Date: 2018; Title: The Effect of Handheld Technology Use on the Health and Education of Young Children
- Date: 2018; Title: The effect of schematic events and post-event information in the misinformation paradigm
- Date: 2018; Title: The Effectiveness of E-Learning Experience in Two Emerging Universities in Saudi Arabia from Instructor and Learner Perspectives
- Date: 2018; Title: The genomic profile of low frequency chromosome 17p deletion sub-clones in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia: detection and characterisation
- Date: 2018; Title: The Hunger Games: Examining the Securitisation of Food in the Peoples Republic of China and its effect on Chinese Foreign Policy
- Date: 2018; Title: The impact of microorganisms on the surface of pyrite: Implications for bioflotation
- Date: 2018; Title: The in vitro Characterisation of Drug-Drug Interactions Arising from Inhibition of Drug Metabolising Enzymes
- Date: 2018; Title: The Influence of Media Advertisement on Young People’s Intention to Attend a Cultural Festival in Adelaide
- Date: 2018; Title: The Joint Models for Non-Linear Longitudinal and Time-To-Event Data Using Penalized Splines
- Date: 2018; Title: The Legal Dimensions of Self Defence under Islamic Jurisprudence
- Date: 2018; Title: The lived experience of Lao families having a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Date: 2018; Title: The mindfulness of seminaria: A heuristic inquiry with teachers and leaders uncovers a poetry path to wellbeing
- Date: 2018; Title: The Oestrogen Receptor: A Novel Therapeutic Target in Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma
- Date: 2018; Title: The reachable set and safety guarantee
- Date: 2018; Title: The Reduction of Food Cravings and the Elaborated-Intrusion Theory of Desire
- Date: 2018; Title: The Relationship Between Cognitive Biases and Delusional Beliefs Across the Psychosis Continuum
- Date: 2018; Title: The Relationship between Play and Oral Language Development for 4 – 6 Year Olds in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2018; Title: The Representations of Transgender Persons in Vietnamese Online Media
- Date: 2018; Title: The Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Social, Economic And Environmental Implications For The Local Community In Bangladesh
- Date: 2018; Title: The Role of Autologous Fat Grafting for Breast Reconstruction
- Date: 2018; Title: The Role of Community-Based Surveillance (POKMASWAS) in Combating Illegal Fishing in Indonesia
- Date: 2018; Title: The Role of Enterochromaffin Cells as Sensors in the Gastrointestinal Lumen
- Date: 2018; Title: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment on Trade and Technology Innovation in Southeast Asia with Particular Reference to Timor-Leste
- Date: 2018; Title: The role of post-settlement processes in determining fouling assemblages on artificial reefs
- Date: 2018; Title: The role of remittances in improving family wellbeing and supporting the transition to sustainable livelihoods.
- Date: 2018; Title: The Role of the Silica Frustule in Diatom Carbon Acquisition and Photosynthesis
- Date: 2018; Title: The Sea Peoples: The warriors behind the infamy
- Date: 2018; Title: The Seventh-Century Punjulharjo Boat from Indonesia: A study of the early Southeast Asian lashed-lug boatbuilding tradition
- Date: 2018; Title: The Study of the Local Government Efficacy Evaluation in China from the Perspective of Governance Transformation
- Date: 2018; Title: The use of reading comprehension strategies and individual differences: a case study of two Italian university students
- Date: 2018; Title: The use of spiritual language in reflection impacts the identity and behaviour of primary aged students as they develop their spirituality through engaging with the Australian Curriculum
- Date: 2018; Title: The Use of Symbols on Victorian Cemetery Monuments for Anglican and Catholic Religious Group Identification and Differentiation: Urban versus Rural Cultural Contexts, Adelaide, South Australia (1870-1899)
- Date: 2018; Title: The World Is Not Mine: Factors and Issues of Rural Elderly Women’s Access to Modern Healthcare Services in Bangladesh
- Date: 2018; Title: Three-Dimensional Displacement Mapping of Carbon Fibre Bicycle Frames using Digital Image Correlation
- Date: 2018; Title: To be fully herself: Autobiographies of Trauma, Flow, and Resilience in Knitting Literature (Knit Lit)
- Date: 2018; Title: Treatment of Patients with Co-morbid Insomnia and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Date: 2018; Title: Typical 2-Cys Peroxiredoxins in the Alveolata
- Date: 2018; Title: Ultrasound Based Blood Pressure Processing Monitoring and Acquisition
- Date: 2018; Title: Using a Smartphone for Point-of-Care Urinalysis of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Date: 2018; Title: Using Recurrent Neural Networks and Learner Corpus to Detect and Correct Preposition Errors by English Learners
- Date: 2018; Title: Using the diffusion model to investigate the cognitive processes responsible for attentional and interpretation biases in anxiety and depression: The benefits outweigh the challenges
- Date: 2018; Title: Utility of PIECE-dem as a practice tool: a tool focusing on the perspective of people with advanced dementia in residential aged care
- Date: 2018; Title: Visual Cognitive Behavioural Intervention: An Adaptation of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for People with Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Difficulties
- Date: 2018; Title: Was that just a Strange Coincidence or am I Psychic? Examining the Relationships Between Anomalistic Belief, Reasoning, and Cognitive Bias
- Date: 2018; Title: Wasted Space: The Suffering Female Body in the Works of Emily and Charlotte Brontë
- Date: 2018; Title: Water as a public good: A critical review of water governance in Nauli City
- Date: 2018; Title: What factors influence midwives’ practice in relation to women’s oral intake during labour?
- Date: 2018; Title: Why Become Self-employed? A Microeconomic Analysis of Self-employment in the Australian Labour Market
- Date: 2018; Title: Wild Landscapes of the Self: Embodiment, Eco-Autobiography, and Contemporary Memoir About Place
- Date: 2018; Title: Women and HIV: transformative stories in magazines and the internet as a potential mechanism to address stigma, isolation and prevention of HIV transmission in Australian women
- Date: 2018; Title: Women faculty members’ work and lives in state Islamic universities in Indonesia
- Date: 2018; Title: Women Workers in the Ready-Made Garments Industry in Bangladesh: The challenges of empowerment using Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach
- Date: 2018; Title: You Me Her: A heteronormative representative of polyamory?
- Date: 2019; Title: ‘HOW DO YOU DO IT?’: How Exotic Dancers in Australia Manage Stigma to Maintain Positive External Identities
- Date: 2019; Title: ‘They call me a bad girl’: a feminist analysis of agentic behaviour in pregnant adolescents in Thailand
- Date: 2019; Title: ‘Time, fatigue, money’ Understanding the Personal Cost of Continuity of Care Experiences on Midwifery Students.
- Date: 2019; Title: ‘What’s Going on in My Cyber World?’ A Mixed Methods Study of Chinese University Students’ Involvement in Cyber Aggression
- Date: 2019; Title: “All Things Are Connected”: An auto-ethnography of archaeological practice with and for the Ngarrindjeri Nation
- Date: 2019; Title: “We’re the backbone, not the backseat”: Aboriginal insights into service provision for wellbeing and health
- Date: 2019; Title: Study of the interaction between endophytic actinobacteria and lentil crop
- Date: 2019; Title: 'Accountability matters'. Nurses' accountability enactment for consumer involvement in care planning in one Australian inpatient unit
- Date: 2019; Title: A cross-disciplinary study on formulating child health policy with a focus on the social determinants of health – an Australian perspective
- Date: 2019; Title: A disjuncture of world views: manifestation in burns care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: A Formal Analysis of Rock Art in Kuuku I’yu Ngaachi, Cape York Peninsula, Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: A Living Archive: An Archaeology of Culturally Modified Trees at Calperum Station in the South Australian Riverland
- Date: 2019; Title: A randomised controlled trial evaluating the use of a self-management support intervention program to improve the quality of life in obese osteoarthritis patients awaiting hip or knee arthroplasty
- Date: 2019; Title: A spatio-temporal model for cancellous bone at the tissue scale
- Date: 2019; Title: A Study of Chemical and Plasma Deposition of Organosilane Thin Films
- Date: 2019; Title: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of a Photochromic RAFT Agent and the Photoiniferter Effect
- Date: 2019; Title: Adaptive MIMO vibration cancellation in plate structures - design online controller based on PPF control strategy
- Date: 2019; Title: Adult relatives’ understandings of the migratory loss experiences of their Chinese immigrant elders and their support strategies
- Date: 2019; Title: Advanced Integrated Treatment of Pig Slurry for Algal Biomass Production and Improved Pig Health
- Date: 2019; Title: Age Differences in Emotion Regulation Strategy Use and Efficacy in Daily Life
- Date: 2019; Title: Algorithm for Cluster History Characterisation and Cluster Association: A graph based approach
- Date: 2019; Title: Algorithms for Solving Variations of the Traveling Salesman Problem
- Date: 2019; Title: An analysis of the options taken by translators of key terms and a key acronym of Spanish- English translations of works on liberation theology
- Date: 2019; Title: An efficient heuristic for crossing minimisation and its applications
- Date: 2019; Title: An Examination of Resilience and Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Treatment of Anxiety and Depressive Disorders
- Date: 2019; Title: An exploration of teaching strategies and methods that contribute to successful outcomes and bring positive change when English is taught as a Foreign Language (EFL) at tertiary level in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
- Date: 2019; Title: An investigation into how district educational leaders understand and work with rural schools and their communities toward achieving universal primary education in Lao PDR
- Date: 2019; Title: An Investigation into the Mechanisms Underlying the Memory Amplification Effect
- Date: 2019; Title: Analysis of compounds related to the synthesis of amphetamine type stimulants in wastewater and their stability
- Date: 2019; Title: Analysis of Internal Strains and Mechanics during Simulated Repetitive Lifting Motions in Human Lumber Spinal Segments
- Date: 2019; Title: Analysis of public transport options for Adelaide’s Western suburbs
- Date: 2019; Title: Analysis of the ontogeny of regional endothermy in Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) and the effects of feed restriction in yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi)
- Date: 2019; Title: Application of Fisher Kolmogorov equation for the study of breast cancer tumour
- Date: 2019; Title: Application of Geographically Weighted Regression for Mass Valuation using the Indonesian Land Agency Dataset for Bekasi, Indonesia
- Date: 2019; Title: Applying visualisation to map the innovation ecosystem in identifying product opportunities
- Date: 2019; Title: Arboreal Lichen Distribution on Native and Introduced Trees along a Climate Gradient in South Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Archaeo-Geophysics – Mapping The Magnetic, Resistive and Electromagnetic Past A geophysical study of Indigenous Earth Mounds at Calperum Nature Reserve, South Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Archaeology in the Long Grass: a study of Aboriginal fringe camps, Darwin, Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Aspiration, education and entrepreneurship: identifying changes in lifestyle aspirations of Filipina informal settlers over space and time
- Date: 2019; Title: Assessing learning progression in the domain of fractions
- Date: 2019; Title: Assessing shoreline change associated with the Cape Jaffa Marina, South Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Assessing the oral language skills of bilingual preschool children with variable language experience: The exploration of a dynamic assessment approach
- Date: 2019; Title: Assessment of Darlington Upgrade using microsimulation
- Date: 2019; Title: Assessment of the persistence and transference of inorganic gunshot residues
- Date: 2019; Title: Asset declaration system in Vietnam: lessons for other countries
- Date: 2019; Title: Associations between biota and substrata on rocky seashores in temperate southern Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Bayesian Inference of Non-homogeneous Gaussian Hidden Markov Models
- Date: 2019; Title: Bearing capacity of footings on undrained soft clays
- Date: 2019; Title: Beliefs, Desires, & Hybrids: An Examination of the Content of Moral Judgements
- Date: 2019; Title: Birthing the Melayu Baru: Gender, Family and Malay-Muslim Identity
- Date: 2019; Title: Bite or flight: stable isotope analysis of teeth to reconstruct hominin prey lifeways in the Middle Pleistocene of France and Israel.
- Date: 2019; Title: Brain connectivity during different sleep stages using EEG and NIRS
- Date: 2019; Title: Branching profiles for characterising irregularly shaped objects
- Date: 2019; Title: Calculation of femoral strain during normal activities using efficient computational methods
- Date: 2019; Title: Cervantes: the life and legacy of an American whaler
- Date: 2019; Title: Challenges and opportunities of vertical flows in long-screened and open borehole wells for quantitative groundwater investigation
- Date: 2019; Title: Characterisation of sensory neurons innervating murine skeletal muscle, focusing on one class of Group III afferents
- Date: 2019; Title: Chemical tools for detecting cysteine sulfenic acid
- Date: 2019; Title: Choreographing human-companion animal relationships
- Date: 2019; Title: Clergy and Cultural Intelligence: A Study of the Foundational Capacity of Clergy to Function Effectively as Multicultural Leaders in Multiethnic Communities Within the Baptist and Uniting Church Denominations in South Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Client and staff experiences of goal setting and attainment in Transition Care Program
- Date: 2019; Title: Climate Change, Migration and Conflict: A study of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in Bangladesh
- Date: 2019; Title: Cognitive Bias Modification in Eating Disorders: An Investigation into the Extent to which Appearance and Self-worth Related Biases Influence Risk for Eating Disorder Psychopathology
- Date: 2019; Title: Community perceptions and acceptability of malaria vector control interventions in upper western Ghana
- Date: 2019; Title: Consumer Directed Care in The Community Aged Care Sector: A Health Economics Perspective
- Date: 2019; Title: Contemporary Japanese fashion as a vehicle of soft power: A case study of Cool Japan in Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Control Interface using Gestures for the ABC wheelchair
- Date: 2019; Title: Creation of circumferential tears in ovine lumbar intervertebral discs
- Date: 2019; Title: Data visualisation and decision support for innovation management
- Date: 2019; Title: Decentralization and human development in Indonesia: A case study of special autonomy of Papua Province
- Date: 2019; Title: Decolonising thinking about HIV/AIDS in West Papua: colonialism, sexuality, and HIV prevention among Kamoro people
- Date: 2019; Title: Defining the functions of Wnt/β-catenin signalling in muscle stem cells
- Date: 2019; Title: Design and image processing of home–based medical devices for CKD monitoring
- Date: 2019; Title: Design and Implementation of a Neonatal Warming Blanket with Temperature Regulation Functionality
- Date: 2019; Title: Design of an automated flight planning and fleet allocation tool that optimises the delivery of water from water sources
- Date: 2019; Title: Desired and achieved fertility of the women of Tehran
- Date: 2019; Title: Detecting cropping activities using Landsat and SPOT-6 imagery in Kerinci Seblat National Park, Indonesia
- Date: 2019; Title: Detecting mineralisation with hydrogeochemistry in western Victoria, Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Determinants of nutritional outcomes and challenges of nutritional programs in HIV care in Tigray region, Ethiopia: A mixed methods study
- Date: 2019; Title: Development and application of fatty acid tracers to assess the impacts of white shark cage-diving on target and non-target species
- Date: 2019; Title: Development and evaluation of an interactive avatar-based educational application to improve heart failure patients’ knowledge and self-care behaviours
- Date: 2019; Title: Development and implementation of an artificial intelligence system for assessing corrosion damage at stem taper of hip replacement implants: A retrieval study
- Date: 2019; Title: Development and implementation of quality of life measures in head and neck cancer patients
- Date: 2019; Title: Development of a device for monitoring heart rate during Positive Airway Pressure therapy
- Date: 2019; Title: Development of electronic motor control prototype for vehicle shock absorber
- Date: 2019; Title: Development of Silver-doped Phosphate Glasses for Radio Photoluminescence Glass Dosimeter
- Date: 2019; Title: Diets of the Macropodidae inferred through Dental Microwear Texture Analysis
- Date: 2019; Title: Do ‘dead men tell no tales’? Geographic origin of a mid-19th to early 20th century Anglican cemetery population in Adelaide, South Australia determined by strontium and oxygen isotope analyses of tooth enamel and dentine
- Date: 2019; Title: Documentary archaeology of Indigenous peoples engagements with maritime fishing industries in western Cape York Peninsula
- Date: 2019; Title: Early and Middle Pleistocene non-passerine bird fossils from the Thylacoleo Caves, Nullarbor Plain
- Date: 2019; Title: Early dynamic ultrasound in the assessment and management of neonatal instability of the hip: An intervention through health literacies to transform rural and regional health
- Date: 2019; Title: Effectiveness of the strategic use of antiretroviral therapy in improving engagement of high-risk people to the HIV continuum of care in Indonesia
- Date: 2019; Title: Effects of a sensory integration intervention on behaviours of students with Autism: engagement, social and emotional behaviours
- Date: 2019; Title: Effects of visual supports with and without systematic instruction on the acquisition of daily living skills for students with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability
- Date: 2019; Title: Efficient texture descriptors for localisation of masses in local dense background of a mammogram
- Date: 2019; Title: Electrical stochastic resonance system : design of a miniaturised electrical stochastic resonance device
- Date: 2019; Title: Encapsulation of fish oil using H2O2-oxidative modified sodium alginate and carrageenan mixture to reduce oil leakage
- Date: 2019; Title: Energy and related factors in sustaining mobile telecommunications in disaster contexts
- Date: 2019; Title: Energy Storage and Solar PV comparison for Grid-Connected Australian Households (Gas-Electricity against Electricity Consumption)
- Date: 2019; Title: Evaluating the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours of Nursing Students in Kuwait
- Date: 2019; Title: Evaluation of Agricultural Land Transitions on Urban Fringes
- Date: 2019; Title: Evaluation of the accuracy of the Fitbit Zip in clinical populations
- Date: 2019; Title: Evaluation of the implementation of an occupational therapy based dementia care program in the Australian health and aged context
- Date: 2019; Title: Examination of the potential for glass-containing gunshot residues to improve forensic gunshot residue interpretation
- Date: 2019; Title: Exploration of electrospinning methods for fabricating synthetic human knee ligaments
- Date: 2019; Title: Exploring the outcomes of participation in the SSAYiT transition program for youth with cognitive difficulties
- Date: 2019; Title: Expression analysis of HvSAP genes encoding Stress-Associated Proteins in response to salinity and drought stresses in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
- Date: 2019; Title: Extending Attention Span for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder through a Webcam/Mouse Directed Attentive User Interface
- Date: 2019; Title: Fabrication of Nano-materials Using Vortex Fluidic Devices and Their Biomedical Applications
- Date: 2019; Title: Facilitators to Successful Service Engagement of people with Disabilities from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Background;
- Date: 2019; Title: Failed arthroplasty of the elbow
- Date: 2019; Title: Family caregivers' experiences of caring for elderly women undergoing treatment for breast cancer in Thailand
- Date: 2019; Title: Feasibility study on developing embedded system for PFAS detection in drinking water
- Date: 2019; Title: Finite element analysis of implanted proximal tibia
- Date: 2019; Title: Geophysical and geotechnical assessments of a submerged Ertebølle settlement in Horsens Fjord, Denmark
- Date: 2019; Title: Good Faith in Australian and European Contract Law - Theory, Comparison and Reform
- Date: 2019; Title: Health worker perceptions about factors that contribute to infant mortality in Indonesia
- Date: 2019; Title: Hemispheric Contributions to Visuospatial Attention and Emotional Processing
- Date: 2019; Title: Herbicidal activity of marine sponge associated actinobacteria against herbicide-resistant ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) on greenhouse trial
- Date: 2019; Title: High-concentration nanofluids prepared from functionalised silica nanoparticles: synthesis optimisation and investigation of rheological properties
- Date: 2019; Title: HIV Care Continuum in Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia: A Multiphase Mixed Methods Study
- Date: 2019; Title: Hollywood's interwar trade practices and their impact on screen content in a political crisis
- Date: 2019; Title: How do People Behave towards the Environment? A Case Study of South Sumatra Province, Indonesia
- Date: 2019; Title: Hypertension management for older people with diabetes in Nanchang, China: from evidence-base to outcomes
- Date: 2019; Title: Identification of children's threat-related interpretation bias following trauma and the evaluation of a cognitive bias training intervention
- Date: 2019; Title: Illegal Migration in the South Asian Seas: A Critical Review
- Date: 2019; Title: Image Enhancement and its Applications
- Date: 2019; Title: Impact of Spatial Resolution on Mapping Urban Vegetation from Space
- Date: 2019; Title: Improving the statistical evaluation of forensic DNA evidence
- Date: 2019; Title: In critically ill patients, should nutrition support prescription be individualised to their mortality risk and nutritional status?
