Who owns the waste? The implementation of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) and waste pickers marginalisation in Indonesia

Author: Savitri Woelandari

Woelandari, Savitri, 2016 Who owns the waste? The implementation of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) and waste pickers marginalisation in Indonesia, Flinders University, School of History and International Relations

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This study aims to bridge the gap between knowledge and policy at the nexus of

modernisation of solid waste management, ISWM, and waste picker wellbeing in

Indonesia. This research has been motivated by four research questions; (1) How is

the modern ISWM implemented in Indonesia? (2) To what extent does ISWM

unintentionally increase waste pickers’ vulnerability? (3) How is the waste pickers’

wellbeing perceived in Indonesia? (4) In what ways can waste pickers be included in

ISWM practice in Indonesia? In answering the research questions, this study reviews

the literature of ISWM as well as debates the issues at the practical level. First, it

examines informal economic and capability approaches as a theoretical basis in

determining that waste pickers are part of the poor in Indonesian society. The

scholarly articles, government reports, grey literatures from national and

international development organisations and newspaper articles, demonstrating the

link between ISWM and waste picker wellbeing, have been used as the main sources

of data and analysis. The findings of this thesis show ISWM appears to make a limited

contribution to waste management provision in Indonesia. In addition, the findings

show that ISWM goes beyond matters of waste management, as its systems rely on

modern technology and privatisation, causing negative impacts on the wellbeing of

waste pickers, the precursors of waste processing. Lastly, in accord with broader

literature, this thesis supports a scheme of waste picker integration as a potential

strategy to improve waste management provision and reduce poverty in Indonesia.

Keywords: Indonesia, modernisation,solid waste management, waste pickers,

Subject: International Relations thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2016
School: School of History and International Relations
Supervisor: Dr. Priyambudi Sulistiyanto