Enhanced detectability of human serum albumin by aggregation-induced emission bioprobes with fiber optics

Author: Qi Hu

Hu, Qi, 2020 Enhanced detectability of human serum albumin by aggregation-induced emission bioprobes with fiber optics, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Human serum albumin (HSA) is a very important biomarker in human body fluids, and its content is of great significance in clinical diagnosis and detection of various diseases. Critical illness alters the distribution of albumin level in body fluids such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) that causes albumin to leak into the urine. There is a new aggregation-induced emission (AIE) bioprobe TC-380, which is used to evaluate the feasibility of albumin detection. In this work, a comprehensive and effective detection method for measuring HSA levels in deionized water, artificial urine and human urine has been established. However, autofluorescence in environment of urine testing interferes with albumin detection by ordinary spectrometers. Due to lower light loss, higher light stability and strong ability of anti-electromagnetic interference, the introduction of fiber optics system enhances the detection signal of albumin and obtains promising achievements in urine detection. Finally, it is proved that the optical fiber system has higher sensitivity than ordinary spectrometers in albumin detection.

Keywords: Human serum albumin, AIE, optical fiber, Standard operating procedure

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2020
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Youhong Tang