Engineered surfaces for removal of biogenic amines in wine.

Author: Helly Chetan Jadav

  • Thesis download: available for open access on 9 Jul 2028.

Jadav, Helly Chetan, 2023 Engineered surfaces for removal of biogenic amines in wine., Flinders University, College of Medicine and Public Health

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Biogenic amines such as histamines and tyramine are nitrogenous compounds produced by Lactobacillus and Pediococcus species during fermentation or vinification, such as histamine and tyramine. The presence of these biogenic amines is a potential indicator of food spoilage. Biogenic amines are associated with “allergic reactions” due to their toxicity to susceptible individuals. Therefore, the removal of these biogenic amines from wine can be beneficial for consumer safety and quality control. The adsorption of wine constituents on solid surfaces is highly significant in oenology, nanotechnology, food processing, and biotechnology. The aim of the study was to develop a method for the removal of these biogenic amines from model wine based on nanoengineered surfaces incorporating immobilised gold nanoparticles and adsorbed poly (sodium styrenesulfonate). We synthesised AuNPs of 18 nm and 38 nm in size using a Turkevich method. These AuNPs, when mixed with increasing concentrations of histamine and tyramine spiked model wine and analysed on UV-Vis, showed the binding of these amines with AuNPs resulting in a characteristic peak at 520 nm and between 600 nm-900 nm. Allylamine and acrylic acid were used as precursors for plasma polymerisation to produce coatings rich in amines and carboxyl groups. The surface chemical functionalities were characterised by measuring the wettability and thickness of the surfaces. Plasma-polymerised films rich in carboxyl and amine functional groups were coated on stainless steel-mesh, whereas 38 nm AuNPs and poly (sodium styrenesulfonate) were electrostatically adsorbed into amine-coated surfaces. The effect of surface functionalities on the adsorption of biogenic amines from model wine was evaluated in this study.

Analysis of model wine solution (12 % EtOH in Milli-Q water and 4g/L tartaric acid) spiked with biogenic amines before and after treatment with three different types of nanoengineered surfaces was performed by HPLC-UV and LC-MS. The results showed that substrates modified with AuNPs, -SO3 and -COOH adsorbed histamine and tyramine from model wines. The PSS-AA surfaces had the highest ability for adsorption of histamine and tyramine from model wines, followed by AuNP-AA and acrylic acid surfaces.

Keywords: Histamine, tyramine, AuNPs, PSS, model wine, UV-Vis, Plasma polymerisation, plasma deposited acrylic acid and allylamine surfaces, wettability, HPLC-UV, LC-MS

Subject: Biotechnology thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2023
School: College of Medicine and Public Health
Supervisor: Associate Prof Agnieszka Mierczynska-Vasilev