- Date: 2019; Title: Inclusion of children living with disability in Early Childhood Education and Development programs in Nepal: construction of a stakeholder informed framework
- Date: 2019; Title: Indonesian Women’s Involvement in Islamist Movements: From Da’wa To Women’s Empowerment
- Date: 2019; Title: Induction of Pancreatic beta Cell Stress by Functional Anti-Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel Autoantibodies in Type 1 Diabetes
- Date: 2019; Title: Instructors’ and learners’ perceptions of English grammar instruction for developing language proficiency: A mixed methods study within Saudi Arabia and Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Integrated water resources management for transboundary catchments in Indonesia: A case study of Krueng Aceh Catchment, Aceh Province
- Date: 2019; Title: Intelligent system of a wheelchair with a Kinect camera and Arduino board
- Date: 2019; Title: Introducing universal model-free multivariable Adaptive Neural Network Controllers for MIMO systems
- Date: 2019; Title: Inundation modelling for mapping the hydraulic response of wetlands using hydraulic structures for management of aquatic fauna: a case study for Sugar Shack complex
- Date: 2019; Title: Investigating the Anthropocene influence on temperate fish assemblages through Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations (BRUVS)
- Date: 2019; Title: Investigating the relationship between surface water and dengue fever incidence. A case study: Vientiane Capital, Laos
- Date: 2019; Title: Investigating the uniqueness of 'The Collective' in managing the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary (AIBS)
- Date: 2019; Title: Investigation of Interfaces Formed of High Workfunction Metal Oxides with Conjugated Polymers
- Date: 2019; Title: Isolation and characterization of uncultured bacteria from wheat seeds, soil and sponge
- Date: 2019; Title: James William Gleeson, Archbishop of Adelaide
- Date: 2019; Title: Knowledge & power in 1 Samuel 3: A narrative-critical reading
- Date: 2019; Title: Lay people’s understanding of God’s forgiveness of sins: A hermeneutical comparison of John 20:19-23 between exegetes and lay people
- Date: 2019; Title: Leachate of Brukunga Mine site - A reactive modelling study
- Date: 2019; Title: Leading the Minority Church
- Date: 2019; Title: Lexical differences between spoken and written English among Year 12 students in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2019; Title: Liberation Theology and Autonomous Marxism in a Conspiratorial Folly of Hope: Toward a Hermeneutic of Theopolitical Subversion
- Date: 2019; Title: Literature and Moral Sense
- Date: 2019; Title: Lived experiences of people with complex communication needs: Romantic and sexual relationships
- Date: 2019; Title: Long term clinical outcomes following laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication
- Date: 2019; Title: Machine learning in personalised medicine
- Date: 2019; Title: Managing pregnant women with obesity in country South Australia: the perspectives of primary care maternity providers
- Date: 2019; Title: Mapping the temporal dynamics during audio-visual speech processing using connectivity analysis
- Date: 2019; Title: Marx and scientific realism: a Lockean perspective
- Date: 2019; Title: Maternal Feeding Strategies and Young Children's Snack Intake
- Date: 2019; Title: Measuring Minor Party Impact: The Australian Greens in a Changing Party System
- Date: 2019; Title: Meta discovery and role-based matchmaking (MEDIROMA)
- Date: 2019; Title: Microencapsulation of Omega-3 fatty acids for enhancing their stability
- Date: 2019; Title: Mid-Late Holocene Populations at the Fénix Archaeological Complex, Valparaíso Region of Central Chile: An Investigation into Diet and Mobility through Isotope and Elemental Analyses
- Date: 2019; Title: Municipal solid waste management in a rapidly urbanising area in Thailand: Barriers and recommendations
- Date: 2019; Title: Musculoskeletal modelling for hip joint replacement
- Date: 2019; Title: Music from biosignals
- Date: 2019; Title: Networked Security in the Western Pacific: A Web Without a Spider?
- Date: 2019; Title: New methods for exploring gastrointestinal disorders and diseases based on electrical bioimpedance and optical fibre sensing
- Date: 2019; Title: Normalising the Elevated, or Elevating the Normal? A linguistic and theological discussion of the use of language in the Uniting Church Communion liturgy.
- Date: 2019; Title: Numerical modelling of a railway ballast with a heterogeneous medium
- Date: 2019; Title: Older health care workers’ lived experience of promoting health in work life
- Date: 2019; Title: Optimisation and impact assessment of novel protective guards used in cricket
- Date: 2019; Title: Optimisation of static and dynamic DNA conditions for biosensing and antimicrobial applications
- Date: 2019; Title: Performance evaluation of floating wetland with emergent macrophytes for treatment of domestic wastewater
- Date: 2019; Title: Predicting Performance in the Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination by Cognitive Abilities of the Test Takers
- Date: 2019; Title: Primary healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: challenges in health system reform
- Date: 2019; Title: Primary school Indonesian teachers' perception of the benefits of Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS)
- Date: 2019; Title: Privacy and Security Issues of Wearables in Healthcare
- Date: 2019; Title: Problematizing 'financial support' of women within social welfare policies and practices in Makati City, Philippines
- Date: 2019; Title: Process improvements for the extraction of DNA from skeletonized human remains
- Date: 2019; Title: Profiling Users of Technology Used to Deliver Disaster Warning Messages (Study of SMS for early warning messages in Semarang, Indonesia)
- Date: 2019; Title: Projecting water demand and availability under climate change through the application of WEAP in the Nam Ngum downstream area, Laos
- Date: 2019; Title: Promoting emigration to South Australia from Britain 1829 – c1850: The importance of newspapers and other literature to the South Australian Colonisation Project
- Date: 2019; Title: Psychological and Environmental Contributors to Incidental Physical Activity
- Date: 2019; Title: Public Health Nutrition Engagement in Food Regulation Policy: A Critical Analysis of Voluntary Food Fortification Policy in Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Qualitative descriptive study of decision-making factors that influence women’s and men’s choices towards place of birth in rural Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea
- Date: 2019; Title: Quantitating tonic muscle activity in head and neck for artefact removal or disease understanding
- Date: 2019; Title: Realisation of the use of computational model as part of TKA surgical planning
- Date: 2019; Title: Recognition of the flax rust fungal effector, AvrM, by the M flax rust resistance protein
- Date: 2019; Title: Reflection Infrared Spectral Signatures of Vehicle Paints
- Date: 2019; Title: Relationships in cyberspace: experiences of adults living with intellectual disability, accessing internet-based social media to explore sexuality and develop relationships.
- Date: 2019; Title: Respiratory effort and other pathophysiological mechanisms of obstructive sleep apnoea
- Date: 2019; Title: Respiratory rehabilitation through an assistive electronic trumpet
- Date: 2019; Title: Responses to school bullying in Saudi Arabia and how these responses are reflective of educational policy
- Date: 2019; Title: Rock art and Yura malka: A study on the relevance of archaeological rock art practices and theories from Adnyamathanha perspectives
- Date: 2019; Title: Rohingya refugee influx and instability nexus: a case study of Bangladesh
- Date: 2019; Title: Roof Harvested Rainwater in the Adelaide Region, South Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Saudi Women’s Understanding of the Stereotypes They Experience at Flinders University
- Date: 2019; Title: School factors contributing to successful academic and personal outcomes for low SES students
- Date: 2019; Title: Searching for intelligence in the sleeping brain: The relationship between adolescent sleep spindles and cognitive performance
- Date: 2019; Title: Secondary Teacher Attitudes Toward Computer-Based Devices in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2019; Title: Secret and Safe: Exploring the archaeology of concealed artefacts from the Ladies’ Cottage of an Australian mental asylum
- Date: 2019; Title: Security issues in the health field with the use of augmented reality
- Date: 2019; Title: Seeing through the smoke: using airborne or ground-based consumer-grade DSLR cameras in fire monitoring
- Date: 2019; Title: Selection into Vocational Medical Training
- Date: 2019; Title: Self, Identity and the Philosophy of Person-Centred Care
- Date: 2019; Title: Self-Organising Maps and Embodied Conversational Agents for Computer Aided Language Learning
- Date: 2019; Title: Selling the artwork, not the label: exploring the experiences of artists with cognitive impairment towards professional recognition
- Date: 2019; Title: Sexual health literacy of autistic young women: A qualitative systematic review
- Date: 2019; Title: Sign-to-Text: Putting the 'language' into Sign Language Recognition
- Date: 2019; Title: Significant impacts of different types of alginate on the encapsulation stability of fish oil
- Date: 2019; Title: Simulating flight from an insect’s perspective: determining whether or not filmed interactions involving Eristalis tenax hoverflies are pursuits
- Date: 2019; Title: Sleep Restriction Therapy as a Transdiagnostic Intervention for Insomnia and Anxiety in Middle Childhood
- Date: 2019; Title: South Australia’s special school co-location reforms: inclusion or illusion?
- Date: 2019; Title: Soy in Uruguay from 1961-2016: how the adoption of soy has influenced agricultural production systems and land-use
- Date: 2019; Title: Spiritual Affections and the Pastoral Disposition
- Date: 2019; Title: State, Development and Indigenous People of Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
- Date: 2019; Title: STEM Subject Choice: Factors that influence the decisions of Australian students entering Year 12
- Date: 2019; Title: Stepping up or stepping out? Volunteer leaders in Australian grassroots associations
- Date: 2019; Title: Strongyloides stercoralis in Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Student Aggression and Victimisation in the Filipino Context
- Date: 2019; Title: Study on timely diagnosis of dementia and support for caregivers of people with dementia in community care settings
- Date: 2019; Title: Surface water balance and future water demands under environmental flow requirements, Nam Xong Watershed, Laos
- Date: 2019; Title: Surface water detection using Sentinel radar imagery compared with flood modelling: a case study in Townsville, Australia
- Date: 2019; Title: Synthesis of naphthalene diimide structures for application in polymer solar cells
- Date: 2019; Title: The association between health literacy and knowledge, and self-care in heart failure patients
- Date: 2019; Title: The Cardio-Metabolic Effects of Low Dose Glucocorticoids and the Treatment of Prednisolone-Induced Hyperglycaemia
- Date: 2019; Title: The characterisation of uranium materials for materials provenancing in nuclear forensics
- Date: 2019; Title: The collecting behaviour conundrum...or not: a community as the Amazon shipwreck in Inverloch, Victoria
- Date: 2019; Title: The Creativity of Social Action and the Social Imaginaries Field: Cornelius Castoriadis and Paul Ricoeur in Dialogue.
- Date: 2019; Title: The Design and Development of a Novel Sports Agility Tester
- Date: 2019; Title: The Development of Forensic DNA Techniques to Assist with Criminal Investigations involving the Australasian Carpet Python (Morelia spilota)
- Date: 2019; Title: The ecological and genetic risks of translocation
- Date: 2019; Title: THE EDGE OF CONSTRUCTING OURSELVES: An Appreciative Investigation of the experiences of School Leaders in an Online Community of Practice.
- Date: 2019; Title: The emotional and behavioural functioning of children in early childhood engaged in a social and emotional learning program with a specific focus on self-control
- Date: 2019; Title: The end-to-end demonstration of health IoT data capture, transfer, manipulation, feedback and visualization using “CISCO Kinetic” platform
- Date: 2019; Title: The enzymology of human drug and chemical glucosidation
- Date: 2019; Title: The evaluation and improvement of the maximum entropy production (MEP) evapotranspiration method at graduated spatial scales – point, catchment and continental scales
- Date: 2019; Title: The Experiences of Parents in Providing Behaviour Support To Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Quang Binh, Vietnam
- Date: 2019; Title: The impact of a pharmacist involvement in a multidisciplinary team on the management of patients with heart failure
- Date: 2019; Title: The impacts of growing tourism on local communities: A case study of historical sites in Panyu, China
- Date: 2019; Title: The impacts of irrigation to the hydrological processes in the unsaturated zone beneath almond grove orchards
- Date: 2019; Title: The influence of Australian English (AusE) language use on life satisfaction and employment prospects of skilled Bangladeshi Migrants in Adelaide
- Date: 2019; Title: The institutional impact of political–criminal alliances: a transnational perspective
- Date: 2019; Title: The Limits of an Acceptable Deviation: A creative-led study of non-binary gender performances in gender-fluid science fiction
- Date: 2019; Title: The lives and adjustment patterns of juvenile lifers
- Date: 2019; Title: The lung microbiome in chronic airway disease: determinants and clinical implications
- Date: 2019; Title: The Microbial Ecology of the Paediatric Oral Microbiome in Healthy and Sleep Disorder Breathers
- Date: 2019; Title: The nature of ‘care’ as experienced with-in the context of Human Resource Management (HRM) in Higher Education: a hermeneutic phenomenological inquiry
- Date: 2019; Title: The Politics of Human Rights in Indonesia: The Failure to Adopt the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
- Date: 2019; Title: The potential to improve pathogen removal in natural treatment systems with inclined planes
- Date: 2019; Title: The psychology of men’s help-seeking for common cancer symptoms
- Date: 2019; Title: The Relationship of Related Party Transactions and Characteristics of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance: Evidence from Indonesian Listed Firms
- Date: 2019; Title: The risk of secondary screw perforation in plate osteosynthesis of unstable proximal humerus fractures: prediction and the effect of screw length
- Date: 2019; Title: The Role of Perfectionism and Cognitive Processing Abnormalities in Dysmorphic Concern
- Date: 2019; Title: The role of pluralism in the faith formation of young people, with a focus on immersion experiences
- Date: 2019; Title: The role of police in identifying and assisting victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation: An empirical study in Vietnam
- Date: 2019; Title: The role of self-criticism and self-compassion in social anxiety
- Date: 2019; Title: The Role of the LA:DGLA Ratio in Predicting the Zn Status of Humans and Animals
- Date: 2019; Title: The Self-assembly of Organosilane Films on Aluminium Oxide and their Application to Si-Al Composite Materials for 3D Printing.
- Date: 2019; Title: The significance of the Bali process in fostering awareness of irregular migration in Asia Pacific region
- Date: 2019; Title: The state of on-the-job training in Australian disability employment services: implications for policy and practice
- Date: 2019; Title: The Underlying Causes of Inequality in Dental Caries in Young Children Aged 2-6 Years Old in Surabaya, Indonesia: Oral Health Behaviour Perspective
- Date: 2019; Title: The US-China trade war: dissecting the role of supremacy battles and China’s reactions and counter-measures
- Date: 2019; Title: The Use of Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging in Peripheral Arterial Endovascular Interventions
- Date: 2019; Title: The value of the secondary school certificate: industry leaders and employer perspectives on the quality and representation of graduating students’ skills and capabilities
- Date: 2019; Title: They are Still People: An Ethnographic Investigation into a Reconfiguration of Personhood Practice in Residential Dementia Care
- Date: 2019; Title: Third world approach to international law analysis on law enforcement against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in Indonesia
- Date: 2019; Title: Towards an EEG cap: A study of electrode ability under non ideal conditions
- Date: 2019; Title: Towards detecting connectivity in EEG: A comparative study of effective and functional connectivity measures on simulated data
- Date: 2019; Title: Towards greater social and ethical response-ability? Practicing contemplative higher education in times of uncertainty and change.
- Date: 2019; Title: Tracking beneficial Streptomyces strains in plant shoot, roots and rhizosphere soils
- Date: 2019; Title: Transcriptional repressor gene, TaDr1: Expression analysis under drought conditions in bread wheat from different countries
- Date: 2019; Title: Translation and application of condition-specific health-related quality of life questionnaires for women with pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction in the Norwegian context
- Date: 2019; Title: Tristram Winslade: An Elizabethan Catholic in Exile
- Date: 2019; Title: Trying to reconcile when we don’t see eye to eye: The impact of divergent narratives on reconciliation
- Date: 2019; Title: Understanding entrepreneurial practices in designing major events: an Australian perspective
- Date: 2019; Title: Understanding the vortex fluidic device through the development of a theoretical model and the application of neutron techniques
- Date: 2019; Title: Vasculogenic mimicry in malignant mesothelioma and its treatment potential
- Date: 2019; Title: Virulence regulators of the significant human pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii
- Date: 2019; Title: Visual Target Processing Efficiency under Dual-Task Load
- Date: 2019; Title: Volunteer Motivation in Surf Life Saving: A Theory of Motivation Through Identity
- Date: 2019; Title: When does shame become problematic for well-being? An examination of the factors that may influence perceived reparability
- Date: 2019; Title: When is a ringwork a ringwork? Identifying the ringwork castles of County Wexford with a view to reconsidering Irish ringwork classification
- Date: 2019; Title: Wind farm noise amplitude modulation and its acceptability for sleep
- Date: 2019; Title: Writing on the Wall: Hypermasculinity in the Online Metal Scene
- Date: 2019; Title: Young people who use augmentative and alternative communication: effects of a peer e-mentoring intervention on participation in online conversation
- Date: 2020; Title: Η διδασκαλία της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας στα παροικιακά σχολεία της Νότιας Αυστραλίας. (Τάξεις 8η-10η) Teaching Modern Greek in South Australia's Ethnic Schools. (Years 8-10)
- Date: 2020; Title: ‘Grace-in-Business‘: an exploration of how Lutheran school principals conceptualise their role in a landscape of accountability
- Date: 2020; Title: “Bandaid for a bullet wound”: the inconsistent recognition of Indigenous rights and social determinants of Indigenous health in ‘Closing the Gap’ policy implementation in early childhood
- Date: 2020; Title: “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse” Examining the involvement process into organised criminal groups within Australia
- Date: 2020; Title: “If You Must, Die in Spring”: a novel and exegesis
- Date: 2020; Title: "Every thing is Human, mighty! sublime!": New Literary Humanism and the Trope of the Daimon in William Blake's Jerusalem
- Date: 2020; Title: 'The Politics of Tintin...'' Context, stereotypes, representations, and controversies in the early adventures of Tintin
- Date: 2020; Title: 3D adaptive coverage path planning for autonomous submarine tank inspection robots
- Date: 2020; Title: A comparative analysis of the causes and attempts to resolve four rural land disputes in Java and Sumatra
- Date: 2020; Title: A comparison of universal school-based prevention programs for children: building resilience to manage worry
- Date: 2020; Title: A developmental exploration of supported self-management in children and young people with chronic conditions
- Date: 2020; Title: A different ‘different’: the female presentation of Autism spectrum disorder and implications for detection and diagnosis
- Date: 2020; Title: A history of educational computing and software development for Australian schools 1970 - 1990
- Date: 2020; Title: A multiple case study approach investigating sustainable Indonesian school adaptation in unstable public policy times
- Date: 2020; Title: A review of the online teaching engagement and the analysis of interactions of both face-to-face and online students using FLO
- Date: 2020; Title: A survey on knowledge and perceptions of Thai pregnant women about the role of the midwife in Thailand
- Date: 2020; Title: ABC Wheelchair
- Date: 2020; Title: Acceptance of assistive technology for vision impaired students in the Saudi universities
- Date: 2020; Title: AddInsight-Vision: An intelligent video system for object detection in traffic scenes and vehicle re-identification
- Date: 2020; Title: Addressing cancer disparities in immigrants to Australia by integrating cancer literacy education into English as a Second Language programs
- Date: 2020; Title: Advance care planning in general practice
- Date: 2020; Title: Advancing the characterization of dry spells during the rainy season
- Date: 2020; Title: An evaluation of direct sample analysis time of flight mass spectrometry for forensic analysis
- Date: 2020; Title: An exploration of illness perceptions among young people who have a parent with cancer
- Date: 2020; Title: An exploration of midwives role in the promotion and provision of antenatal influenza immunization: A mixed methods inquiry
- Date: 2020; Title: An innovative approach to the diagnosis and management and prevention of instability in total knee joint arthroplasty using state of the art robotic technology
- Date: 2020; Title: An investigation into Indonesian pre-service physics teachers' scientific thinking and conceptual understanding of physics
- Date: 2020; Title: An investigation into offshore groundwater and its influence on onshore coastal aquifers
- Date: 2020; Title: An investigation of group A Streptococcus
- Date: 2020; Title: An investigation of the taphonomic process affecting vertebrate fauna preservation in shell matrix sites at Albatross Bay, Cape York Peninsula, Queensland
- Date: 2020; Title: Analysis of hereditary and putative breast cancer susceptibility genes in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation-negative individuals
- Date: 2020; Title: Assessing border control management of immigration control at airports in Indonesia: a theoretical and empirical study
- Date: 2020; Title: Assessment “for learning” approaches in the development of work-ready paramedic graduates
- Date: 2020; Title: Attitudes of generational cohorts of Indonesian public servants towards ethical behaviour
- Date: 2020; Title: Australian women living with disabilities and employment from 2014 to 2018
- Date: 2020; Title: Autonomous racing car model
- Date: 2020; Title: Beyond a reasonable doubt: An enquiry into the identification of marginal clinical practice performance and interventions that assure transition to registration nursing students’ competence and confidence for professional practice
- Date: 2020; Title: Beyond the books: cultural value and the State Library of South Australia
- Date: 2020; Title: Biocompatibility and applicability of silk nano-diamond films in wound healing
- Date: 2020; Title: Biological insights into the mechanisms underpinning the pathogenic success of Acinetobacter baumannii
- Date: 2020; Title: Blockchain technology in health
- Date: 2020; Title: Building institutional capacity for mainstreaming e-learning innovations: a new methodology for a wicked problem
- Date: 2020; Title: Can the wrist be explained? The application of computer based quantitative analysis to explain carpal biomechanics and identify therapeutic solutions for wrist dysfunction
- Date: 2020; Title: Carbon fraud & illicit networks: risks in REDD+
- Date: 2020; Title: China’s Digital Silk Road in the Belt and Road Initiative
- Date: 2020; Title: Chinese patients’ perception of care quality and safety in Australia during acute and critical Illness
- Date: 2020; Title: Christian social engagement: A qualitative study of volunteering, theology, and motives in three Australian faith-based organisations
- Date: 2020; Title: Cigarette tax: is it an answer for Indonesia’s national health insurance deficit?
