Exploring the settlement experiences of Eritreans in South Australia

Author: Mohamed Farrage

Farrage, Mohamed, 2016 Exploring the settlement experiences of Eritreans in South Australia, Flinders University, School of Social and Policy Studies

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This research explored the settlement experiences of Eritreans living in South Australia using mainly a qualitative inquiry as well as some quantitative research methods. The analysis was based on in-depth individual interviews with twenty (n=20) Eritreans living in South Australia for at least five years. The study found that some services, as well as personal and cultural resources, helped their settlement experiences, including health care services, education provision and cultural resources (such as resilience). Participants also identified several challenges that made their settlement experiences difficult at times, such as a lack of knowledge about Australian culture, language barriers and unemployment. The study concludes by recommending potential strategies to improve the settlement experiences of Eritreans and similar groups to assist successful integration into Australian society

Keywords: settlement experiences of Eritrean refugees, refugee settlement experiences.

Subject: Social Administration thesis, Policy and Administration thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2016
School: School of Social and Policy Studies
Supervisor: Carol Izizarry