The Nursing Centre Model as a Collaborative Approach to Service Learning in Community Health in Indonesia

Author: Neti Juniarti

Juniarti, Neti, 2016 The Nursing Centre Model as a Collaborative Approach to Service Learning in Community Health in Indonesia, Flinders University, School of Nursing & Midwifery

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The academic Nursing Centre (NC) model is a globally-recognised integrated model of community nursing care, nursing education, and research within the community setting. The NC Indonesia was established through collaboration with nursing education institutions, health services, and the local government in West Java. Despite operating since 2002, it has been difficult to measure the effectiveness of the NC in Indonesia due to the absence of a clear method and an evaluation framework for this model. There is a global paucity of literature on a ‘blueprint’ and evaluation framework for the academic NC model. This research seeks to explore stakeholders’ understandings of the various components of the NC as a collaborative approach to service learning in Indonesia, in order to inform the development of a ‘blueprint’ and an evaluation framework for the academic NC model, and to extend this globally.

This study uses a single case study design with embedded cases of three NCs attached to Community Health Centres in West Java, Indonesia, using semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Participants for the study include the founder of the NC, the coordinator of Community Health Nursing, the heads of the three CHCs, and a number of Clients, nurses, lecturers, and students. The analysis was conducted using thematic analysis and program theory.

The overall findings showed that there is inadequate functionality of the NC model in Indonesia. This finding is understood to be due to a mismatch between the original theoretical basis and the practice of the NC, multiple and competing agendas surrounding the purpose of the NC, and confusion about ownership and ‘belongingness’ of the NC. The key aspect for improving the functionality of the NC is the integration of health services, nursing education, and research within the NC model. There are four key indicators which determine success for the integration in the NC, the stakeholders’ intention to integrate, consistent service provision, having shared common ground, and a consensus on ownership of the NC. I argue that the use of the proposed conceptual model of service learning. balancing multiple and competing agendas, and clarifying the ownership of the NC model have the potential to facilitate the integration of health services, nursing education, and research within the model.

In conclusion, stakeholders’ understandings of the theoretical basis, purpose, and ownership of the NC model could be used to develop a ‘blueprint’ and an evaluation framework for the NC. These would enhance the integration of health services, nursing education, and research which would improve the functionality of the NC model in Indonesia, as well as in other places around the world. The NC model provides a unique opportunity for nursing education institutions to collaborate with health service stakeholders to improve the quality of nursing education, community nursing practice, and primary healthcare. Further research is needed to test the applicability of this ‘blueprint’ and evaluation framework within the NC model.

Keywords: Nursing Centre model, program theory, evaluation framework, case study

Subject: Nursing thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2016
School: School of Nursing & Midwifery
Supervisor: Dr. Lana Zannettino