- Date: 2020; Title: Classification of masses in dense mammograms using Enhanced Local Ternary Pattern (ELTP)
- Date: 2020; Title: Comparative study on the response of marine bivalves to temperature stress
- Date: 2020; Title: Comparing levels of marital satisfaction among Chinese populations in mainland China and Australia: A Cross-sectional Study
- Date: 2020; Title: Computational homogenisation based multiscale failure modelling: application to cortical bone tissue
- Date: 2020; Title: Considerations on the operation of high rate algal ponds for wastewater treatment and microalgal biomass production
- Date: 2020; Title: Constructing Vietnamese womanhood and the problematisation of domestic violence in Vietnam
- Date: 2020; Title: Critical intervention: an archaeology of modern material culture, graffiti, and government policy in a remote Aboriginal community, Northern Territory, Australia
- Date: 2020; Title: Critical success factors of public private partnerships - toll roads project in Indonesia
- Date: 2020; Title: Critically thinking about critical thinking in science education: Interrogating the perceptions and actions of Australian senior secondary and tertiary educators
- Date: 2020; Title: Culture contact and conflict after the Rufus River massacre: an analysis of documentary evidence regarding European/Aboriginal relations on the central Murray River 1842–1890
- Date: 2020; Title: Data and water balance estimation approaches for an agriculturally developing ungauged catchment: towards improved groundwater management
- Date: 2020; Title: Depicting dementia: An analysis of the affirmative contribution made by mainstream film and television representations of dementia in improving understanding of the condition in the broader community and the residential aged care workforce
- Date: 2020; Title: Depicting the Gorgon: the making of theatre about historic-political trauma
- Date: 2020; Title: Determinants and consequences of early marriage for women in Indonesia
- Date: 2020; Title: Develop a model for the Hydraulic Active Suspension system to investigate the performance of the system (Quarter Car Method)
- Date: 2020; Title: Develop new technologies for protein structure manipulation and monitoring to better understand amyloidosis diseases
- Date: 2020; Title: Developing critical thinking in a first-year university chemistry course
- Date: 2020; Title: Development and evaluation of serious games to assist nursing language acquisition of international students
- Date: 2020; Title: Development and optimisation of relaxants for use in the Australian abalone industry
- Date: 2020; Title: Development of advanced energy harvesters: theoretical and experimental studies
- Date: 2020; Title: Development of Item Banks to Measure the Impact of Amblyopia and Strabismus on Quality of Life
- Date: 2020; Title: Development of mathematical model of a car body for suspension system
- Date: 2020; Title: Development of spectroscopic identification and analysis of haemoglobin components in bruises
- Date: 2020; Title: Diagnostic exposure of ionizing radiation and its long-term effects
- Date: 2020; Title: Digital footprints of university students
- Date: 2020; Title: Digital management systems in the classroom with a focus on tablets
- Date: 2020; Title: Dignity: a human, health and aged care right. Development of a new Patient Reported Experience Measure based on the 10 Principles of Dignity in Care for use by older people (and their carers) in the hospital setting
- Date: 2020; Title: Disentangling the mechanisms of the boundary restriction effect
- Date: 2020; Title: Do particles in wastewater protect pathogens from disinfection
- Date: 2020; Title: Does a supervised exercise program for claudication have an adverse effect on muscle, endothelial and immune function?
- Date: 2020; Title: Double Bind: essays on David Foster Wallace and his fans
- Date: 2020; Title: Drivers of coastal dune dynamics on the Younghusband Peninsula, South Australia
- Date: 2020; Title: Dynamic thin film-intensified direct transesterification of oleaginous biomass to biodiesel
- Date: 2020; Title: Effect of chemotherapeutics on ovarian function in women with breast cancer
- Date: 2020; Title: Effect of natural biofilm on transport and retention behavior of nanoparticles and microorganisms in limestone sediments: implications for managed aquifer recharge
- Date: 2020; Title: Effects of different size of disc needle injury on the biomechanical properties of the lumbar disc
- Date: 2020; Title: El Buen Salvaje Canta
- Date: 2020; Title: Encouraging respect for human rights in the offshore operations of Australian companies: an analysis of the roles of directors’ duties and disclosure
- Date: 2020; Title: Endocranial anatomy of Australasian flightless galloanseres, with a focus on evolutionary transformation and the phylogenetic utility of the avian brain
- Date: 2020; Title: Enhanced detectability of human serum albumin by aggregation-induced emission bioprobes with fiber optics
- Date: 2020; Title: Enhancing the properties of polymer nanocomposites by inducing a stable dispersion of carbon nanotubes through polymer wrapping
- Date: 2020; Title: Environmental degradation and civil unrest: Iran’s looming environmental bankruptcy
- Date: 2020; Title: Epigenetic changes in barley in response to salinity stress
- Date: 2020; Title: Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in colorectal cancer cells
- Date: 2020; Title: Estimating wet season-lowland rice production using remote sensing techniques: a case study in Lao PDR
- Date: 2020; Title: Evaluation of microalbuminuria using a novel biosensor
- Date: 2020; Title: Evaluation of the potential for the implementation of a 3D-Cadastre in urban areas in Indonesia
- Date: 2020; Title: Experimental exploration of interest point repeatability for 3D objects and scenes
- Date: 2020; Title: Exploration of factors that determine heterogeneity in efficacy and toxicities of anticancer drugs
- Date: 2020; Title: Exploring machine learning architectures for brain computer interface systems
- Date: 2020; Title: Fabricating and processing carbon nanomaterials using vortex fluidic technology
- Date: 2020; Title: Feasibility study of wearable sweat sodium sensor
- Date: 2020; Title: Female leadership in Gorontalo Universities: An appreciative inquiry exploring Gorontalonesse female leaders’ and managers’ experiences
- Date: 2020; Title: Formulating Policy in Indonesia: perceptions of key stakeholders on the conditions for the introduction of a carbon tax
- Date: 2020; Title: French and British policy and culture in Egypt 1798-1841: the reign of Muhammad Ali and the Eastern Crisis
- Date: 2020; Title: Frontline home support workers and change to consumer-directed care – the service triangle, power, subordination and alienation, an Australian context
- Date: 2020; Title: Gendered disabilities: silent performatives in cinema
- Date: 2020; Title: Ghosts in the labour market: A qualitative study of the health and wellbeing of informal workers in the Northern suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia
- Date: 2020; Title: Gifted adolescent girls in selective secondary school programs: influences on career development
- Date: 2020; Title: GIS-enabled water quality risk assessment in a drinking water catchment
- Date: 2020; Title: Governing pathways to decarbonisation: a case study of carbon neutral Adelaide partnerships
- Date: 2020; Title: Granite grooves: a study on granitic grinding grooves in North East Victoria
- Date: 2020; Title: How difficulty affects player engagement in digital games
- Date: 2020; Title: How does women's economic situation relate to intimate partner violence? A Mongolian case study
- Date: 2020; Title: How well a neural network system could interpret the number of contributors to a DNA Profile
- Date: 2020; Title: Hydrogeological conceptual model development and testing
- Date: 2020; Title: Idealised hydrodynamic and Lagrangian modelling of flow past the Bremer Canyon system: implication for upwelling
- Date: 2020; Title: Identification of factors impacting on pharmaceutical supply, and alternative approaches to human resource capacity, inventory management, quantification, and forecasting of pharmaceuticals in Timor-Leste (A mixed-methods study)
- Date: 2020; Title: Identification, classification of AOX genes in T. aestivum and their expression patterns to salt stress
- Date: 2020; Title: Identifying intervention content to support reductions in parental provision of unhealthy foods to their three to seven-year-old children
- Date: 2020; Title: Identifying mathematics teaching knowledge for Saudi Female mathematics teachers in middle school
- Date: 2020; Title: Identifying the component responsible for the intrinsic fluorescence of seminal fluid
- Date: 2020; Title: Image segmentation with prior guidance: application to cervical cytology images
- Date: 2020; Title: Impact of liminality and doubt on personal theology
- Date: 2020; Title: Implementation of driverless vehicle at Flinders University’s Bedford Park campus
- Date: 2020; Title: Indonesian Children with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and their families’ experiences of care across the continuum
- Date: 2020; Title: Infection with Bonamia exitiosa in the Australian Native Oyster (Ostrea angasi)
- Date: 2020; Title: Institutional analysis of dynamics of disadvantage and strategies towards participatory governance in sustainable urban development of Nairobi, Kenya
- Date: 2020; Title: Integrating fossils, morphology and molecules to understand the diversification of egerniine skinks
- Date: 2020; Title: Interfacial study of dye-sensitized solar cells using photoelectron and ion scattering spectroscopy
- Date: 2020; Title: Interpretation of shallow buried maritime archaeological sites, using non-invasive methods, for in situ management and archaeological research purposes
- Date: 2020; Title: Investigations into the carbon nanotube/silicon heterojunction solar device
- Date: 2020; Title: Investigations into the effects of birnessite-like material structures on their effectiveness for metal dissolution
- Date: 2020; Title: Inviting New Worlds: Jurisgenesis, Anarchism, and Prefigurative Social Change
- Date: 2020; Title: Is there a future for Lajamanu? One that provides a new approach to the governance of Lajamanu, safeguards the rights of the community and progressively seeks to overcome its socio-economic disadvantages
- Date: 2020; Title: Isolation, diversity and antimicrobial activity of sponge-associated bacteria from South Australian marine environments
- Date: 2020; Title: Knowledge sharing at State Polytechnics in Indonesia
- Date: 2020; Title: Learning-led disciplinary literacy in science education
- Date: 2020; Title: Life-giving headteachership in Lusaka Province: navigating the liminality of post-colonial schooling
- Date: 2020; Title: Lost in transition: An investigation into young children’s experiences and understandings of wellbeing during the transition to school
- Date: 2020; Title: Managing the relationship between the government and local Non-Government Organisations in Laos
- Date: 2020; Title: Maritime archaeology and 3D digital libraries: a case study of Dutch merchant ships (1595–1800)
- Date: 2020; Title: Maternal cardiovascular function in women at high-risk for pre-eclampsia
- Date: 2020; Title: Memorable and ambiguous: the dramaturgy of violence in complex serial drama
- Date: 2020; Title: Mental health consequences of detaining children who seek asylum in Australia and the implications for health professionals: A mixed methods study (2002–2019)
- Date: 2020; Title: Methods to incorporate silicon for the direct fluorination of proteins
- Date: 2020; Title: MicroRNA involvement in colorectal cancer cell metabolism
- Date: 2020; Title: MicroRNA levels, hypoxia and cardiopulmonary bypass in the development of acute kidney injury
- Date: 2020; Title: Mobile apps for supporting healthy parental food provision: a user-centred approach informing a digital health intervention concept
- Date: 2020; Title: Mobile health app privacy assessment
- Date: 2020; Title: Modelling action potential firing rate of mouse bladder afferent nerves in an inflated bladder using finite element analysis and Hodgkin-Huxley models
- Date: 2020; Title: Models of care for older people with chronic disease: a case study using Alford’s theory of structural interests
- Date: 2020; Title: Models of care in the management of chronic liver disease
- Date: 2020; Title: Models that go ouch
- Date: 2020; Title: More than mandatory reporting: nurses’ experiences of safeguarding children in Australia
- Date: 2020; Title: Murray River nesting tree selection by the South Australian eastern regent parrot Polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides
- Date: 2020; Title: My beloved enemy: Muslim-Christian relations in Cyprus prior to conflict and division
- Date: 2020; Title: Natural language processing technologies for sentiment analysis: the words we used to describe death
- Date: 2020; Title: New England whaling heritage: the impact of capitalism on preservation and public interpretation
- Date: 2020; Title: New interpretations of pyrrhotite and pentlandite surface electronic structures: A route to the identification of minority species
- Date: 2020; Title: No pre-service teacher left behind: the development and refinement of an online supplementary program designed to lift pre-service teachers’ understanding of the science of word-level reading instruction
- Date: 2020; Title: Novel methods of cardiac risk assessment in patients with chronic kidney disease and renal transplant recipients
- Date: 2020; Title: Nurse-led health coaching program to improve hospital-to-home transitional care for stroke survivors in Chongqing, China
- Date: 2020; Title: Online learning for short term arterial traffic prediction and incident detection
- Date: 2020; Title: Optimal sizing of renewable-storage based electricity supply systems for households in remote areas: A comparative study of battery and fuel cell
- Date: 2020; Title: Optimizing the sporulation of endophytes Actinobacteria on broth and agar media and their effect on growth and nodulation of chickpea
- Date: 2020; Title: Painlevé Equation, Reflection Groups and τ -Functions
- Date: 2020; Title: Parental engagement in caring for and educating children with disabilities in a western region of Nepal: Experiences and perspectives of parents and professionals
- Date: 2020; Title: Patient-reported outcome measurement in patients with hand conditions
- Date: 2020; Title: Perinatal depression: Epidemiology and associated adverse birth and infant health outcomes in Ethiopia: A mixed method study
- Date: 2020; Title: Phylogeographic history and evolutionary diversification of pygmy perches (Teleostei: Percichthyidae)
- Date: 2020; Title: Potential control mechanisms for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium contamination of eggs and raw egg products
- Date: 2020; Title: Preparing the Digger's soul for moral injury: A Chaplain's role in developing spiritual resilience for future ready Australian soldiers
- Date: 2020; Title: Public health leadership in Nepal: development, enactment and competencies
- Date: 2020; Title: Pulse wave amplitude drops as a sensitive marker of cardiovascular system activation during sleep
- Date: 2020; Title: Quality of life and other outcomes of breast reduction surgery
- Date: 2020; Title: Quality of life outcomes after breast reconstruction in women with a high Body Mass Index
- Date: 2020; Title: Re-Connecting the Sea: The Rochelongue metals assemblage, maritime connectivity and cultural interactions in West Languedoc, France, seventh to sixth centuries B.C.
- Date: 2020; Title: Re-spoking the Hub? Contextualising the Australia-Japan-United States Security Community, 2001 – 2017
- Date: 2020; Title: Reforming criminal confiscation laws in Kuwait using models from Australia and the United Kingdom: A comparative study on the possibilities and limitations in overcoming the problem of the linkage requirement of conviction-based confiscation in Kuwait
- Date: 2020; Title: Registered nurses' experiences of end-of-life care in the acute care setting in Singapore
- Date: 2020; Title: Scaphoid Fractures – Anatomy, Imaging and Management
- Date: 2020; Title: Screening and evaluating enzymes produced by actinobacteria growing on seaweed and their bioproducts
- Date: 2020; Title: Sea city connections: network analyses of shipwreck amphorae from Alexandria and the North-Western coastline of Egypt
- Date: 2020; Title: Shank acceleration proxies for ground reaction force in athletic movements
- Date: 2020; Title: Silica Nanoparticles as a platform for intelligent cofactor immobilisation for biosynthetic applications
- Date: 2020; Title: Smart factory logistics
- Date: 2020; Title: Smart two wheels balancing robot
- Date: 2020; Title: Social policy responses to complex childhood trauma in South Australia: a post-structural analysis
- Date: 2020; Title: Social trust in bilateral relationships: the Anglo-American "Special Relationship" 1890-2016
- Date: 2020; Title: South Australia’s First Expedition: three generations of settler-colonial social mobility
- Date: 2020; Title: Spatialising the ‘Underlife’ at Willow Court: the conceptualisations of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ patient behaviour in Australia’s oldest and longest-serving mental health facility
- Date: 2020; Title: Storytelling during clinical facilitation: an arts-based narrative inquiry
- Date: 2020; Title: Streamflow generation for intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams
- Date: 2020; Title: Studies on use of bacteriophages in treating antibiotic-resistant infections of diabetic foot ulcers
- Date: 2020; Title: Sulfur polymers for the environment and human health
- Date: 2020; Title: Surgical- and imaging techniques to optimize volar plating in distal radius fractures
- Date: 2020; Title: Synthesis and characterisation of a new class of alkene polymers bearing nucleotide functionality
- Date: 2020; Title: Synthesis and reactivity of novel molecular scaffolds from N,N-Dialkyl-N'-Chlorosulfonyl Chloroformamidines
- Date: 2020; Title: Synthetic applications of vortex thin film microfluidics
- Date: 2020; Title: Synthetic studies towards Nocapyrone and Violapyrone natural products
- Date: 2020; Title: Systematics and host associations of the Australian Gasteruption (Gasteruptiidae: Evanioidea)
- Date: 2020; Title: Tasting Australia: Vietnamese student parents’ experience of living in limbo - A Janus head analysis
- Date: 2020; Title: Testing a theoretical model of motivators of parental home involvement in children’s German heritage language learning
- Date: 2020; Title: The barriers to reporting medication administration errors for registered nurses in Kuwait
- Date: 2020; Title: The challenges of adapting to life in Australia for male Saudi international students in Adelaide
- Date: 2020; Title: The Cornish in Western Australia, 1850 to 1930
- Date: 2020; Title: The cruel optimism of self-employed women’s retirement planning
- Date: 2020; Title: The culture of coping in paramedics
- Date: 2020; Title: The design and development of a wearable device to assess lower-limb impact dose during competitive netball play
- Date: 2020; Title: The development and accuracy of the THIM device for estimating sleep and wakefulness
- Date: 2020; Title: The development of telehealth services: An enquiry across Australia and Brazil
- Date: 2020; Title: The effect of Autism Spectrum Disorder behaviours on perceived deception and credibility
- Date: 2020; Title: The effectiveness of combining Cognitive Processing Therapy with a case formulation approach in the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder – A randomised controlled trial
- Date: 2020; Title: The effectiveness of the Australian pesticide regulatory system: A case study on chlorpyrifos exposure among an urban South Australian population
- Date: 2020; Title: The existential nature of pre-service teachers’ professional experiences
- Date: 2020; Title: The generation and analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis plants with improved capacity to recover from severe drought stress
- Date: 2020; Title: The genomic basis of adaptation in Bottlenose Dolphins (genus Tursiops)
- Date: 2020; Title: The gold standard; enhancing antibiotic effectiveness through gold nanoparticles
- Date: 2020; Title: The healthcare financing for the poor: Prospects of compulsory health insurance for female readymade garment workers in Bangladesh
- Date: 2020; Title: The impact of land use change on the water balance of Aceh Besar, Indonesia
- Date: 2020; Title: The impact of the Israeli Separation Wall on Palestinian livelihoods in the West Bank
- Date: 2020; Title: The impacts of intermittent mixing on High Rate Algal Pond performance
- Date: 2020; Title: The influence of autistic behaviours on judgments formed in a forensic context
- Date: 2020; Title: The Lokomat® Robotic in mobility-dependent adult patients with subacute stroke: cardiovascular exercise and transition to body-weight supported treadmill training
- Date: 2020; Title: The pedagogical approaches used by Australian sonographers to teach psychomotor scanning skills
- Date: 2020; Title: The place of challenge and post-travel culture involvement in small group tourism
- Date: 2020; Title: The role of multidrug resistance Protein 1 in the biology of glioblastoma
- Date: 2020; Title: The role of regulator of Calcineurin 1 (RCAN1) in the adipose tissue and pancreatic β-cells
- Date: 2020; Title: The secret history of Delarivier Manley and the New Atalantis: her network and connections - who 'bid' her write?
