Factors that Contribute to Situations of Genuine Inclusion for People with Disabilities

Author: Katie Butler

Butler, Katie, 2016 Factors that Contribute to Situations of Genuine Inclusion for People with Disabilities, Flinders University, School of Health Sciences

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Australian governments have made a commitment to address the exclusion of people with disabilities from full societal participation with a collection of policy and legislation aiming to advance meaningful inclusion. However, striving for inclusion is made especially complex because no consensus over the meaning of inclusion exists. This study aimed to better equip policy implementers to achieve quality outcomes under current policy by determining a definition of genuine inclusion and investigating and detailing those factors which shape situations of genuine inclusion for people with disabilities. Qualitative interviews with 11 people with a range of disabilities were undertaken to gain a first-hand insight and understanding. The results highlighted the continuing impacts of exclusion in the lives of people with disabilities. Participants also threw light on what inclusion meant to them, contributing to the formation of a definition of genuine inclusion. Factors contributing to genuine inclusion were also identified, including, attitudes and behaviours of inclusive people, inclusive places, the right kinds of supports and the significance of the personal strategies and advocacy people with disabilities employ to advance their own inclusion. With this knowledge, this research makes some preliminary identification of practices which may assist in the planning, creation and delivery of genuinely inclusive environments, programs and communities.

Keywords: disability, inclusion, genuine inclusion, community

Subject: Health Sciences thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2016
School: School of Health Sciences
Supervisor: Kerrie Lante