An Investigation into Government-Based Services for the Women Victims of Domestic Violence in Central Java Province

Author: Sukendar Sukendar

Sukendar, Sukendar, 2018 An Investigation into Government-Based Services for the Women Victims of Domestic Violence in Central Java Province, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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The literature on domestic violence in the past two decades has tended to focus on the nature and effect of domestic violence on women and children. Little research exists evaluating support services for women victims of domestic violence in Indonesia. This thesis examines the effectiveness of domestic violence services delivered by the Central Java government through the establishment of integrated service centres (Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu/PPTs). This thesis also critically evaluates the regulatory and policy framework guiding government responses to domestic violence at the national, provincial and district level. By exploring the interrelations of Domestic Violence Law (DV Law), Islamic Law, and gender relations, this thesis offers a vigorous understanding of the problems for women victims of domestic violence in accessing justice. The study of two PPTs shows that local regulation (Perda) is essential for the effectiveness of domestic violence services, and the role of individuals in the Office of Women’s Empowerment is also influential. As the ultimate goal of the DV Law is to eradicate domestic violence, Indonesia needs to reform its justice system by amending the Marriage Law and the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), broadening the jurisdiction of the Religious Court, and establishing Court-Mandated Counselling. To achieve such reform requires the advocacy and the presence of women in the parliament; hence, the active participation of women in formal politics is necessary to change the masculine nature of the parliament and challenge conservative Islamic organisations who seek to resist efforts to enhance gender equality.

Keywords: Services, Domestic Violence, Central Java

Subject: Women's Studies thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2018
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Yvonne Corcoran-Nantes