- Date: 2020; Title: The social determinants of health and psychological well being: improving the mental health of all through broad based policy and intersectoral action
- Date: 2020; Title: The South Australian hypotheses
- Date: 2020; Title: The Spirit as Gift: The Influence of the Gift of the Spirit on the Community Life as Described by the Summary Statements in Acts
- Date: 2020; Title: The stability of selected psychoactive drugs in simulated post-mortem blood
- Date: 2020; Title: The trinity of key competitiveness sources for SMEs in an emerging economy: credit access, innovation and collaborative advantage
- Date: 2020; Title: The voice and laryngeal investigation standards post-extubation
- Date: 2020; Title: Threat analysis for healthcare IOT devices
- Date: 2020; Title: Translational interventions targeting the clinical use of vancomycin
- Date: 2020; Title: Type 1 diabetes self-management in hospital: a constructivist grounded theory
- Date: 2020; Title: Under-nutrition in vascular surgery patients: Development of a malnutrition screening tool to identify those at risk
- Date: 2020; Title: Understanding of global policy for informal caregivers of people living with dementia: implications for Nepal
- Date: 2020; Title: Understanding the environmental implications of Belt and Road Initiative projects: A focus on Southeast Asia
- Date: 2020; Title: Understanding the mechanisms underlying cardiac fibrillation: insights from computational approaches for studying re-entrant circuits in atrial and ventricular fibrillation
- Date: 2020; Title: Understanding the translation of evidence-based nutrition practice into daily routines in centre-based childcare
- Date: 2020; Title: Unravelling the Indian Ocean dipole from the oceanic perspective
- Date: 2020; Title: Vortex fluidic mediated fabrication of natural fluorescence hydrogels based on quercetin and gelatine with tuneable properties
- Date: 2020; Title: Water and water technologies in Indigenous Australia
- Date: 2020; Title: Water energy and food nexus, securing the future needs of Adelaide, South Australia
- Date: 2020; Title: What is the nature of educational leaders in transformative learning experiences? A hermeneutical phenomenological study
- Date: 2020; Title: Why SP4N-LAPOR!, as a promising national complaint-handling system in Indonesia, is yet to function optimally in curbing authority abuse practices in Indonesia
- Date: 2020; Title: Working at the cultural interface to meet the needs of remote Australian Aboriginal caregivers with children progressing through the nutritional period of weaning
- Date: 2020; Title: Zambratija: A 6000-year-old pile-dwelling submerged under the Adriatic Sea
- Date: 2020; Title: Zoonotic and public health implications of Campylobacter species and Squamates (lizards, snakes and amphisbaenians)
- Date: 2021; Title: ‘I buy this piece of ground here’: Establishing family market gardens and transplanting Veneto identity in Adelaide’s western suburbs 1920s – 1970s
- Date: 2021; Title: ‘OH, EARLY VANISHED FROM A PARENTS EYE’: ‘Childness’ and child memorialisation in the South Australian cemetery, 1836-2018 CE
- Date: 2021; Title: ‘Paediatric Bipolar Disorder’: Why did it occur, the iatrogenic consequences, and the implications for medical ethics and psychiatric nosology
- Date: 2021; Title: “Cain Rules the World”: Léopold Szondi, Genesis 4, and the Nature of Evil
- Date: 2021; Title: “I hate group homes. They suck.” Why people with disabilities deploy YouTube to disclose experiences of group home violence, abuse and neglect
- Date: 2021; Title: “Thank you, GoogleTM” The impact of students’ information-communication technology use on their learning in active learning contexts
- Date: 2021; Title: “To lead the people”: resignifying gender in the Uniting Church in Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: "Why is my family's dispute a legal problem?" The experience of South Sudanese Jieng families with family law in Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: 'The Malay Road': Evolution in connectivity and the range of products sourced by Southeast Asia and China from Northern Australia, with or without Indigenous agency, from the sixteenth century until World War I
- Date: 2021; Title: A comparative study of education policy in Scotland (United Kingdom) and New South Wales (Australia): the impact of two contrasting legislative and policy approaches on secondary students with dyslexia
- Date: 2021; Title: A critical pedagogy for understanding diabetes-related stigma
- Date: 2021; Title: A critical reflection on Cambodian women’s labour migration in Southeast Asia
- Date: 2021; Title: A health needs assessment (HNA) to improve health outcomes and redress inequities for children living with nephrotic syndrome in Vietnam
- Date: 2021; Title: A primer in strategies towards the era of precision medicine
- Date: 2021; Title: A promising theology: in conversation with Sallie McFague and Elizabeth A. Johnson
- Date: 2021; Title: A smart supine avoidance alarm device for the treatment of supine predominant obstructive sleep apnoea
- Date: 2021; Title: A student nutrition service for patients with peripheral arterial disease: student and patient perspectives to explain outcomes
- Date: 2021; Title: A study of posture shifts during sleep and the effects of supine-avoidance therapy in patients with supine-predominant obstructive sleep apnea
- Date: 2021; Title: A trans-Tasman relational model for academics integrating Indigenous knowledges and perspectives into whitestream social work education
- Date: 2021; Title: A Work of Fiction - a memoir: A creative case study of metalepsis in auto/biographical writing
- Date: 2021; Title: Academic activism: critical realism, reflexivity and the internal conversation
- Date: 2021; Title: Access to education in Cambodia during the COVID-19 global pandemic
- Date: 2021; Title: Advances on vortex fluidics for processing soft matter nanomaterials
- Date: 2021; Title: African migrant women working in the Australian aged care sector
- Date: 2021; Title: All in the same boat: heterotopian transformations and metamodern reverberations in Antipodean fictions of travel
- Date: 2021; Title: Ambiguity and Incongruity in Genesis 18:9-15 - An Interpretive Study of Sarah’s Laughter
- Date: 2021; Title: An exploration of adherence to intensive exercise in stroke survivors
- Date: 2021; Title: An exploration of the effectiveness of positive behaviour support in unstructured community settings: A systematic review of quantitative literature
- Date: 2021; Title: An implantable ultrasound transmission circuit for monitoring cancer and enhancing bone growth
- Date: 2021; Title: An investigation of the hydrology, sediment load and contaminant discharge from Brownhill Creek, South Australia: Modelling and data analysis
- Date: 2021; Title: An investigation on the daily activity forces and frictional moments and their contribution to the fretting corrosion failure of modular hip joint implants
- Date: 2021; Title: An investigative study of the impacts of not legalizing abortion in Sri Lanka
- Date: 2021; Title: Analysing meaningful representation of elected Dalit women at local level of Nepal in 2017 election
- Date: 2021; Title: Analysis of pile-soil interactions in expansive soils
- Date: 2021; Title: Analysis of the force applied to stump support in single-legged para-cycling
- Date: 2021; Title: Application of HEC-HMS to the investigation of soil erosion and sediment yield by surface runoff
- Date: 2021; Title: Archaeological preservation and feature identification in subaerial and submerged environments, Dampier Archipelago, WA
- Date: 2021; Title: Archaeology of life in an isolated land
- Date: 2021; Title: Assessing groundwater recovery scenarios for opencast mining using numerical modelling
- Date: 2021; Title: Assessment of transportation network performance using SCATS and Micro simulation techniques
- Date: 2021; Title: Atoms in the crystal model
- Date: 2021; Title: Autism Spectrum Disorder and emotion recognition
- Date: 2021; Title: B(l)inding Wor(l)ds: Language narratives, genre boundaries and pushing barriers
- Date: 2021; Title: Barriers to immunisation among children under school age (0-5 years old) of Myanmar migrant parents living in Mueang District, Samut Sakhon Province, Thailand
- Date: 2021; Title: BCA assessment of public transport alternatives for the Modbury corridor Adelaide
- Date: 2021; Title: Behaviour of laterally loaded monopiles
- Date: 2021; Title: Behavioural factors affecting translocation success in the pygmy bluetongue lizard
- Date: 2021; Title: Being ‘in’ principalship: An ontological inquiry of well-being experiences
- Date: 2021; Title: Beyond proxy measures of post-event evaluation: Measuring attendee satisfaction in the Zimbabwean exhibition industry
- Date: 2021; Title: Beyond the good and the bad: A feminist reading of abortion's media representation in Vietnamese arthouse film, Dap Canh Giua Khong Trung
- Date: 2021; Title: Butterflies under the rainbow sky: discrimination and criminalisation of the LGBTIQ community in Sri Lanka
- Date: 2021; Title: Characterisation of noradrenergic inputs in the myenteric plexus of the human colon
- Date: 2021; Title: Characterising patient specific soft tissue deformation in the residual limb under compressive loads
- Date: 2021; Title: Characterization of alginate lyase and its immobilization to hydrolyze alginate
- Date: 2021; Title: Charity and funder relationships: unlocking the potential
- Date: 2021; Title: Child welfare paramountcy: the donor conception paradox
- Date: 2021; Title: Chinese caregivers’ experiences in the care of family members living with dementia: A systematic review and meta-synthesis
- Date: 2021; Title: Chinese ceramics from the Phanom-Surin Shipwreck, Thailand. Evidence for maritime trade between China and the Indian Ocean region before the 10th Century AD
- Date: 2021; Title: Churchill Island: An investigation into the relationship between industrialisation, the ideology of improvement, and heritage environment
- Date: 2021; Title: Collaboration, Context and Cost: A realist-informed process evaluation of a quality improvement collaborative to improve dementia care in Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: Colonic and anorectal function in defaecation and continence
- Date: 2021; Title: Colour processing and correction techniques for digital images
- Date: 2021; Title: Combined effects of endophytic actinobacteria and symbiotic Rhizobium on N2 fixation, growth and development of Chick pea (Cicer arietinum)
- Date: 2021; Title: Communicating for impact: tailoring nutrition messages to influence dietary behaviour
- Date: 2021; Title: Community participation and the risks of social isolation for older adults
- Date: 2021; Title: Community treatment orders and care planning: a critical ethnography
- Date: 2021; Title: Comparative genomics of bottlenose dolphins (genus Tursiops)
- Date: 2021; Title: Comparative studies on the antimicrobial activity of extracts of Chinese medicinal plant Panax notoginseng and native Australian plant Eucalyptus globulus
- Date: 2021; Title: Comparison and discrimination of energetic materials via multiple analytical techniques and chemometrics
- Date: 2021; Title: Comparison of green technology extracts and methanol crude extracts of Panax quinquefolium and Nigella sativa for antimicrobial activity and interactions with antibiotics
- Date: 2021; Title: Computational simulation of bone grafts for impaction bone grafting
- Date: 2021; Title: Cracking the circular economy barriers of Queensland Local Governments. An examination of barriers experienced by Queensland Local Governments at the start of operational transitions toward a circular economy
- Date: 2021; Title: Creating a realistic visual style in the production of a graphic novel DEMONS
- Date: 2021; Title: Credit access, innovation, and knowledge management: critical factors influencing SME growth in the LAO PDR
- Date: 2021; Title: Death, dying and end-of-life care provision by doctors and nurses in the emergency department - a phenomenological study
- Date: 2021; Title: Decolonisation as the Absenting of Harm: an ultra-realist reading of Indigenous education literature
- Date: 2021; Title: Decomposition of groundwater hydrograph analysis by using time series
- Date: 2021; Title: Depleting spring sources in the Himalaya: Environmental drivers or just perception?
- Date: 2021; Title: Design and development of a handheld augmented reality serious game for interactive bushfire response simulation
- Date: 2021; Title: Design of a low-cost real-time PCR machine
- Date: 2021; Title: Design, analysis and optimization of line-start permanent-magnet synchronous motors: simultaneous electromagnetic and thermal analysis
- Date: 2021; Title: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of the novel MEK inhibitor and radioprotectors
- Date: 2021; Title: Designing of stand alone small scale wind turbine for battery charging application
- Date: 2021; Title: Detecting and mapping seasonal variations in water turbidity and mouth bar geometry along an asymmetrical delta using Normalized Different Turbidity Index (NDTI) with Sentinel 2 satellite imagery
- Date: 2021; Title: Detection and mapping of illegal settlements in Bhutan using high resolution satellite imagery and cadastral information
- Date: 2021; Title: Detection of latent DNA
- Date: 2021; Title: Determinants of fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: impacts of education on fertility for ages 15-24
- Date: 2021; Title: Determinants of successful adoption of the Balanced Scorecard in Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises
- Date: 2021; Title: Determining environmental sensitivities and uncertainties of alternative fuelled, advanced technology and conventional road vehicles using life cycle assessment
- Date: 2021; Title: Developing a deep learning algorithm to improve diagnosis of otitis media
- Date: 2021; Title: Developing a flexible and adaptive shipyard fleet for last mile delivery
- Date: 2021; Title: Developing a yeast based screening system for sea anemone actinoporins
- Date: 2021; Title: Development of a high spatial resolution mapping technique for pristine and modified carbon surfaces using Scanning Auger Microscopy
- Date: 2021; Title: Development of new locking mechanism for mini-fragment hand plates for small bone fracture fixation
- Date: 2021; Title: Development of self-nanomicellizing solid dispersion loaded with combination of Astaxanthin and curcumin to enhance cytotoxic effect against HCT-116 colon cancer cells
- Date: 2021; Title: Differentiating the role of perfectionism and high standards in young adolescents
- Date: 2021; Title: Distributed association rule mining algorithms
- Date: 2021; Title: Do tripolar concentric ring electrodes record sensorimotor rhythms better?
- Date: 2021; Title: Does ASEAN’s consensus decision making remain relevant?
- Date: 2021; Title: Does the use of active videogame and computer-based technologies influence physiotherapy practice in mobility rehabilitation?
- Date: 2021; Title: Does Virtual Reality training improve memory retention of pilot flows?
- Date: 2021; Title: Domestic violence in Timor-Leste: A review of the effectiveness of policy interventions
- Date: 2021; Title: Dressing heart smart: an e-textile based garment for home-based ECG monitoring
- Date: 2021; Title: EALD Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Using the Simple View of Reading (SVR) to Improve the Reading Proficiency Levels of Aboriginal EALD Students in One Very Remote Setting
- Date: 2021; Title: Early career job seekers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility and organizational attractiveness of Islamic and non-Islamic banks in Indonesia
- Date: 2021; Title: Education for all: an investigation into the inclusivity of science teaching and learning practices in schools providing inclusive education in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia
- Date: 2021; Title: Effectiveness of evaluation practices in supporting regional development planning in Indonesia: The cases of DI Yogyakarta and West Sumatra Provinces
- Date: 2021; Title: El género masculino no marcado como genérico e universal: ¿Sexista, sesgado o neutro? Un estudio de la gramática de género y la pragmática en el idioma español
- Date: 2021; Title: Elderly falls prediction and prevention using machine learning
- Date: 2021; Title: Else, and The Female Time Traveller: Shadows, Spotlights and Otherness
- Date: 2021; Title: Elucidating the role of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 in cancer metabolism and biology using in vitro and in vivo models
- Date: 2021; Title: English language lecturers’ perceptions towards the use of flipped classrooms for teaching oral fluency in Saudi universities
- Date: 2021; Title: Enhancing chemical and biochemical transformations in dynamic thin films under flow
- Date: 2021; Title: Enteric neural circuits underlying propulsion of content in the large intestine of mammals
- Date: 2021; Title: Establishing a school for gifted children: The interplay between the government regulatory requirements and the values and goals of the Governing Board in decision making
- Date: 2021; Title: Evaluation of bio-inspired pre-processing to improve object classification
- Date: 2021; Title: Evaluation of drag reducing coatings
- Date: 2021; Title: Examining health care practices for young children with complex feeding difficulties and their families: What's the problem represented to be?
- Date: 2021; Title: Examining tibial cartilage morphology, subchondral bone microarchitecture and in vivo joint loading indices in knee osteoarthritis
- Date: 2021; Title: Exploring behavioural patterns in interaction data from the “Your Fertility” website
- Date: 2021; Title: Exploring the genetics of primary open-angle glaucoma with next generation sequencing
- Date: 2021; Title: Extraction of functionally active collagen from fish by-products
- Date: 2021; Title: Extraction of polysaccharides from Lentinula edodes grown in Astragalus membranaceus supplemented bed and determination of cytotoxicity in colorectal carcinoma cell line HCT-116
- Date: 2021; Title: Farasan Islands: From obscurity to recognition Discovering the conservation hazards of cultural heritage buildings
- Date: 2021; Title: Filmmakers as historians: understanding authentic representation within the films of Powell and Pressburger
- Date: 2021; Title: Finite Element Analysis of the scaphoid in a falling onto outstretched hand scenario
- Date: 2021; Title: Four Yindjibarndi artefacts: Evidence of religious practices for a discrete human community in the Pilbara
- Date: 2021; Title: Freeway incident evaluation and mitigation strategies using Intelligent Transport System
- Date: 2021; Title: From Tradigital to Shinkyuu Art: A fusion of analogue and computer-generated art summoned through the colour blue
- Date: 2021; Title: Generative Adversarial Network for intrusion detection system
- Date: 2021; Title: Genetic and social structure of Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus gephyreus) in the Patos Lagoon estuary and adjacent coastal waters
- Date: 2021; Title: German higher criticism and the embodiment of progress in George Eliot's Middlemarch
- Date: 2021; Title: Glaucoma risk stratification using novel genetic and clinical risk factors
- Date: 2021; Title: Governance and independence in the case of the Central Bank of Bangladesh: Insights from a comparative study
- Date: 2021; Title: Governance and infrastructure development as Indonesia decentralises: case study of industrial estate and port development in Bantaeng and Banyuwangi Districts
- Date: 2021; Title: Have the only daughters been empowered under the one child policy in China: a power-oriented analysis at the household level
- Date: 2021; Title: Heritage on fire: an investigation of management practices in relation to the protection of Indigenous cultural heritage from burning and bushfires
- Date: 2021; Title: Heterotrophic Omega-3 production in a novel microalga
- Date: 2021; Title: High Intensity Interval Training effects in moderately trained athletes: triathlon training implications
- Date: 2021; Title: HIV care continuum in prison: initiation, adherence and outcomes of antiretroviral therapy amongst prisoners in South Ethiopia
- Date: 2021; Title: How can social enterprises contribute to the future development of Non-Governmental Organizations in Viet Nam?
- Date: 2021; Title: How do community registered nurses use Advance Care Planning in Japan?
- Date: 2021; Title: How do medical students’ perspectives of socially accountable professionalism inform an integrated socioscience pedagogy?
- Date: 2021; Title: How does the current culture of mental health services, support or hinder the mental health nurse’s ability to facilitate spiritual care for individuals with a severe mental illness who are facing death?
- Date: 2021; Title: How to make an artificial larynx by modifying electro-larynx (Vocal Box)
- Date: 2021; Title: Impacts of a shellfish restoration reef on wave attenuation within the Glenelg shellfish reef
- Date: 2021; Title: Implementing digital integrated quality management systems for achieving quality and accreditation of engineering programs
- Date: 2021; Title: Implications of the Sino-American rivalry on the Persian Gulf security
- Date: 2021; Title: Improved calibration of a groundwater model using atmospheric tracers and particle tracking analysis, Pilbara WA
- Date: 2021; Title: Improving Fe/Zn concentration in Indica rice by a novel combination of a sucrose transporter and nicotianamine synthase overexpression
- Date: 2021; Title: Individual differences in extrinsic emotion regulation
- Date: 2021; Title: Internal self-determination and constitutional reform in Myanmar
- Date: 2021; Title: Intimacies of being in learning design
- Date: 2021; Title: Investigating energy metabolism pathways for therapeutic development and prognostication in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
- Date: 2021; Title: Is forewarned forearmed? An investigation into the emotional and behavioral effects of trigger warnings
- Date: 2021; Title: Juncture. A framework of professionalism between Early Childhood and School Teachers
- Date: 2021; Title: Knowledge translation in international public health NGOs
- Date: 2021; Title: Laser Desorption Ionisation of forensically significant samples. An investigation into low mass analysis
- Date: 2021; Title: Lasting impact of LORETA z-score neurofeedback therapy on phonological dyslexia
- Date: 2021; Title: Leadership challenges in creating inclusive and equitable quality education for all: the possibilities in public schools in Chitral, Pakistan
- Date: 2021; Title: Leadership experience of nurse academics in gerontological nursing education in Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: Learning capabilities of sharks in the context of behavioural changes caused by wildlife tourism
- Date: 2021; Title: Let’s talk about safer sex: an analysis to inform a safer sex intervention using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)
- Date: 2021; Title: Links to the past: Woomera from central Cape York Peninsula
- Date: 2021; Title: Looking after them? The provision of care for people affected by hepatitis C - in private general practice in South Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: Making It Work – Improving participation support for disadvantaged young Australians
- Date: 2021; Title: Manipulating 0D, 1D and 2D nanomaterials by vortex fluidic device
- Date: 2021; Title: Manipulation of the transcription of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 in human retinal endothelial cells
- Date: 2021; Title: Mega 65 and Australian Curriculum
- Date: 2021; Title: Meso-level primary health care: factors influencing the extent to which planning decisions are evidence-informed and equity-oriented
- Date: 2021; Title: Methodist Women in South Australia (1836 – 1900) What can we know or learn about them and their involvement in early South Australian Methodism?
