A review of the online teaching engagement and the analysis of interactions of both face-to-face and online students using FLO

Author: Amandeep Kaur Pawar

Pawar, Amandeep Kaur, 2020 A review of the online teaching engagement and the analysis of interactions of both face-to-face and online students using FLO, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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In this research document, the information about the interactions of online students has been extracted. An interaction is defined as “a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects affect one another” ("Interaction," 2020). In the context of the research, interactions are the number of clicks on a specific file or number of times a file is viewed. Study has been done to find out the differences in the level of interaction on FLO (Flinders Learning Online) between 2018_F2F (Face-to-face), 2018_DE (Distance Education), 2019_DE, 2019_GE (Graduate Entry) and 2019_U (Undergraduate) students where 2018 and 2019 belong to year of enrolment and F2F, DE, GE and U belong to mode of learning. Also, the information is extracted for five different groups enrolled in COMP1711 and COM8711 (Database Modelling and Knowledge Engineering) in 2018 and 2019. Modules like assignments, tutorials, quizzes, and checkpoints have been looked upon. Students interacted more with assignments and tutorials in their respective weeks. Moreover, the practical course material interacted when the checkpoints regarding them were due. Overall, the students enrolled in 2018 were the ones who interacted with all the modules with the highest number of interactions. Additionally, using time intervals, 1 pm to 2 pm was the busiest and the most active time. The most interesting observation is the interactions by online students of the 2018_DE group. Only 11 students made highest interactions as compared to other online and face-to-face students. The data analysis in section 9 and inferential statistics in section 10 show similar results for the level of interactions. Future work should investigate if there is a relationship between online interaction, attendance, and final grades.

Keywords: Flinders University, face-to-face students, online students, interactions, tutorials, lectures, assignments, checkpoints, distance education, delivery methods, graphs, inferential statistics, 2018, 2019

Subject: Computer Science thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2020
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. Trent Lewis