The Postmodern Pedagondage

Author: Andrew Wayne Miller

Miller, Andrew Wayne, 2011 The Postmodern Pedagondage, Flinders University, School of Humanities and Creative Arts

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The Postmodern Pedagondage explores critical and creative approaches to research through three distinct texts: (1) and anti-exegesis titled EiseJesus, (2) a surrealist memoir titled The Ridiculous Madman, and (3) a bricolage memoir titled Eschatologies: Diaries of a Vagabond. The neologism 'pedagondage' combines the words and meanings of 'pedagogy' and 'vagabondage' to signify a pedagogy that both 'drifts' and 'tours' simultaneously. This is a poststructural pedagogy that refuses to answer questions or finalise answers. It is a pedagogy that refuses closure and refuses traditional reading practices. This project enacts this pedagogy through visual and verbal textualities, picto-ideo-phonographic writing, and practice-led or arts-based inquiry. It embodies image and design as readily as narrative and prose. It is both verbal and non-verbal and challenges the prose-centrism of traditional scholarly research.

Keywords: Creative Arts,picto-ideo-phonographic writing,arts-based inquiry,graphic memoir,autoethnography,pedagogy

Subject: English thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2011
School: School of Humanities and Creative Arts
Supervisor: Associate Professor Rick Hosking