- Date: 2021; Title: Minimally invasive detection of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
- Date: 2021; Title: Missiology as a means for saving the church: An enquiry into church decline and the rise of missional theology through the eyes of modern sociology, Jungian psychology and Benedictine monasticism
- Date: 2021; Title: Mitochondrial heteroplasmy in Australian native bee Amphylaeus morosus and its association with the parasite Wolbachia
- Date: 2021; Title: Morphological variation, reproductive biology and genetic structure of an invasive marine crab, Carcinus maenas
- Date: 2021; Title: Multiaxial spine segment testing: position vs load control and physiological relevance
- Date: 2021; Title: Negotiating evidence-based and patient-centred approaches to the management of multimorbidity across the adult life span: the Australian general practitioner experience
- Date: 2021; Title: Ngurra Nyunjunggamu. Submerged landscape identification and interpretation: Cape Bruguieres Island and North Gidley Island
- Date: 2021; Title: Older and more mindful? The utility of mindfulness and meditation for well-being in older adulthood
- Date: 2021; Title: Optimal sizing of distributed renewable and battery storage systems for Australian residential consumers
- Date: 2021; Title: Our Changing Hymns: A literary study guided by a personal aesthetic
- Date: 2021; Title: Oversimplified narratives: Australian judges’ construction of women’s victimisation and offending in human trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation
- Date: 2021; Title: Pain into Power, Wounds into Wisdom: Exploring women’s experiences of wellbeing in the cyclone shelters of Bangladesh
- Date: 2021; Title: Paramedics’ clinical reasoning and decision-making in using clinical protocols and guidelines
- Date: 2021; Title: Parasite and gut-microbiota dynamics in the experimental translocation of an endangered lizard
- Date: 2021; Title: Pathological mechanisms of serious and neglected zoonotic retinal infections
- Date: 2021; Title: Pelvic floor repair: novel surgical methods, regenerative medicine, and women’s perspectives of scar-less surgery
- Date: 2021; Title: People with intellectual disability staying connected online during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Date: 2021; Title: Politicians as policymakers: the interaction of ideology, interests, information and institutions in an Australian state
- Date: 2021; Title: Popular memoir in neoliberal Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: Population demographics and spatial ecology of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) inhabiting coastal waters at the North West Cape, Western Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: Port MacDonnell and heritage
- Date: 2021; Title: Preparation and evaluation of graphene-based nanocomposite conductive hydrogels
- Date: 2021; Title: Project Based Learning: A quest for motivation when teaching Spanish as a second language at an Australian university
- Date: 2021; Title: Public transport improvements with focus on on-demand bus services using traffic simulation
- Date: 2021; Title: R v Emily Perry: Enlivening and Reframing a High Court Case
- Date: 2021; Title: Recombinant wheat ALMT1 protein expression in Pichia pastoris
- Date: 2021; Title: Reframing Jesus: Listening for the Contextualised Christ Figure in Aboriginal Communities
- Date: 2021; Title: Refugee admission, at what cost to Turkish society? The limits of closed forms of political community in the provision of asylum
- Date: 2021; Title: Refugee coloniality: an Afrocentric analysis of prolonged encampment in Kenya
- Date: 2021; Title: Regulating artisan and small-scale mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Approaches and challenges
- Date: 2021; Title: Regulation of UDP-glucuronosyltransferases by microRNAs
- Date: 2021; Title: Renewable energy governance in Indonesia: A study of transparency and participation in Yogyakarta
- Date: 2021; Title: Representation of domestic violence in Pakistani Urdu drama serials: a feminist textual analysis
- Date: 2021; Title: Review of current practices for the assessment of patients with severe aortic stenosis and predicting poor symptom recovery after aortic valve intervention
- Date: 2021; Title: Revisioning theories of rurality and rural educational leadership: Rural contexts and rural school principals in Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: Risk factors for diabetic retinopathy blindness and its treatment
- Date: 2021; Title: Robert John Cuthbert Butler: A Life in Three Sermons: Radicalism and Identity in the Labour Movement, 1889–1950
- Date: 2021; Title: Robots or 3D models control by Brain-Computer Interfaces
- Date: 2021; Title: Sand body connectivity Leederville Aquifer Perth Basin
- Date: 2021; Title: Scattered Branches and the Sisterhood of Women: Women’s Organisations in Western Australia and South Australia, 1909-1939
- Date: 2021; Title: Screening and purification of antimicrobial compounds from Australian freshwater fungi
- Date: 2021; Title: Seascape genomics of Australian and New Zealand common dolphins (Delphinus delphis)
- Date: 2021; Title: Secondary school choice
- Date: 2021; Title: Shipwright artistry: cultural transmission of British colonial ship design and construction during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
- Date: 2021; Title: Spectroscopic studies of size-selected Ru and Pt clusters on Titania
- Date: 2021; Title: Spiritual care in Australian General Practice nursing: an interpretive descriptive study
- Date: 2021; Title: Spontaneous interprofessional learning in the acute health care setting: a micro-sociological exploration
- Date: 2021; Title: Statistical summary of Pilbara-wide hydraulic conductivity data derived from aquifer pumping tests
- Date: 2021; Title: Storied streets: gendered narratives of fear and violence in Australian urban landscapes
- Date: 2021; Title: Stress hyperglycaemia and arginine metabolomics in critical illness
- Date: 2021; Title: Structural and functional analyses of the QacA multidrug resistance efflux protein from Staphylococcus aureus
- Date: 2021; Title: Structure and function of elastic fibres in human lumbar intervertebral discs
- Date: 2021; Title: Student activism in higher education: The politics of students’ role in hegemonic university change
- Date: 2021; Title: Sustainable production of arachidonic acid (AA) by a novel thraustochytrid strain
- Date: 2021; Title: Sustainable school improvement: Enhancing school middle leaders’ epistemic cognition for teaching about self-regulated learning
- Date: 2021; Title: Sustainable sulfur polymers for environmental remediation and multifunctional composite materials
- Date: 2021; Title: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Imidazo[1,2-b]pyridazines as Inhibitors of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
- Date: 2021; Title: Synthetic modification of the natural Pyrethrins
- Date: 2021; Title: Talking the walk: six contours of an approach to theological reflection for formation
- Date: 2021; Title: Taxonomy of fossil eagles and vultures (Aves, Accipitridae) from Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: The “left-over” chicks: an analysis of the representation of women in Chinese chick flicks and the “left-over girl” discourse in the People’s Republic of China
- Date: 2021; Title: The concept of ideology in Marx, Engels, and Lenin
- Date: 2021; Title: The design, development and utility testing of a novel shoulder rehabilitation device
- Date: 2021; Title: The Fighting Dhow: Early modern vernacular watercraft and organised maritime violence in the Persian Gulf
- Date: 2021; Title: The forgotten component of legal negotiation: A proposal to improve education on legal negotiation preparation in Australian law schools
- Date: 2021; Title: The Hidden Landscapes of the Cambodian Early Modern Period (c. 1400-1800): A Landscape-Scale Geophysical Exploration
- Date: 2021; Title: The impact of games on gamers and society
- Date: 2021; Title: The impact of Islamist political parties in Muslim democracy: A systematic review and its implications for Bangladesh
- Date: 2021; Title: The impact of Nam Theun 2 hydropower development project on human wellbeing in Lao PDR
- Date: 2021; Title: The impact of sleep fragmentation on health
- Date: 2021; Title: The impact of women’s empowerment policies on the rate of Saudi women’s participation in the labour force from 2016- 2020
- Date: 2021; Title: The impacts of environmental change on late Quaternary fossil fauna at Cathedral Cave, eastern Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: The impacts of tourism development at the Al-Hijr UNESCO World Heritage Site (Saudi Arabia) on local communities
- Date: 2021; Title: The influence of professional learning communities employing quality teaching framework on English as a foreign language teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for promotion of higher order thinking in rural Indonesia
- Date: 2021; Title: The influence of students’ and teachers’ mathematics-related beliefs on students’ mathematics performance
- Date: 2021; Title: The intentional pursuit of everyday life while dying: A longitudinal exploration of occupational engagement for working-aged adults living with advanced cancer
- Date: 2021; Title: The Multilingual Literacy Approach (MLL). Investigating the potential of an integrated approach to languages and literacy education driven by an iterative and adaptive process of teacher, curriculum and organisational change
- Date: 2021; Title: The nature and scope of Outdoor Education in South Australian schools 1999-2017
- Date: 2021; Title: The Participant Zero in satire
- Date: 2021; Title: The person within: exploring spiritually sensitive practice in community aged care
- Date: 2021; Title: The Porrajmos: A biopolitical and transnational perspective
- Date: 2021; Title: The precarious endurance of multiculturalism: comparing policy approaches in Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands and South Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: The rhetoric of time in story and discourse
- Date: 2021; Title: The role of cancer stem cell phenotype in the emergence of epirubicin resistance in triple-negative breast cancer
- Date: 2021; Title: The role of imagery rescripting as an adjunct treatment for disordered eating
- Date: 2021; Title: The role of perfectionism and cognitive biases in social anxiety
- Date: 2021; Title: The sexual politics of Australian Football: Social constructions of masculinity, sex, and sexual violence
- Date: 2021; Title: The use of complementary and alternative medicine for breast cancer management in Indonesia: a phenomenological study
- Date: 2021; Title: The use of geospatial science to map the distribution of Ecklonia radiata (Golden Kelp) at Aldinga Reef, South Australia
- Date: 2021; Title: The ventral tegmental area and mesolimbic dopamine system: contribution to thermoregulation assessed through novel neuromodulatory techniques
- Date: 2021; Title: Tidal propagation and variable density processes in coastal aquifers
- Date: 2021; Title: Tourism stakeholder perspectives on the Saudi Seasons and opportunities to further develop international tourism
- Date: 2021; Title: Towards elucidation of the reaction mechanism between lawsone and amino acids
- Date: 2021; Title: Transitioning from nursing student to successful graduate registered nurse
- Date: 2021; Title: Tribocorrosion behaviour of titanium alloys for medical applications
- Date: 2021; Title: Trisomy 12 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
- Date: 2021; Title: Undergraduate paramedic student experience with workplace violence whilst on clinical placement
- Date: 2021; Title: Understanding intellectual disability in Vietnam: perspectives of parents and healthcare and education professionals
- Date: 2021; Title: Understanding resilience from the perspective of street involved children in Manila, Philippines
- Date: 2021; Title: Understanding, detecting and conceptualising hydrogeologic barriers in groundwater modelling studies
- Date: 2021; Title: Universal laws in ecology
- Date: 2021; Title: Usability of virtual reality for suprascapular nerve block procedure training
- Date: 2021; Title: Use of the L’Arche philosophy in assisting people with disabilities to overcome social barriers
- Date: 2021; Title: Using multi-platform remote sensing methods to map chenopod shrubland communities in Witchelina Nature Reserve in SA Arid Lands
- Date: 2021; Title: Utilising targeted social safety net programs for poverty reduction: The case of Bangladesh
- Date: 2021; Title: Virtual reality and male-on-male violence prevention: An exploratory study
- Date: 2021; Title: Virtue ethics, eco-theology, and discipleship
- Date: 2021; Title: Virus coated DNA nanostructures: A biological way for drug delivery
- Date: 2021; Title: Vision networks for RoboCup
- Date: 2021; Title: Watercourse contamination in post-bushfire watersheds: A study on trace metal and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) mobilisation in Cudlee Creek
- Date: 2021; Title: What is the nature of tacit knowing experienced by General Practice (GP) Supervisors as they teach GP Registrars in clinical practice?
- Date: 2021; Title: What is the usability perception of a VR flight training system?
- Date: 2022; Title: ‘Bouncing back’ from conflict: The role of relationship resilience and hope for reconciliation in romantic couples following interpersonal transgressions
- Date: 2022; Title: ‘Come as you are’: Peer research exploring the everyday lives of sex workers in South Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: Ethnic nationalism and its impact on resource distribution: a comparative study of Kenya and other select African countries
- Date: 2022; Title: A Case Study Assessing Potential Enteric Zoonotic Pathogen Risks to Beachgoers at a Perth Metropolitan Beach.
- Date: 2022; Title: A case study of patient empowerment in supporting self-management in diabetes care in Indonesia
- Date: 2022; Title: A critical analysis of Indonesia's policy on free visa during 2015-2019 period: an intention of Indonesian immigration law
- Date: 2022; Title: A French Postcolonial Museum or Mission Impossible? The Politics of Postcolonialism at the Musée du Quai Branly and Mucem
- Date: 2022; Title: A novel approach to determine lipid inducing conditions in microalgae with aggregation-induced emission-based fluorophores
- Date: 2022; Title: A preliminary study of Longshengzhuang: history and heritage management plan proposal
- Date: 2022; Title: A Robust directly Solvable Inverter-based Energy Management Model to Investigate the effects of Electric Vehicle Employment on Distribution System
- Date: 2022; Title: A System to Analyse Para-athlete Movement Outside the Laboratory
- Date: 2022; Title: A time-conscious, safety-focused exploration of two different nursing models in the rapid response service
- Date: 2022; Title: Acoustic analysis of snoring sounds towards testing relationships with other respiratory signals and health outcomes
- Date: 2022; Title: Advanced diagnostic strategies for wrist trauma
- Date: 2022; Title: Advanced process development toward biorefinery of Spirulina biomass for the production of functional proteins and peptides
- Date: 2022; Title: American River Fish Cannery: examining the nineteenth-century commercial fishing industry in South Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: An information geometric approach to sensor management
- Date: 2022; Title: An investigation into the Neolithic of Soyo (Northern Mongolia) through analysis of lithics
- Date: 2022; Title: An investigation into the performance of Adelaide traffic intersections with new alternatives
- Date: 2022; Title: An investigation into the relationship between prospective memory and PTSD symptom severity in the general population
- Date: 2022; Title: Analysing language use on social media for identifying malicious activities.
- Date: 2022; Title: Analysis and prevention of road crashes at signalised intersections in Adelaide metropolitan area
- Date: 2022; Title: Analysis of Alkali Silicon Reaction using Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RCA)
- Date: 2022; Title: Analysis of the Nitrate Ester Explosives- Xylitol Pentanitrate and Erythritol Tetranitrate
- Date: 2022; Title: Applying the Population Health Approach to school planning to support children's early development
- Date: 2022; Title: Assessing the economic and sociocultural value of maritime cultural heritage sites: An interdisciplinary pilot study
- Date: 2022; Title: Assessing the effect of degeneration on the human lumbar inter-lamellar matrix
- Date: 2022; Title: Assessing the efficacy of coastal adaptation plans in South Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: Assessing the Impacts of Artificial Light and Anthropogenic Noise on Seabirds
- Date: 2022; Title: Australian Uranium and NORM: Ecological Transfer to Native Vegetation Within the Arid Zone and UOC Phase Analysis Using Variable Temperature Synchrotron-XRD
- Date: 2022; Title: Autonomous public transportation potential benefits and applications
- Date: 2022; Title: Awareness of age-related change: Individual differences, intra-individual variability, and implications for self-regulation and well-being in middle and older adulthood
- Date: 2022; Title: Biochemical characterisation and evaluation of anti-cancer properties of medicinally significant Jujube cultivars
- Date: 2022; Title: British Humanitarian Thought, The Morant Bay Massacre, and the Bulgarian Atrocities
- Date: 2022; Title: Can Compton Scatter Imaging be incorporated with the Micro-x CT scanner prototype to aid in the detection of stroke?
- Date: 2022; Title: Catchment-scale saline groundwater interactions identified by environmental tracers and high resolution monitoring (Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia)
- Date: 2022; Title: Changes in the Role of Government Under Neoliberalism and Food Bank Innovations
- Date: 2022; Title: Characterisation and quantification of wind farm noise
- Date: 2022; Title: Characterisation of dysphagia in diverse populations using pharyngeal high-resolution manometry with impedance
- Date: 2022; Title: Characterising habitual health behaviour patterns for physical activities in constrained settings
- Date: 2022; Title: Characterising intestinal microbiome disruption in healthcare settings: towards therapeutic intervention to prevent infection
- Date: 2022; Title: Characterising pharyngeal swallowing physiology: Towards clinical application of high-resolution manometry with impedance in children
- Date: 2022; Title: Characterization and modelling of sea breeze cooling in coastal cities
- Date: 2022; Title: Characterization of the inhibitory potential of novel inhibitors of human Dimethylarginine Dimethylaminohydrolase 1 (hDDAH1).
- Date: 2022; Title: Chinese Non-governmental Organizations as international conduits: possibilities, limits and prospects
- Date: 2022; Title: Convolution Approach to the πNN System
- Date: 2022; Title: Coronavirus contingencies: An ethnographic case study of local knowledge and community responses to COVID-19 in Kupang Kota and Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
- Date: 2022; Title: COVID-19 and the paradigm shift in how Christians understand 'gathering'
- Date: 2022; Title: Crafting a book that will inform and transform people’s thinking as to why belief in God is reasonable
- Date: 2022; Title: Creating meaningful change: A critical realist study of the relationship between psychological empowerment and systemic reform in the Australian child protection system
- Date: 2022; Title: Credibility in the creek: A study at Sturtbrae, Adelaide, evaluating mudlarking as a method in public archaeology
- Date: 2022; Title: Declared criminal: An examination of the South Australian ‘bikie gang’ moral panic
- Date: 2022; Title: Delays to diagnosis and treatment of oesophagogastric cancer and its impact on treatment outcomes
- Date: 2022; Title: Democratic sovereigntist and revolutionary internationalist approaches to foreign policy: identifying the two types of approaches to foreign policy adopted by European left-wing populist parties
- Date: 2022; Title: Design and development of a motivational conversational agent for brain injury rehabilitation
- Date: 2022; Title: Developing a prototype device for treating and monitoring Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS)
- Date: 2022; Title: Developing the descriptive system for a new preference-based quality of life measure with older people receiving aged care services at home
- Date: 2022; Title: Development of recycled aggregate concrete with pristine graphene
- Date: 2022; Title: Dielectric breakdown of epoxy and its use as insulation for a high-voltage anode cable connector
- Date: 2022; Title: Drawing Digital: Exploring the Subjects and Spaces of Autobiographical Webcomics
- Date: 2022; Title: Drowsy driver detection and warning system on Raspberry Pi
- Date: 2022; Title: Ductility performance of concrete containing different percentage of recycled plastic and recycled coarse aggregates.
- Date: 2022; Title: Dungeons, Dragons and Chainmail Bikinis: A reconsideration of women’s fan experiences with D&D
- Date: 2022; Title: Dynamics of gut microbiota in bivalves: Exploring the impact of species, habitat, season and feed composition
- Date: 2022; Title: Effects of a Mathematics acceleration course on achievement and continued Mathematics study
- Date: 2022; Title: Effects of treated wastewater on plants, soil chemical properties and CO2 emission
- Date: 2022; Title: Effects of wind farm noise characteristics on subjective human responses
- Date: 2022; Title: English Kingship in the Saga Age: Memory, Transmission and the Evolution of Narrative
- Date: 2022; Title: Enhancement of trace DNA: Role of direct PCR in forensic practise
- Date: 2022; Title: Erosion dynamics of a sediment depleted coastal embayment and dunefield
- Date: 2022; Title: Establishing new medical schools in medically under-served areas
- Date: 2022; Title: Evaluation of a menu box delivery service to improve menu compliance and child vegetable intake in Australian long day cares
- Date: 2022; Title: Evaluation of Limnospira maxima biomass and microwave-assisted extracts as biofertilisers to support growth of Sorghum bicolor
- Date: 2022; Title: Evaluation of macro algal biomass and extracts for soil improvement and plant growth stimulation of Sorghum bicolor
- Date: 2022; Title: Evaluation of Swallowing in Critically Ill Tracheostomy Patients using High-Resolution Pharyngeal Manometry
- Date: 2022; Title: Evaluation of the feasibility of a managed aquifer recharge through irrigation canals in the Lower Diguillín River basin, Chile
- Date: 2022; Title: Evaluation of the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on river flow and groundwater in a Mekong River sub-basin, Laos
- Date: 2022; Title: Evolution of sociality in insects: insights from the only known social colletid bee Amphylaeus morosus
- Date: 2022; Title: Examining the Minilateral Security Arrangements: An Analysis of Minilateral Responses to China’s Expansionism in the Indo-Pacific
- Date: 2022; Title: Exploring Caregivers’ Understanding of Palliative Care for Older People in Thailand
- Date: 2022; Title: Exploring interactions of GABA and alternative oxidase pathways under salinity stress
- Date: 2022; Title: Factors affecting the transfer of science concepts by primary school students
- Date: 2022; Title: Finding a Needle in a Haystack An Examination of the South Australian Red Cross Information Bureau 1915-1919
- Date: 2022; Title: Finite Element Analysis of Custom Tri-Flange Acetabular Cups
- Date: 2022; Title: Fluid distribution and tissue resistance: response to intermittent pneumatic compression in people with and without primary lymphoedema
- Date: 2022; Title: Forensically enhanced digital preservation
- Date: 2022; Title: Functional ecology of marine macrobenthic communities
- Date: 2022; Title: Gaslighting: a weapon of dominance against trans and gender diverse people
- Date: 2022; Title: GRACE-based investigation of large-scale land-atmosphere interactions
- Date: 2022; Title: Greenhill Road traffic signal linking evaluation and optimisation
- Date: 2022; Title: High-performance work systems: An empirical Investigation in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2022; Title: Human bone cells: detection and STR profiling
- Date: 2022; Title: Identifying community perspectives on hosting international music events in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2022; Title: Illicit drug trafficking and production in Myanmar: drivers and future policy responses
- Date: 2022; Title: Impact of marine organisms on the functioning of a SWRO desalination plant
- Date: 2022; Title: Implicit interventions to promote healthier food choices from menus
- Date: 2022; Title: Improving Persian-English vocabulary learning through a learning strategy instruction embedded in a purpose-built web application
- Date: 2022; Title: Improving the performance of low-bandwidth communications networks for disaster zones and remote areas
- Date: 2022; Title: Incontinence Associated Dermatitis in Residential Aged Care: An exploratory study of staff perspectives
- Date: 2022; Title: Indonesia’s foreign policy in the making of regional international society in Southeast Asia
- Date: 2022; Title: Investigating Robotic Designs to address the ever-increasing space debris
- Date: 2022; Title: Japanese pearl labourers’ gravestones in the Thursday Island Historical Cemetery: an archaeological study
- Date: 2022; Title: Judgements of Solvability: Elucidating the First Stage of Meta-Reasoning
- Date: 2022; Title: Just Add Water: Transformations in a peopled riverscape in the Riverland region of South Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: Landscape genomics and adaptive resilience to climate change of the tropical rainbowfish (Melanotaenia splendida splendida)
- Date: 2022; Title: Liver structure and function in Yellowtail Kingfish, Seriola lalandi, under dietary manipulation
- Date: 2022; Title: Lost in Transition: The impact of identity on psychological well-being during periods of significant life change
- Date: 2022; Title: Mathematics anxiety in the classroom: developing a professional learning platform for teachers
- Date: 2022; Title: Mathematics of the crystal model
- Date: 2022; Title: Measuring consumer food service satisfaction in residential aged care homes
- Date: 2022; Title: Mechanisms underlying chronic pelvic pain associated with endometriosis
- Date: 2022; Title: MGNREGA's impact on the empowerment of India's marginalised groups in the labour market.
