Impact of liminality and doubt on personal theology

Author: Alice Kroker

Kroker, Alice, 2020 Impact of liminality and doubt on personal theology, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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This thesis presents a model of the impact of liminality and doubt on personal theology. It argues that acknowledgment of doubt and questioning can have value in faith formation and development. This research utilises a methodology of constructive engagement, drawing from several different disciplines including theology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology and the history of science. An analogy is developed alongside this model, explaining how an individual makes sense of their world. This analogy illustrates how an individual can develop and move towards a new model of understanding when their previously accepted framework is no longer sufficient to make sense of what they are experiencing in their life. A case study is also presented to highlight the relevance and possible applications of the model developed and to show the value of this research to the area of thinking about the development of personal theology in response to life events and experiences.

Keywords: liminality, doubt, personal theology

Subject: Theology thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2020
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Rev Prof Andrew Dutney & Rev Dr Christy Capper