Nunga rappin: talkin the talk, walkin the walk: Young Nunga males and Education

Author: Faye Rosas Blanch

Rosas Blanch, Faye, 2009 Nunga rappin: talkin the talk, walkin the walk: Young Nunga males and Education, Flinders University, School of Humanities and Creative Arts

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Abstract This thesis acknowledges the social and cultural importance of education and the role the institution plays in the construction of knowledge – in this case of young Nunga males. It also recognizes that education is a contested field. I have disrupted constructions of knowledge about young Nunga males in mainstream education by mapping and rapping - or mappin and rappin Aboriginal English - the theories of race, masculinity, performance, cultural capital, body and desire and space and place through the use of Nunga time-space pathways. Through disruption I have shown how the theories of race and masculinity underpin ways in which Blackness and Indignity are played out within the racialisation of education and how the process of racialisation informs young Nunga males’ experiences of schooling. The cultural capital that young Nunga males bring to the classroom and schooling environment must be acknowledged to enable performance of agency in contested time, space and knowledge paradigms. Agency privileges their understanding and desire for change and encourages them to apply strategies that contribute to their own journeys home through time-space pathways that are (at least in part) of their own choosing.

Keywords: Nunga males,rap and hip hop,Indigenous,schooling,racialisation,agency,space,knowledge,time-space pathways,masculinity,performance,identity,relationship,blackness,Aboriginal English,Indigenous stories,discourse,public and hidden manuscripts,empowerment,critical thinking,critical race theory,talkin circle

Subject: Education thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2009
School: School of Humanities and Creative Arts
Supervisor: Emeritus Professor Gus Worby