- Date: 2022; Title: Micromechanical assessment of regional variation in the human lumbar interlamellar matrix
- Date: 2022; Title: Modelling of flexural behaviour of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) stobie pole
- Date: 2022; Title: Modelling Sanfilippo Syndrome with induced pluripotent stem cell patient-derived neurons
- Date: 2022; Title: Modelling tumour heterogeneity with patient-specific networks
- Date: 2022; Title: Networked Feminisms in the Time of COVID-19 - Reconnecting with the legacy of the witches
- Date: 2022; Title: Novel Control for a Post-Stroke Gait Rehabilitation Exoskeleton
- Date: 2022; Title: Obstacles faced by students with disabilities in colleges due to the lack of inclusive educational frameworks in Pakistan
- Date: 2022; Title: Off-grid renewable energy systems for residential pools
- Date: 2022; Title: Optical coherence tomography shape analysis and retinal disease
- Date: 2022; Title: Palaeopathological investigations in the Mediterranean Basin from Prehistory to the Early Modern Age: A multidisciplinary approach
- Date: 2022; Title: Paper Minds: Revisiting the Icon of the Robot in Science Fiction
- Date: 2022; Title: Parasites of sleepy lizards (Tiliqua rugosa) sampled across an ecological gradient at Bundey Bore Station, South Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: Parental/carer experiences of Family Huddle participation within a paediatric haematology/oncology setting
- Date: 2022; Title: Perceptions among the young adults of Chinese second generation on home language maintenance: multiple case studies from South Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: Periphery vision menu system: expanding the interaction tools of head mounted displays for virtual reality
- Date: 2022; Title: Personalized, physiology-based treatment for obstructive sleep apnea
- Date: 2022; Title: Pharmaceutical Care of the Dying
- Date: 2022; Title: Polyunsaturated fatty acid production from novel Thraustochitryd strain using hemp seeds and its antioxidative potential
- Date: 2022; Title: Populism and securitization of migration in Europe
- Date: 2022; Title: Postural sway in near fallers: effects of fatigue and distraction
- Date: 2022; Title: Pre-frailty and frailty in hospitalised older adults: Prevalence, identification, and development of a self-managed exercise and nutrition program
- Date: 2022; Title: Preliminary analysis of timber and metal remains from Shah Muncher Shipwreck
- Date: 2022; Title: Problem gambling and non-help-seeking: Perspectives of intimate partners, gambling venue staff, and gamblers
- Date: 2022; Title: Profiling and functional interactomics of circular RNAs across human stem cell differentiation
- Date: 2022; Title: Progressing from discretionary to obligatory evaluation practice to improve access and use of health information interfaces for all
- Date: 2022; Title: Promise and peril: applying ethical principles in telehealth practice to improve service delivery for clinicians and patients
- Date: 2022; Title: Promoting physical activity: The role of commercial physical activity apps and online social networking
- Date: 2022; Title: Recalibrated expectations: A qualitative longitudinal investigation into precarious work and industry closure Recalibrated expectations: A qualitative longitudinal investigation into precarious work and industry closure
- Date: 2022; Title: Reducing soft drink consumption using nudges
- Date: 2022; Title: Regular, low-dose, sustained-release oral morphine for chronic breathlessness – Building the evidence
- Date: 2022; Title: Reinventing THE MICROSCOPE - Design and development of a low-cost portable, automated, and smart digital microscopy device for malaria detection
- Date: 2022; Title: Reproductive behaviours, drivers of activity, and effects of wildlife tourism on yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) in southern Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: Restrictive mental health practices in the management of acutely unwell patients
- Date: 2022; Title: Risk factors and the impact of HIV among women living with HIV and their families in Yogyakarta and Belu district, Indonesia
- Date: 2022; Title: Rival conceptions of modernity: Arnason and Honneth compared
- Date: 2022; Title: Screening natural compound extracts for potential anti-cancer activity on glioblastoma cell line U251-MG
- Date: 2022; Title: Seasonality of Weipa shell mounds: Implications for current archaeological models in northern Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: Seeing listening in the eyes: Examining the effects of light level and fatigue on pupil dilation during a speech-in-noise task
- Date: 2022; Title: Selecting a preschool: A discursive-affective analysis of parental choice in South Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and the Humanitarian Response: The Case of Rohingya Refugee Women in Bangladesh
- Date: 2022; Title: Single women and the law: crime and legislative change in colonial South Australia, 1836-1880
- Date: 2022; Title: Solving for the Unknown: A comparative study of methodological approaches to submerged landscape archaeology
- Date: 2022; Title: Stability and applications of model membranes
- Date: 2022; Title: Statistical approaches to the early assessment of hip and knee replacement prostheses
- Date: 2022; Title: Statistical characterisation of endocardial breakthroughs in atrial fibrillation
- Date: 2022; Title: Stochastic process models for short-term forecasting of pandemics
- Date: 2022; Title: Sulfur copolymers for coatings, composites, and mining applications
- Date: 2022; Title: Synthesis and characterisation of tuneable, high attachment density raspberry particles
- Date: 2022; Title: That's what friends are for: How years, days, and minutes of social engagement relate to cognition in older and younger adulthood
- Date: 2022; Title: The applicability of the Community of Inquiry framework to online/ blended nursing education in Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: The Art of Falling and Searching for Loretta
- Date: 2022; Title: The attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of healthcare professionals towards a multidisciplinary team managing people using bariatric surgery as a treatment option for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Date: 2022; Title: The contextual relationship between earnings management and corporate social responsibility: managerial myopia versus myopia avoidance perspectives
- Date: 2022; Title: The Development of a Novel Sleep Position Monitoring Sensor
- Date: 2022; Title: The development of an optimal remote support model for hospital care in a war-torn setting: A case study in Syria
- Date: 2022; Title: The effect of wind turbine noise on objective and subjective sleep and next-day mood, anxiety and cognitive performance
- Date: 2022; Title: The emotions and feelings experienced by guide dog owners in the application, training and working of their guide dogs
- Date: 2022; Title: The experiences of menopause among Eritrean women in the Adelaide community
- Date: 2022; Title: The family meal; then and now, a 30-year comparison study
- Date: 2022; Title: The Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MCI) Content Moderation Regulation Policy since 2020: impacts on good governance and freedom of expression
- Date: 2022; Title: The pathogenesis of Hidradenitis Suppurativa
- Date: 2022; Title: The potential role of sports tourism in supporting local economies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2022; Title: The purchasing behaviour of people from different cultural backgrounds in a multicultural nation
- Date: 2022; Title: The replacement of chalcopyrite by copper sulphides and its application in Cu extraction
- Date: 2022; Title: The Role of Capsular Polysaccharide in Acinetobacter baumannii Virulence
- Date: 2022; Title: The role of DDAH1 in angiogenesis
- Date: 2022; Title: The Role of Enterochromaffin Cells in Gut Motility and their Interactions with Extrinsic Sensory Nerves
- Date: 2022; Title: The role of parental cry tolerance when using behavioural sleep interventions for paediatric insomnia
- Date: 2022; Title: The role of tourism marketing in changing perceptions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: stakeholder perspectives
- Date: 2022; Title: The systematics, evolution, and extinction risks of tropical bees
- Date: 2022; Title: The value of truth for justice restoration and victims’ healing
- Date: 2022; Title: Through the digital looking glass: Japanese art and material culture in the discourse of classical whaling.
- Date: 2022; Title: Toward the Global Goals: Examining the intersection of climate change, migration and the Sustainable Development Goals in the South Pacific
- Date: 2022; Title: Tracing maritime connectivity in the Greek Early Iron Age through the funerary culture at Lefkandi on Euboea.
- Date: 2022; Title: Transitional Justice for Long-term Peacebuilding? A Case Study of Sierra Leone
- Date: 2022; Title: Travel memoirs: presenting difference or perpetuating sameness? A reflexive, comparative, case study exploring phenomenology of place and representation of Self, Other, sameness, and difference, as documented by Australian and French autobiographical authors; interpreted by an Australian/American traveller, reader, and learner of French.
- Date: 2022; Title: Un modelo traductológico dinámico e integrado para la traducción del texto literario “The Partisan's Song” de Arnold Zable
- Date: 2022; Title: Understanding the factors that influence men’s support and resistance to the movement for gender equality
- Date: 2022; Title: Understanding the issues and challenges of achieving quality primary education in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh
- Date: 2022; Title: Understanding the Uptake, Barriers, and Challenges to Using Screen- reading software for Learning Experienced by University Students with Vision Impairments in Pakistan
- Date: 2022; Title: Unravelling moral certainty: Having a rough story
- Date: 2022; Title: Use of histopathology for disease surveillance in juvenile barramundi Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790)
- Date: 2022; Title: Use-wear analysis of Aboriginal flaked stone, glass and porcelain from Calperum Station, South Australia
- Date: 2022; Title: Using origin-destination data to determine the potential for electric vehicles to become virtual power plants
- Date: 2022; Title: Utility of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in the assessment of myocardial dysfunction in pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Date: 2022; Title: Utilizing Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography (Py-GC) to Understand the Use of Resinous Substances on Ships Dated to the Fourth century BC: interpretations of the resinous substance found on the Kyrenia Ship, Cyprus.
- Date: 2022; Title: Vision thinking and motivation for collective change
- Date: 2022; Title: Vortex mediated catalysis and physico-chemical process control
- Date: 2022; Title: Wardanaak Boodjar ‘The Flood’: connecting the submerged landscapes and subaerial archaeology of the Swan Coastal Plain
- Date: 2022; Title: Wearable inertial sensors for centre of mass stability changes during the incremental shuttle walk test
- Date: 2022; Title: What can geophysical geoarchaeology reveal about the archaeology and depositional history of the site of Klein Hoek 1, South Africa?
- Date: 2022; Title: What is this Sovereignty thing? Intimate connection to Country
- Date: 2022; Title: What's the Point? Ageing with purpose
- Date: 2022; Title: Writing on Thresholds: An Australian Postcolonial Poetics & The Blue Archway
- Date: 2023; Title: “We despair”: Understanding the effect of political despair on personal well-being and actions to promote social change
- Date: 2023; Title: 'That's old Barunga house': experiences of transitional housing within an Aboriginal community in a remote area
- Date: 2023; Title: 'The deserving poor': Uncovering the worldviews at The Rookery, Adelaide, through the study of ceramics
- Date: 2023; Title: 'The power and potentiality of grief objects: writing grief memoir from personal possessions and archives' & 'Spooling the Yarn'
- Date: 2023; Title: A Bi-Lingual Speech Emotion Recognition Model through Image Processing on Spectral Features
- Date: 2023; Title: A clinical perspective of childhood glaucoma: an exploration of genotypes, phenotypes, and quality of life
- Date: 2023; Title: A Comparative Study on VAWT Blades' Lap-Joint Designs: An Ansys Finite Element Analysis Approach
- Date: 2023; Title: A Comparison of the Phonological and Morphological Awareness between Mandarin and Korean–Mandarin Speakers on English Language Learning
- Date: 2023; Title: A cross-sectional survey of bereaved caregivers’ perspectives on preparedness, moving forward and impact of support from a palliative care bereavement service, including a scoping review of bereavement service descriptions.
- Date: 2023; Title: A dual conceptualisation of personal authenticity and its relationship with offender defensiveness and moral repair
- Date: 2023; Title: A long, long way from Clare to here: An archaeology of the Irish in colonial South Australia
- Date: 2023; Title: A multifaceted approach to early intervention in the eating disorders
- Date: 2023; Title: A New Focus on Ancient Art: Digital Techniques to Record and Understand Rock Art
- Date: 2023; Title: A Study of Road Network Performance During Incident
- Date: 2023; Title: A Study of the Vanist Sect in the English Revolution--Early 1659
- Date: 2023; Title: Abortion stigma in a pro-choice world: A mixed methods study of abortion stigma in Australia
- Date: 2023; Title: Achieving cost-effective endoscopic surveillance and treatment of Barrett’s oesophagus
- Date: 2023; Title: Advanced Renewable Wind Turbine Braking System
- Date: 2023; Title: Affinity purification and identification of unique, shared, anti-IA-2 B cell clonotypes: A proteomic approach to understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms underpinning autoimmunity in Type 1 diabetes
- Date: 2023; Title: Ageism and the older woman in contemporary Australian literature: the tonics and the toxins
- Date: 2023; Title: Alternative Electromyography Sensor Placement Protocol When Preferred Recording Sites Are Unavailable
- Date: 2023; Title: An Archaeological Assessment of the Jiangjyun No. 1 Shipwreck in the Penghu Islands, Taiwan
- Date: 2023; Title: An Evaluation of Stepped Care for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Date: 2023; Title: An Explanatory Mixed Methods Study of South Australian Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Preparation for Disability-Inclusive Education
- Date: 2023; Title: An investigation into the feasibility and effect of dietary resistant starch supplementation in HIV-positive adults in India.
- Date: 2023; Title: An Investigation into the Photolytic Degradation Products of Tattoo Pigments
- Date: 2023; Title: An updated GIS approach to studying bronze and iron age hillforts on the islands of Hvar, Brac and the Makarska littoral, Croatia
- Date: 2023; Title: Analysis and Design of Pile in expansive soil using uplift force
- Date: 2023; Title: Antibacterial Properties of Plasma Functionalized Surfaces Immobilization with Aggregation-Induced Emission Photosensitizers for Preventing Surgical Site Infection
- Date: 2023; Title: Archaeology and Anthropology of World War II Japanese Aircraft in Australia: The Case Study of Hajime Toyoshima’s Zero
- Date: 2023; Title: Are we on the same track? An exploration of educators’, autistic students’ and adults’ conceptual understandings of autism
- Date: 2023; Title: Around the dinner table: constructing commensality within the family. An ethnographic approach of the conditions, forms and effects of everyday mealtimes in Lyon and Adelaide
- Date: 2023; Title: Astaxanthin production from Schizochytrium sp and its stabilisation through encapsulation
- Date: 2023; Title: Autism in out of school hours care
- Date: 2023; Title: Balancing Authenticity: Genderfluid Representation in Historical Fiction
- Date: 2023; Title: Battery Management System with Individual Cell COntroller for a High-Power Battery
- Date: 2023; Title: Battling Infections for bone scaffold via Novel Antimicrobial and Biocompatible Silk Sericin-Gallium-Silver Particle-Based Coatings
- Date: 2023; Title: Behind anemone lines: using omics to uncover the mechanisms involved in the iconic symbiosis between host sea anemones and anemonefish
- Date: 2023; Title: Being well online: Health and wellness life writing on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok
- Date: 2023; Title: Bio-flotation: Bacterial cell hydrophobicity and adhesion to mineral surfaces
- Date: 2023; Title: Bioarchaeology and Repatriation: Re-Establishing Identity and Provenance of Indigenous Ancestral Remains
- Date: 2023; Title: Boosting adoption of mobile health apps: An exploration of new human and technology drivers of adoption
- Date: 2023; Title: Cambodia’s Sex Trade: Advocating for the Rights of Women Living in Injustice
- Date: 2023; Title: Carbon and nitrogen transport across the legume symbiosome membrane
- Date: 2023; Title: Characterising the mechanisms through which the microbiota influences immune responses to vaccination in early life
- Date: 2023; Title: Characterising the unintended consequences of antibiotic use on the microbiome and resistome: a metagenomic approach
- Date: 2023; Title: Characterization of phenolic compound-modified alpha-2-macroglobulin in vitro
- Date: 2023; Title: Clarifying the Unconscious Mind
- Date: 2023; Title: Classic-ing on the Australian Mainstream Stage: the place and phenomenon of classic in Australian mainstream theatre 1995-2016
- Date: 2023; Title: Comparison of Solar Photovoltaic – Battery Storage System Against Wind Power – Battery Storage System
- Date: 2023; Title: Conscious Machines: How a conscious machine may be possible
- Date: 2023; Title: Construction and Application of a Hybrid Self-management Model for Community-dwelling Older People with Urinary Incontinence.
- Date: 2023; Title: Contrastive Visual and Language Learning for Visual Relationship Detection
- Date: 2023; Title: Cost-effective production of Omega-3 fatty acids and proteins from Schizochytrium sp. biomass for feed application
- Date: 2023; Title: Crosslinked Collagen-Alginate Hydrogel With PLGA-Loaded Drug For Potential Modulation Of Cell Differentiation In Bone Tissue And Prospective Treatment Of Craniosynostosis
- Date: 2023; Title: Cultural Genesis: Destruction and submersion: An investigation into the lasting impact of maritime disasters on human cultural genesis in the Mediterranean from prehistory to modern times
- Date: 2023; Title: Cultural perspectives of a Lutheran primary school
- Date: 2023; Title: Deposition, Topographic and Spectroscopic Studies of Metal Nanoclusters on Photocatalytic Surfaces
- Date: 2023; Title: Design and implementation of a passive wireless sensor to monitor bone fracture healing
- Date: 2023; Title: Design and Modelling Optimisation of VAWT-X Wind Turbine
- Date: 2023; Title: Design Automation of the Manufacturing Process for VAWT Blade & its Mould by parametrization.
- Date: 2023; Title: Design of cantilever timber poles in cohesive soil
- Date: 2023; Title: Developing an antibiotic-infused periodontal film for early intervention of periodontitis
- Date: 2023; Title: Developing new monolayer culture conditions to increase adhesion, survival and maturation of hPSC-derived neuronal models
- Date: 2023; Title: Development and Validation of a Poroelastic Finite Element model of a human Lumbar Spine Segment
- Date: 2023; Title: Development of a Process for Converting Radiographic Images of metal into Finite Element Models: Assessing Accuracy and Validity
- Date: 2023; Title: Development of Novel Antibacterial Ti-Nb-Ga Alloys with Low Stiffness for Medical Implant Applications
- Date: 2023; Title: Development of Spectral Fuels for Use in Bi Spectral Pyrotechnic Formulations
- Date: 2023; Title: Digital Transformation for Production Performance
- Date: 2023; Title: Distribution of Bioactive Polyphenolics and Carbohydrate Polymers in a Brown Alga: Macrocystis pyrifera
- Date: 2023; Title: Dysregulation of Complement Factor H During Dengue Virus Infection in vitro
- Date: 2023; Title: Earth Mounds, Mussels and Typha: Innovation in Aboriginal procurement strategies on the Murray River floodplain, Calperum, South Australia
- Date: 2023; Title: Eco-friendly halogen-free solvent processed efficient polymer solar cell fabrication and morphology engineering
- Date: 2023; Title: Eden Uprooted: Investigating Attitudes in the Garden at Pingle Farm
- Date: 2023; Title: Effect of inter-pass temperature on the fatigue properties of wire-arc additively manufactured aluminium 5183
- Date: 2023; Title: Effects of Inflammatory Cytokines on Human Retinal Endothelial Cells
- Date: 2023; Title: EFL Secondary School Teachers’ Perceived Use of Dornyei’s Motivational Strategies in Classrooms in Jayapura Regency
- Date: 2023; Title: Electric Machines for Electric Vehicles Considering Efficiency Map
- Date: 2023; Title: Enablers and barriers to midwives’ acceptance of technology in maternity care
- Date: 2023; Title: Enabling health professionals to provide effective self-management support for cancer-related fatigue
- Date: 2023; Title: Energy Management for Residential Houses
- Date: 2023; Title: Engineered surfaces for removal of biogenic amines in wine.
- Date: 2023; Title: Enhanced omega-3 enriched phospholipids (PLs) production in marine microalgae
- Date: 2023; Title: Enhancing IoT Cybersecurity Frameworks
- Date: 2023; Title: Establishing the sleep disruption characteristics of wind turbine compared to traffic noise using quantitative electroencephalography with spectral power analysis
- Date: 2023; Title: Estimating the probability of homelessness for individuals on the autism spectrum: known risk factors or specific characteristics?
- Date: 2023; Title: Evaluating the progress of the Integrated Vulnerability Assessment in Kiribati
- Date: 2023; Title: Evaluation of a nanoparticle-based gene therapy vector for treatment of Sanfilippo syndrome.
- Date: 2023; Title: Evaluation of chemical and electronic properties of photovoltaic materials at interfaces in solar cell devices
- Date: 2023; Title: Evaluation of suitability of novel Schizochytrium.sp strain for biodiesel and high value PUFAs Production
- Date: 2023; Title: Experiences of autism: Perspectives from adolescents on the autism spectrum
- Date: 2023; Title: Experimental and numerical study of the flow field in a High-Rate Algal Pond (HRAP)
- Date: 2023; Title: Experimental Evaluation of Composite Helical Springs
- Date: 2023; Title: Exploration into Rock Art and Life at Jubbah, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Evolution of the Culture and People as Communicated Through the Artistic Variations.
- Date: 2023; Title: Exploration of Host-Pathogen Interactions in the Australian Skink Tiliqua rugosa
- Date: 2023; Title: Exploring Supports for Students with Complex Communication Needs and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds in School Settings
- Date: 2023; Title: Exploring the care needs of stroke dyads in hospital-to-home transition from perspectives of stroke dyads and health professionals
- Date: 2023; Title: Exploring the consumer perceived veracity of traditional media vs social media reports in an organisational crisis context
- Date: 2023; Title: Exploring the influence of an Australian healthcare organisation-initiated education program
- Date: 2023; Title: Fact, fiction, faction: rehearsing social work through [novel] autoethnography
- Date: 2023; Title: Finding balance as an invited guest: Registered nurses' lived experience of providing home-based palliative care in rural communities
- Date: 2023; Title: Force-velocity profiling in jumping and sprinting actions: Exploring the utility to enhance performance in individual and team sport populations
- Date: 2023; Title: From theory to intervention: Exploring perfectionism and self-criticism in the link between social media and eating disorder risk
- Date: 2023; Title: Gender and comedy in post-Bridesmaids Hollywood cinema: the rise and fall of the Womance Comedy
- Date: 2023; Title: Gifted students and their school libraries: educational environments, experiences and explorations
- Date: 2023; Title: Goal setting for people with mild cognitive impairment or dementia participating in rehabilitation programs
- Date: 2023; Title: Griffiths Island whaling station, Port Fairy: An Archaeological Survey
- Date: 2023; Title: Hardware design, optimization and fabrication for a portable medical device to monitor chronic kidney disease
- Date: 2023; Title: Hawaiian loko i’a community-based archaeology: Recommending best-practice methodology for archaeology on Hawaiian fishpond structures
- Date: 2023; Title: Health and disease in the ancient Mediterranean as demonstrated through the application of anthropological, paleopathological and paleoradiological methods
- Date: 2023; Title: Health Care Homes and the role of the practice nurse: an exploration using case study methodology
- Date: 2023; Title: Helping those who languish: innovating psychological mental health promotion solutions for people with poor mental wellbeing
- Date: 2023; Title: Heuristic Algorithms in Maker-Breaker Secure Domination Games
- Date: 2023; Title: High-resolution manometry with impedance for the assessment of age related swallowing impairment (dysphagia)
- Date: 2023; Title: Homelessness as a barrier to cognitive wellbeing and dementia risk reduction
- Date: 2023; Title: How and to what extent can Historical Ship Structural Components be Observed in a Shallow Dynamic Environment? The Case Study of SS Admella
- Date: 2023; Title: How do diverse stakeholder groups perceive the activities of non-government organisations (NGOs) working with disadvantaged children in Siem Reap, Cambodia?
- Date: 2023; Title: How effectively are current heritage management strategies for maritime archaeology in the Red Sea contributing to the Saudi Arabian vision of 2030? Using the Umluj Shipwreck and Jeddah port as case studies
- Date: 2023; Title: How sleep mediates the relationship between physical activity and mood in adolescents
- Date: 2023; Title: Hydrogeological drivers and fate of spring discharge in a semi-arid and remote setting
- Date: 2023; Title: Hydrothermally etched titanium for the mitigation of implant associated infection
- Date: 2023; Title: Improving the Medication Experience of Australians Living with Cancer
- Date: 2023; Title: Information-flow Quality Determinacy
- Date: 2023; Title: Inhibition of Glioblastoma Cells Invasiveness using Novel Natural Compounds
- Date: 2023; Title: Integration of 2D materials to surfaces of electrodes
- Date: 2023; Title: Inter-Subject Variability Of The Healthy Tibiofemoral Function
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigating mechanical properties of dissimilar welds of stainless steel 316L and Inconel 625 for high temperature corrosion applications
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigating obstructive sleep apnea, sleep macroarchitecture, and quantitative electroencephalographic markers of cognitive function
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigating the acceptability and feasibility of a self-management care planning-based intervention: To improve cardiovascular health and quality of life of community-living adults with severe mental illness
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigating the dual-continua model of mental health: Assessment of mental wellbeing in the context of psychological distress
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigating the Implementation of the 2007 National Solid Waste Management Policy in Sri Lanka
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigating the metabolic regulation of extracellular vesicles in colorectal cancer
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigating the physical, chemical and electronic properties of chromium oxide layers and gold clusters on surfaces: Implications for photocatalysis
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigation into pre-bedtime technology use to improve adolescent sleep
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigation of the cultural heritage significance of the Rijal Alma Heritage Village
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigation of the expression of Glb-1 and GluA2 promoters in indica and japonica rice in different tissues via GUS staining
- Date: 2023; Title: Investigation of the mechanism of action of IGF-II binding to the IGF-1R and IR-A and how signaling pathways are preferentially activated
- Date: 2023; Title: Invisible but exposed. An innovative research lens on congenital bowel disorders
- Date: 2023; Title: Ion Specificity at Non-Aqueous Solvent Surfaces: Concentration Depth Profiles of Monovalent Inorganic Ions
- Date: 2023; Title: John Flynn and Charles Duguid: contested narratives of the Inland.
- Date: 2023; Title: Junk or jewel: content, users and sales effectiveness of supermarket catalogues
- Date: 2023; Title: Labrandor – A framework for guiding the development of dynamically generated penetration testing laboratories
- Date: 2023; Title: Late Genitourinary Toxicity Following External Beam Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer
- Date: 2023; Title: Legionella pneumophila and protozoan hosts from the engineered water systems
- Date: 2023; Title: Leveraging assessment data to improve medical education
- Date: 2023; Title: Life from the debris: artefacts from the Native Mounted Police - 1848 to the early 1900s
- Date: 2023; Title: Livelihood Vulnerability Index: Measuring Climate Change vulnerability of rural communities in Northern Laos.
- Date: 2023; Title: Lowering the Retirement Age: A Study on the Attitudes and Retirement Planning Behaviours of Local Budget Officers in Western Visayas Amidst Changes in Government Employee Retirement Age Policies in the Philippines
- Date: 2023; Title: Machine Learning and Multivariate Analysis for Chemical Determination of Suspicious Objects by Laser-Induced Breakdown and Raman Spectroscopies
- Date: 2023; Title: Meta-awareness and posttraumatic stress disorder: An investigation of the characteristics and mechanisms of meta-awareness of trauma-related intrusions
- Date: 2023; Title: Microscale properties of the annulus fibrosus in the disc: effect of degeneration
- Date: 2023; Title: Neoliberalism, Harm, and the COVID-19 Crisis
- Date: 2023; Title: Ngadjuri perceptions of the impacts of cultural dispossession of identity, heritage and wellbeing
- Date: 2023; Title: Nonpharmacological prevention, minimisation and management of agitation in the adult intensive care unit. Development of preliminary Danish and Australian patient-centred clinical practice guidelines.
- Date: 2023; Title: Nudging healthier choices through menu labelling
- Date: 2023; Title: Nurturing the desire to be challenged: a framework for sustaining the motivation to persist using metacognitive thinking in a senior secondary STEM environment.
- Date: 2023; Title: On the integrated analysis and forensic interpretation of gunshot residues
- Date: 2023; Title: Optimal sizing of solar PV and battery energy for grid connected house based on energy sharing
- Date: 2023; Title: Optimising paediatric tube weaning practices
- Date: 2023; Title: Patterns of gesture in conversations involving adults with acquired hearing impairment and their frequent communication partners
- Date: 2023; Title: Photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange using modified mesoporous TiO2 and Au9 clusters
- Date: 2023; Title: Plasma-treated Spirulina maxima promoting wound healing and antibacterial capability
- Date: 2023; Title: Poetry as Knowledge: how epistemic sexism/racism can be disrupted through the poetry of marginalised voices and bodies
- Date: 2023; Title: Positioning Primary Care at the Centre of Sleep Health Management: A Health Economics Approach
- Date: 2023; Title: Precarity, public value and power economies: the effects of industrial change on small screen content creators - a view from behind the lens.
- Date: 2023; Title: Predicting Femoral Strain Using Surrogate Modelling
- Date: 2023; Title: Prisoner of War Diplomacy: Australian Prisoners of War in Italy and Australian Foreign Policy, 1939-1947
- Date: 2023; Title: Pushed to the fringe - Vaccine hesitancy in parents and pregnant women
- Date: 2023; Title: Rambler: A Study of South Australian Colonial Ship Construction
- Date: 2023; Title: Rapid Microbial DNA Extraction using Vortex Fluidic Device (VFD)
- Date: 2023; Title: Rational Identification of Novel Human Dimethylarginine Dimethylaminohydrolase-1 (hDDAH-1) Inhibitors
- Date: 2023; Title: Re-imagining professional learning: How an organic exploration of creativity and its connection to learning illuminates new possibilities
- Date: 2023; Title: Redescription and Systematics of the genus Torosteus (Arthrodira; Placodermi)
- Date: 2023; Title: Reinforcement Learning and Sim-to-Real Transfer for Adaptive Control of AUV
- Date: 2023; Title: Rethinking Kenya’s national police service recruitment model towards competence and merit-based process for selecting recruits
- Date: 2023; Title: Risk and protective factors affecting youth reproductive health in Indonesia with the focus on Aceh province
- Date: 2023; Title: River Water Level Forecasting with Adaptive ARIMA and Extreme Learning Machine Models
- Date: 2023; Title: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage at Luang Prabang, Lao PDR
- Date: 2023; Title: Scars of Childhood Stress: An investigation of the relationship between childhood socioeconomic position, DNA methylation, and young adult mental health
- Date: 2023; Title: Screening & Purification of Antimicrobial Compounds from Australian Marine & Freshwater Fungi
- Date: 2023; Title: Settler Reading Postures: Reading Ruth in Settler-Colonial Australia
- Date: 2023; Title: Sexual harassment at work: A case study of working women in contemporary Vietnam
- Date: 2023; Title: Shortening and managing the impact of lengthy treatment waitlists for people with non-underweight eating disorders
- Date: 2023; Title: Social harm in the Australian gig economy: an approach to determine accountability of gig companies and their algorithms for harming gig workers
- Date: 2023; Title: Sovereignty, Globalisation and the Making of the Amendments to the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) 2000–2020: Justifying the Exclusion of Non-citizens
- Date: 2023; Title: Spatio-temporal variability in plant reproduction across a fragmented landscape of Southern Australia
- Date: 2023; Title: Springs of the southeastern Great Artesian Basin: Hydrogeology, environmental tracers and flow direction
- Date: 2023; Title: State Responsibility for Genocide and the Lens of State Crime: An Interdisciplinary Case Study of the Rohingya of Myanmar
- Date: 2023; Title: Straight for Pay. Lesbian and queer sex workers: understanding the effect of capital on identity and community.
- Date: 2023; Title: Strengthening cybersecurity in digital transformation
- Date: 2023; Title: Studies on oxides, phosphates, molybdates, and other sustainable materials for batteries and supercapacitors with electrochemical insights
- Date: 2023; Title: Studies to explore the association between health-related behaviours and HbA1c among Kuwaiti young people at risk of T2DM
- Date: 2023; Title: Study of the effects of seaweed extracts on mouse gut transit time, gut morphology, and relevant markers
- Date: 2023; Title: Symbols of a Seascape: Archaeological Assessment of Maritime Motifs in Yanyuwa ‘Rock Art’
- Date: 2023; Title: The adaptation of Australian-born children of skilled immigrants
- Date: 2023; Title: The allied health rural generalist pathway: A workforce initiative
- Date: 2023; Title: The avian vampire fly, Philornis downsi: A parasite’s perspective of co-evolutionary dynamics
- Date: 2023; Title: The behavioural ecology of mixed-species groups of delphinids
- Date: 2023; Title: The Christology of Rudolf Steiner
- Date: 2023; Title: The circular RNAs, circPPP1R13B(2-4) and circNFASC(26,27), are upregulated in Glioblastoma and reduce cellular tumorigenicity
- Date: 2023; Title: The Diagnosis and Management of Insomnia in Australia
- Date: 2023; Title: The Early Anglo-Saxon Brooch A temporal and spatial investigation of Portable Antiquities Scheme Early Anglo-Saxon brooches and how they shed light on the invasion debate
- Date: 2023; Title: The Econfina Paleochannel Sites: Detecting and locating submerged coastally adapted cultural landscapes in Apalachee Bay, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A.
- Date: 2023; Title: The Effects of a Single Session of Neuromodulation Therapy on Muscle Activation During Walking Early After Total Knee Replacement
- Date: 2023; Title: The factors smokers use to distinguish between nicotine withdrawal and cravings for nicotine: results from a mixed-methods survey of students at an Australian university
- Date: 2023; Title: The Impact of Indonesia’s Refugee Policy 2016 - 2023: The Rohingya Refugees
- Date: 2023; Title: The multiple optimisation strategy study on non-pharmacological interventions among community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment based on value-based healthcare.
- Date: 2023; Title: The role of rhizosphere small RNAs in soil disease suppressive community
- Date: 2023; Title: The role of tau and tau-associated protein networks in memory circuits and processes
- Date: 2023; Title: The Role of Technology at School: New Perspectives on Distance Education and Cyberbullying
- Date: 2023; Title: The Space Between: A Narrative Inquiry into three practitioners’ experiences of leading professional learning in gifted education
- Date: 2023; Title: The standardisation and control of testing for infectious diseases
- Date: 2023; Title: The systematics and palaeobiology of kangaroos of the late Cenozoic genus Protemnodon
- Date: 2023; Title: The use of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) to improve the traffic network performance
- Date: 2023; Title: The use of Vernacular English and Health Professional Terminology in Nursing Education
- Date: 2023; Title: The utility of a network typology in understanding the help-seeking behaviours in older rural Australians
- Date: 2023; Title: Thermal stability of slot-die coated Organic Photovoltaics
- Date: 2023; Title: To Be Oneself and Not: Persona as a Source of Agency (and Play) in the Literary Essay
- Date: 2023; Title: Towards Understanding the Chronic Healthcare Needs and Health Services Utilisation of Older Adults in Rural South Australia
- Date: 2023; Title: Transitions and Controversies in Australian Abortion Law, 2001-2021
- Date: 2023; Title: Translating knowledge into meaningful action: Advancing alcohol related breast cancer prevention
- Date: 2023; Title: Tribocorrosion behaviour of Ti and CoCrMo biometals in metal-on-metal contacts: analytical modelling and experimental evaluation
- Date: 2023; Title: Tripolar Concentric Ring Electrode Brain Computer Interfacing with Real and Imagined Movements
- Date: 2023; Title: Ultrastructural & mechanical characterisation of the elastic fibre network in the human annulus fibrosus
- Date: 2023; Title: Underaged & Digitally Engaged: Adolescent Use of Adult-Based Platforms
- Date: 2023; Title: Understanding Policy Enactment of Technology in Saudi Arabia: Three Case Studies in Intermediate Schools Pursuing the Future Gate Project
- Date: 2023; Title: Understanding site formation processes, human occupation and environmental change at Mertenhof rock shelter, South Africa
- Date: 2023; Title: Understanding the effectiveness of Australian feminist organisations’ relationship with government
- Date: 2023; Title: Understanding the Prevalence and Impact of Maltreatment of Child Labourers: A Mixed-Method Analysis in the Context of Rural Bangladesh
- Date: 2023; Title: Understanding the use of Pasung for people with mental illness: Experience of families and communities, reasons for its use, and potential solutions
- Date: 2023; Title: Use of Thermal Stress Analysis for Defect Detection
- Date: 2023; Title: Vietnam's strategy in the context of US-China competition
- Date: 2023; Title: Vision-Based Real-Time Velocity Estimation
- Date: 2023; Title: Vortex Fluidic assisted encapsulation of flaxseed oil using alginate and strawberry.
- Date: 2023; Title: What do you do with a dugout canoe: an investigation into how the introduction of dugout canoes transformed the social and economic landscape of Indigenous Australia.
- Date: 2024; Title: ‘A most sacred part of our land’ An exploration of ethnohistory, archaeology, palaeogeography and Narungga knowledges in relation to Point Pearce Peninsula/Burgiyana and adjacent islands on Yorke Peninsula/Guuranda, South Australia.
- Date: 2024; Title: ‘They Pretend to Have Remarkable Revelations’: The Reception and Representation of Mormonism in Australia and New Zealand, 1840 to Present
- Date: 2024; Title: “I still, I still, I still, I still…” The Voice of the Older Person with advanced dementia in residential aged care: an ethnography exploring. What it means for the Person to have their Voice.
- Date: 2024; Title: “Modelling and Evaluating Signalized Intersection Performance: 'A Sidra-Based Approach Using Scat and Bluetooth Data”
- Date: 2024; Title: A comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms for fault detection and classification in microgrids
- Date: 2024; Title: A Monstrous Mother?: Revising the Story of Guðrún Gjúkadóttir
- Date: 2024; Title: A nudge in the right direction: The efficacy of visual nudges for encouraging healthier dietary behaviours
- Date: 2024; Title: A person-centred organisational management model for enabling meaningful socio-economic engagement for people with cognitive disability
- Date: 2024; Title: A Proactive Defence Framework for Internet of Things (IoT) Networks Security for Digital Health.
- Date: 2024; Title: A public health perspective on the recovery and remediation of methamphetamine contaminated surfaces
- Date: 2024; Title: A Study and Implementation of the Control System of Flap Type Water Wave Maker
- Date: 2024; Title: Acute Ischaemic Stroke Assessment: Overcoming Barriers to Effective Therapies
- Date: 2024; Title: Advancing fatigue prediction with data-driven insights from consumer sleep trackers
- Date: 2024; Title: Aegean Islander Migration to the United Kingdom and Australia, 1815-1945: Emigration, Settlement, Community Building, and Integration
- Date: 2024; Title: An interdisciplinary approach to the ecology, morphology, and evolutionary relationships of Genyornis newtoni (Aves, Dromornithidae), with implications for the greater dromornithid radiation
- Date: 2024; Title: An Investigation into the Methods Used to Measure Cultural Ecosystem Services Associated with Coastal Wetlands
- Date: 2024; Title: Antibacterial activity and biocompatibility of bioactive coatings of silver gallium nano-amalgamated particles on bioceramics
- Date: 2024; Title: Antimicrobial drug resistance in pneumococcus Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Date: 2024; Title: Application of Supercapacitor for Braking Energy Recovery in Electric Bicycles
- Date: 2024; Title: Arrogant Leadership and Innovative Work Behaviour in Times of Discontinuity
- Date: 2024; Title: Assessing Antibiotic Resistance in the Skin Microbiome of Elasmobranchs: A Comparative Analysis
- Date: 2024; Title: Assessing the Efficacy of Anti-Submarine Measures in Safeguarding the Hawkesbury River Railway.
- Date: 2024; Title: Assessing the Prevalence and Contributing Factors of Sleep Complaints and Mental Health Issues among Current and Retired Athletes
- Date: 2024; Title: Assessing wellbeing and student achievement during COVID-19 lockdown in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2024; Title: Assessment of in vivo kinematics of the normal and scapholunate instability wrist using dynamic CT scan
- Date: 2024; Title: Australian Submerged Cultural Landscapes in Context: Examining an Onshore and Offshore Site at Withnell Bay, Murujuga
- Date: 2024; Title: Belief beyond logic: An investigation of the role of intuitive reasoning in delusion formation and maintenance
- Date: 2024; Title: Best predictors for a good outcome after laparoscopic fundoplication in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
- Date: 2024; Title: Beyond Jaws: exploring the unseen influence of white shark cage-diving on silver trevally (Pseudocaranx georgianus)
- Date: 2024; Title: Beyond the blur: The empirical basis of Instagram’s sensitive-content screens
- Date: 2024; Title: Bioinformatics in Bacteriophages: Leveraging the Levenshtein Distance for Enhanced Bacteriophage Genome Analysis
- Date: 2024; Title: Brain activity visualisation using a physical 3D brain with LEDs
- Date: 2024; Title: Breathing in Health: Assessing the potential of outdoor environments to transfer health-promoting butyrate-producing bacteria to people
- Date: 2024; Title: Canopy Height Assessment in South Australian Pinus Radiata Plantations using Sentinel-1: A Comparative Analysis between INSAR and Machine Learning Algorithms
- Date: 2024; Title: Cardiometabolic effects of glucocorticoid excess: Inpatient hyperglycaemia and in adrenal incidentaloma
- Date: 2024; Title: Cardiovascular disease in liver transplant candidates
- Date: 2024; Title: Characterising the Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Screening and Treatment Outcomes for Diabetic Retinopathy among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- Date: 2024; Title: Chinese Cultural Diplomacy in the 21st Century: The China Cultural Centre Project
- Date: 2024; Title: Circular Rna As Indicators For Stillbirth And Placental Ageing
- Date: 2024; Title: Cloning Heterologous Proteins for the in vitro Biochemical Characterization of Enzymes Involved in the Synthesis of Cell Wall Polysaccharides
- Date: 2024; Title: Co-designing and evaluating the feasibility of an online physical activity, nutrition, and psychosocial intervention for post-treatment cancer survivors
- Date: 2024; Title: Community perceptions of nursing and its impact on the shortage of Kuwaiti nurses
- Date: 2024; Title: Comparison of DC-DC converter for wind energy
- Date: 2024; Title: Comparison of Hydration Characteristics and Macro-mechanical Properties of Spine segments between species
- Date: 2024; Title: Comparison of Two Prominent Approaches in Tactile Whisker Sensor Systems for Texture Perception and Force Directional Sensing
- Date: 2024; Title: Connections Through Time: Examining community interaction with colonial maritime heritage in Encounter Bay, South Australia
- Date: 2024; Title: Continental Scale Patterns in the Floral Host Breadth of Australian Native Bees
- Date: 2024; Title: Crisis and education: voices from Myanmar’s higher education teachers
- Date: 2024; Title: Cueing Induced Inattentional Blindness
- Date: 2024; Title: Cultural capital and inequality in children’s learning skills in Bangladesh: Evidence from Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2019
- Date: 2024; Title: Cultural gold/Colonial desire: First Nations stories and the non-Aboriginal theatre maker
- Date: 2024; Title: Damage detection by using Scanning laser Doppler Vibrometry
- Date: 2024; Title: Deep Imputation-Prediction Networks for Health Risk Prediction using Electronic Health Records
- Date: 2024; Title: Delirium in patients with hip fractures
- Date: 2024; Title: Design and development of novel titanium alloys with enhanced wear resistance for biomedical implant applications
- Date: 2024; Title: Design of a Quantum Computer Operating System
- Date: 2024; Title: Design, development and characterisation of novel magnesium alloys with improved corrosion resistance for medical applications
- Date: 2024; Title: Design, Development, and Experimentation of Stress and Strain Measurement System for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) blades
- Date: 2024; Title: Design, Optimise and Evaluate a Power Management System for Harvesting Nano-energy.
- Date: 2024; Title: Detecting Suspicious Behaviour: The Influences of Autism and Theory of Mind
- Date: 2024; Title: Determination of ideal sensor placement for activity recognition using Inertial Measurement Units: A pilot study with a single participant
- Date: 2024; Title: Determining the burden and awareness of hepatocellular carcinoma and its correlates in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Date: 2024; Title: Developing a Novel Wound Dressing Hydrogels Based on Deep Eutectic Solvent and Additives: Effectively Kill Bacteria
- Date: 2024; Title: Developing an environmentally friendly deodorizer and disinfectant for use in recreational vehicle toilets to protect septic tank and dump sites
- Date: 2024; Title: Developing an immobilized enzyme technology for enrichment of Omega-3 PUFAs
- Date: 2024; Title: Developing an mHealth program and respiratory measures with and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women caring for young children
- Date: 2024; Title: Development and evaluation of the individualised psychosocial program to improve well-being and mitigate burnout in critical care healthcare professionals: A realist mixed method study
- Date: 2024; Title: Development of a Low-cost, Accurate System for Measuring Low Back Movements During Daily Activities
- Date: 2024; Title: Development of a Structural Integrity Assessment Methodology for a Steel Surface Tank
- Date: 2024; Title: Development of New Food-grade Disinfectant Based on Soybean Isoflavone
- Date: 2024; Title: Development, implementation and evaluation of a co-designed web-based cardiac rehabilitation program for patients living in rural and remote areas
- Date: 2024; Title: Diabolical Dialogue: An Investigation into Obstacles and Opportunities in the LGBTQIA+ Discourse within Baptist Churches in South Australia.
- Date: 2024; Title: Digital health for substance use disorder treatment: Technology acceptance by drug and alcohol clinicians
- Date: 2024; Title: Digital Health in Lymphoedema Care
- Date: 2024; Title: Disordered Eating, Beyond Diagnoses: Classification, and Polygenic and Epigenetic Associations in the General Population
- Date: 2024; Title: Dissecting the complex interaction between inflammatory bowel disease and sleep
- Date: 2024; Title: Do You See What I See? When and Why Perspective-Taking Reduces Intergroup Hostility, or Backfires
- Date: 2024; Title: Durability assessment of flax fibre and bio epoxy composites in harsh environmental conditions
- Date: 2024; Title: Effect of ethylene-mediated priming on chickpea subjected to heat stress
- Date: 2024; Title: Effect of GABA Treatment on Heat Stress Mitigation in Lentils
- Date: 2024; Title: Effectiveness of artificial intelligence adoption in recruitment and selection
- Date: 2024; Title: Effects of needle injuries and simulated repetitive lifting on lumbar spinal segments mechanics and annulus fibrosus structure
- Date: 2024; Title: Embodied Justice: An Integrated Faith-Law Response for Christian Women Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence in Australia
- Date: 2024; Title: Endogenous retroviruses and the association with TDP-43 and inflammation in the cause and progression of Motor Neuron Disease
- Date: 2024; Title: Engineering probiotic bacteria to express vaccine derived antigens to enhance immune responses to vaccination
- Date: 2024; Title: Enhancing osseointegration and preventing implant-associated infections through biomimetic nano-modifications
- Date: 2024; Title: Enhancing the understanding of groundwater–surface water interaction in the northern Surat Basin
- Date: 2024; Title: Ethical Perspectives of End-of-Life Dementia Care in South Korea
- Date: 2024; Title: Evaluating adhesive bonding properties of T-joint between 3D-printed stiffener and CFRP laminate manufactured by VARTM
- Date: 2024; Title: Evaluating Innovated Intersection Treatments and Quantifying their Benefits Over the Conventional Intersection Designs
- Date: 2024; Title: Evaluating narrative-level discourse in two languages in Singaporean English-Mandarin bilingual kindergarten children
- Date: 2024; Title: EVolving the Liquid Biopsy: Extracellular Vesicles for Assessing Liver Function and Disease
- Date: 2024; Title: Examining material properties of the metal with probable values calculated from the grayscale image.
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring a facilitator-enabled virtual iSupport for Dementia program in the Australian health and aged care context
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring lived experiences of personal safety in supported accommodation with people with intellectual disability
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring mental health support for people with communication access needs: Learnings from lived experience.
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring mentoring for hospital nurses/midwives in Uganda: A mixed methods study
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring Sleep Habits in the Wide World of Esports
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring Structural Characteristics of Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membranes (tBLMs) and Carboxylic-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs)
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring the antimicrobial potency of gallium nanoparticles to combat Acinetobacter baumannii
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring the Antimicrobial Properties of Gallium and Copper Alloy Coating for Healthcare Applications
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring the experiences of international nursing students, studying in South Australia, during the COVID-19 pandemic, through the process of co-creating a podcast. An Artefact-Exegesis.
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring the Potential of Microalgal Lipids to combine with Plant-Derived Protein: An Alternative to Animal-Based Protein Sources
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring the Value of Shared Clinical Trial Data: Policy, Application, and Impact
- Date: 2024; Title: Exploring Zingerone as a Natural Antibacterial Agent: Potential Applications in Food Safety
- Date: 2024; Title: Factors influencing antenatal care attendance by pregnant women aged 18-24 in Bangkok, Thailand: An exploratory qualitative study
- Date: 2024; Title: Feeling Good, Looking Good or Doing Good? Exploring how the Quality of Motivation predicts the Quantity, Longevity and Persistence of Collective Action
- Date: 2024; Title: Functional Link between the Amygdala and Brown Adipose Tissue Thermogenesis
- Date: 2024; Title: Gender expansive practices in early years education: how do children engage when we share a nonbinary framework of gender with them?
- Date: 2024; Title: Glioblastoma plasticity and therapeutic sensitivity in the human brain microenvironment
- Date: 2024; Title: Groundwater Assessment of the Fractured Rock Aquifers in the Northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia
- Date: 2024; Title: HMS Endymion: Past, Present and Future
- Date: 2024; Title: How do young people use mobile applications (apps) to improve their wellbeing? Implications for engagement
- Date: 2024; Title: How does our mucus shape bacterial colonization?: Exploring mucosal glycosylation and gut microbiome dynamics
- Date: 2024; Title: How Pervasive Are Culture History Approaches in Contemporary Global Archaeology?
- Date: 2024; Title: How to build excellence in cardiac care: Nurses On the Ward round (NOW)
- Date: 2024; Title: Human Serum Albumin Detection Using Aggregation Induced Emission Biosensors and Their Engineering Improvements for Screening and Monitoring Chronic Kidney Disease
- Date: 2024; Title: Hydrochemical Characteristics and Groundwater Evolution of a Cambrian Limestone Aquifer, the Northern Territory
- Date: 2024; Title: Hydrogeological and environmental controls on stygofauna distribution in northern Australia
- Date: 2024; Title: Hydrogeological conceptual model and numerical groundwater flow model of the Northern Adelaide Corridor
- Date: 2024; Title: Identification and early validation of blood-based biomarkers of central nervous system disease in Sanfilippo syndrome, a childhood dementia
- Date: 2024; Title: Identification of Small RNAs as potential biomarkers and regulators of chemoradiotherapy response in Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma (EAC)
- Date: 2024; Title: Identifying and Teaching English Collocations for Persian Students
- Date: 2024; Title: Identifying Conventions and Themes in Macassan Contact Art
- Date: 2024; Title: Identifying the membrane signalling pathways regulated by newly discovered natural products that block Glioblastoma invasiveness
- Date: 2024; Title: Imagining Ageing Futures: LGBTQ+ Multicultural People in Australia
- Date: 2024; Title: Impact of Urinary Tract Analgesics on Bladder Cancer Growth In Vitro
- Date: 2024; Title: Improving perioperative care and patient outcomes in orthopaedic surgery of the lower limb
- Date: 2024; Title: In search of community resilience: The context of sea level rise and climate change in Bangladesh
- Date: 2024; Title: Inclusion of Autistic Students in High School: 'Wired Differently, Not Weirdly Different'.
- Date: 2024; Title: Influence of vertical loading on lateral behavior of pile in sand
- Date: 2024; Title: Influences of self-efficacy on pre-service teachers’ use of technology to teach in Saudi Arabia
- Date: 2024; Title: Innovative Gallium Silver-Glutathione-Silk Sericin Nanofibers by Electrospinning: Promoting Tissue Regeneration and Antibacterial Efficacy in Diabetic Wound Care
- Date: 2024; Title: Insecticides in the Australian Defence Force – Time for a change
- Date: 2024; Title: Insight from a case study in building STEM education for Vietnam education.
- Date: 2024; Title: International Postgraduate Students’ Perceived Impacts of Their Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency on Academic Achievement: Multiple Case Studies at Flinders University in South Australia
- Date: 2024; Title: Intertidal sand boils within springs
- Date: 2024; Title: Intramedullary Nailing of Tibial Shaft Fractures: Pearls & Pitfalls
- Date: 2024; Title: Investigate the bactericidal efficacy of Carvacrol from oregano essential oil and extract compared with commercial disinfectant.
- Date: 2024; Title: Investigating effect of ethylene pre-treatment on seed to enhance heat stress tolerance in wheat
- Date: 2024; Title: Investigating the antibacterial and cytotoxic properties of hydrogen peroxide-treated and atmospheric plasma-treated chitosan biopolymer.
- Date: 2024; Title: Investigating the effect of drought on rhizosphere microbial communities and root exudates composition of wheat (Scepter and EDPIE-56).
- Date: 2024; Title: Investigating the efficacy of stearic acid, potato starch, and polycaprolactone in the development of pH and temperature-responsive fertilizer for eco-resilient agriculture system
- Date: 2024; Title: Investigating the Interactions between Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) and Iron Sulfide Surfaces
- Date: 2024; Title: Investigating the use of an online perfectionism intervention for disordered eating
- Date: 2024; Title: Investigation of heat acclimation mechanisms involvement in dopamine brain system in the preoptic area of rats in a hot environment
- Date: 2024; Title: Investigation on the efficacy of UV disinfection on Cryptosporidium in swimming pools and other recreational water facilities
- Date: 2024; Title: Is trauma research risky? Investigating ethical challenges facing psychological trauma-related research
- Date: 2024; Title: Isolation, Screening, and Molecular Analysis of Australian Freshwater Fungi for Antimicrobial Compounds.
- Date: 2024; Title: Learning to Think Like a Doctor: The Development of Clinical Reasoning in Medical Students During Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships
- Date: 2024; Title: Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Characterising Patient-Reported Outcomes and Biomarkers in the Era of Non-Operative Management
- Date: 2024; Title: Louis Esson: The Last of the Colonial Playwrights
- Date: 2024; Title: Low energy availability in elite female athletes: risks and remediation
- Date: 2024; Title: Maldivian School Teachers’ Perceived Understanding and Planned use of Differentiated Instruction
- Date: 2024; Title: Managing challenging behaviours after traumatic brain injury in the acute hospital setting
- Date: 2024; Title: Medical knowledge discovery with effective data mining techniques
- Date: 2024; Title: Medicina: A multiplatform videogame to improve language skills in international nursing students
- Date: 2024; Title: Micromechanical Properties of the Annulus Fibrosus in the Disc: Effect of Chronic Disease
- Date: 2024; Title: Mobile-assisted medication adherence support intervention for Tuberculosis patients: Effectiveness, experiences and adoption intention
- Date: 2024; Title: Modelling a threatened species (Litoria raniformis) to guide conservation
- Date: 2024; Title: Modelling PFAS transport in unsaturated soil using LEACHM and implications for source zone remediation.
- Date: 2024; Title: Monitoring Coastal Dune Changes with Geospatial Technology
- Date: 2024; Title: More than weighing babies: Quality and competence in the specialist practice of child and family health nursing
- Date: 2024; Title: Multidrug resistance afforded by the MtrD efflux transporter protein from Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Date: 2024; Title: Mycenaean Textiles: Production and Maritime Trade
- Date: 2024; Title: Myths and Misconceptions: The Lived Experiences of Women with Eating Disorders in Contemporary Society
- Date: 2024; Title: Nanoengineered charge gradients as a high throughput tool to study antimicrobial drug tolerance
- Date: 2024; Title: Negotiating safety, belonging and agency in shared disability accommodation: an Australian qualitative study
- Date: 2024; Title: New Blood: The League of Red Cross Societies’ Blood Transfusion Programme, 1946–1979
- Date: 2024; Title: Non-Hydro Renewable Energy in South Australia: Policies, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Date: 2024; Title: Novel insights into the nitrogen assimilation pathways in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) nodules
- Date: 2024; Title: Optimising referral practices to dietary and exercise services for cancer survivors
- Date: 2024; Title: Organisational dynamic capability for innovation waves in the Australian heavy industry
- Date: 2024; Title: Paul B. Preciado and the Philosophy of Sexual Difference
- Date: 2024; Title: Physical Education teachers’ assessment of invasion games and sports in Victorian secondary schools: A mixed methods study
- Date: 2024; Title: Pitch Control of Wind Turbines using PID and Fuzzy Logic Controllers.
- Date: 2024; Title: Planning the home environment and home modifications ahead of time for middle-aged and older adults
- Date: 2024; Title: Plasma Assisted Extraction of Biological Substances from Spirulina maxima to apply for biomedical applications
- Date: 2024; Title: Political Alignment of the Early Royal Society: 1662–1703
- Date: 2024; Title: Post-Last Glacial Maximum vegetation and ecosystem responses to climate change and human expansion in the Neotropical realm: land cover changes and megafauna extinctions
- Date: 2024; Title: Practice environment and healthcare professionals’ workplace wellbeing in critical care settings
- Date: 2024; Title: Prediction of Iliopsoas Tendonitis after Hip Arthroplasty
- Date: 2024; Title: Presenteeism and work-life conflict: A mixed methods study of Australian high acuity nurses
- Date: 2024; Title: Principal associations: the struggle for political agency in neoliberalising policy regimes
- Date: 2024; Title: Quantifying the interference achieved by cementless tibial trays and its effect on primary stability
- Date: 2024; Title: Recapitulating human brain electrophysiology with induced pluripotent stem cell patient-derived neurons
- Date: 2024; Title: Recognising cinematography: the industrial, technical and aesthetic role of the cinematographer with reference to films directed by Gillian Armstrong
- Date: 2024; Title: Recovering archaeological context from dispersed Underwater Cultural Heritage: Chinese Batavia ware ceramics from Indonesian waters
- Date: 2024; Title: Relationship between anti-inflammatory diet and inflammation related side effects in oncology patients receiving systemic therapy
- Date: 2024; Title: Relationships Between Bioenergetics, Physiological Activity, and Lysosome Function in Human Neurons
- Date: 2024; Title: Research on the construction and application of the self-management support model for older adults with intrinsic capacity decline based on mobile health technology
- Date: 2024; Title: Review, development & application of stable isotope & biomarker geochemistry to Southeast Asian archaeological sites
- Date: 2024; Title: Scaphoid fractures - Increasing diagnostic efficiency and treatment functionality
- Date: 2024; Title: Schoolteachers’ Perspectives on an Anti-Bullying Program in Gobi-Altai Province, Mongolia
- Date: 2024; Title: Screening and purification of antimicrobial compounds from Australian freshwater fungi and species identification
- Date: 2024; Title: Skimming the Surface: Mapping Flood Extent in the Burdekin Basin with RADAR and GIS
- Date: 2024; Title: Smartphone applications for the self-management of low back pain
- Date: 2024; Title: Social, economic and cultural benefit of reopening cinemas in Saudi Arabia.
- Date: 2024; Title: State Responsibility and the Breach of International Law by Non-State Armed Actors: Case of the Syrian Conflict
- Date: 2024; Title: Statutory child protection social work and people with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds living in South Australia
- Date: 2024; Title: Stratigraphic modelling and chronology at the site of Soyo, Northern Mongolia
- Date: 2024; Title: Stuck on disgust: Investigating disgust’s memorability
- Date: 2024; Title: Submerged Landscape Archaeology of lutruwita (Tasmania) and the Bass Strait A pilot study toward a predictive model
- Date: 2024; Title: Suffering in silence: Female footballers, injury and social support practices
- Date: 2024; Title: Supply Chain Transformation – Enhancing the supply chain sustainability performance through the S&OP
- Date: 2024; Title: Supporting literacy skills for children with developmental disabilities
- Date: 2024; Title: Surface Immobilization of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds for the Enhancement of Antibiotic Efficacy
- Date: 2024; Title: Synthesis and applications of poly(trisulfides)
- Date: 2024; Title: Temporary migrant workers in Saudi Arabia: Kafala system and protection of migrant workers
- Date: 2024; Title: The Acinetobacter baumannii lipid landscape and its impact on antimicrobial resistance
- Date: 2024; Title: The Anomalousness of the Old English Judith: Reconsidering the Exceptionalism of Women in Early Medieval England
- Date: 2024; Title: The Biochemical and Physiological Properties of Dimethylarginine Dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH) Isoforms
- Date: 2024; Title: The bioprofiling of illicit drugs
- Date: 2024; Title: The cultural adaptation of a social and emotional learning program for an intervention in Saudi Arabia’s preschools
- Date: 2024; Title: The development of a functionally representative framework for the assessment and support of students with a vision impairment through education
- Date: 2024; Title: The development of intraoperative electronic perfusion data processing to improve the practice of cardiopulmonary bypass
- Date: 2024; Title: The development, manufacture and evaluation of novel antifouling coatings for acoustic applications
- Date: 2024; Title: The effect of different electric vehicle proportion uptake on different intersections
- Date: 2024; Title: The Effects of Drawing on Memory for Traumatic Events: Implications for Professional Practices
- Date: 2024; Title: The effects of reboxetine and morphine on sleep and breathing in obstructive sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Date: 2024; Title: The Evolving Management of Children with Complex Airway and Swallowing Disorders
- Date: 2024; Title: The lived experience of food insecurity in Adelaide, South Australia: Stories of adversity, oppression, and the orthodox and unorthodox food acquisition strategies used to cope
- Date: 2024; Title: The micromorphology of Cloggs Cave, southeast Victoria: Reconstructing depositional environments and site use patterns
- Date: 2024; Title: The Nanomechanical Behaviour of The Human Annulus Fibrosus
- Date: 2024; Title: The removal of chemicals of concern by aquifer filtration in managed aquifer recharge schemes
- Date: 2024; Title: The Research on the Developmental Trajectory of Self-Management Behavior and Facilitation Mechanisms of Older People with Declined Intrinsic Capacity in the Community
- Date: 2024; Title: The role of attention control in biased attention for internal and external threats in trait anxiety
- Date: 2024; Title: The role of lipids and antioxidants in cryopreservation of bivalve oocytes and larvae
- Date: 2024; Title: The role of servant leadership in career optimism of Saudi employees in universities
- Date: 2024; Title: The roles of cognitive biases, cravings, and inhibitory control in unhealthy beverage and food consumption
- Date: 2024; Title: The Space Between Categories: A Creative Search for Asexual Narrative Structure
- Date: 2024; Title: The Thermoregulatory Response to Lithium & its Inhibition of Stress-Induced Physiological & Behavioural Changes: A Novel Mechanism of Action & Brain Pathway
- Date: 2024; Title: The Traffic impact assessment of redevelopment of the Burnside village
- Date: 2024; Title: The Unsanctified Cow: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of the Longvek Royal Palace, Cambodia
- Date: 2024; Title: Tombs of the Living Dead: a critical analysis of the social construction of gender and space in relation to ascetic anchorite cells of medieval England and Wales c. 1000 - 1500 CE
- Date: 2024; Title: Too Aboriginal for the AIF? Aboriginal South Australian Volunteers and the First World War
- Date: 2024; Title: Towards a better understanding of kinetic interactions between microalgae and bacteria - From lab to large-scale high-rate algal pond
- Date: 2024; Title: Towards vibrotactile mobility control using the P300 in a BCI
- Date: 2024; Title: Tracing Microplastics at the Wastewater Treatment Plant: Development of Methods for Recovery, Enumeration, and Identification
- Date: 2024; Title: Traffic Impact Study for The New Development of Festival Plaza Tower, Adelaide
- Date: 2024; Title: Transcript annotation and seasonal gene expression in kidney tissue of the Australian pygmy bluetongue lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis
- Date: 2024; Title: Transforming Sustainability: Using Delithiated Beta Spodumene in Geopolymer production
- Date: 2024; Title: Transition to university for autistic students in Australia: A phenomenological study
- Date: 2024; Title: UAV Photogrammetry in Stockpile Management: From Data Acquisition to Dynamic Visualization
- Date: 2024; Title: UDP-Glycosyltransferases (UGTs) in Anti-Cancer Drug Resistance
- Date: 2024; Title: Understanding aspiration to principalship: Perspectives of potential principals in Catholic Education South Australia
- Date: 2024; Title: Understanding disabled Malaysian students’ technology use and practices in the university: A social and relational perspective
- Date: 2024; Title: Understanding polygenic risk testing and risk communication for glaucoma
- Date: 2024; Title: Understanding the Value of Assistance and Companion Dogs in the Lives of Adults on the Autism Spectrum
- Date: 2024; Title: Unravelling the Secrets of Ageing in Dye-Sensitised Solar Cells
- Date: 2024; Title: Unsettling collaborative arrangements for the shared responsibility of nature: Indigenous nation building and the role of settler allies.
- Date: 2024; Title: Urban Magic: an urban fantasy novel, and ‘Link Me Out of Here: escaping the closet of the academic essay’
- Date: 2024; Title: Using Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) to improve our understanding of day-to-day intrusion experiences and persistent post-trauma impacts in survivors of trauma
- Date: 2024; Title: Visualisation and Detection of Latent DNA in the Wildlife Trade: Pangolins as a Model Species
- Date: 2024; Title: What makes assessment fair?
- Date: 2024; Title: When the rivers ran low and the crops turned to dust: Medieval drought ecologies and drought as potential inspiration for the Marine Fish Event Horizon in Central Europe
- Date: 2025; Title: Criminalised young people and the worlds we create for them: An exploration of discourse, power and subjectivity
- Date: 2025; Title: Geospatial Modelling of Three-dimensional Structure and Ecohydrological Processes of Semi-arid Woodlands
- Date: 2025; Title: Investigating agreement in Proxy and Self-Reported Health-Related Quality of Life in children for informing Economic Evaluation and Quality assessment
- Date: 2025; Title: Modelling shoreline dynamics and management of Adelaide’s beaches at seasonal to decadal timescales
- Date: 2025; Title: The Intersection of Autism and Law: Remorse Assessments and Diagnosis Considerations in Sentencing
Last updated: 2025-02-14 19:15:01 +1030