Writing is Rewriting. Defining the purpose of drafts in feature screenplay development in a collaborative, micro-budget environment

Author: Matthew Paul Hawkins

Hawkins, Matthew Paul, 2013 Writing is Rewriting. Defining the purpose of drafts in feature screenplay development in a collaborative, micro-budget environment, Flinders University, School of Humanities and Creative Arts

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This practice-led PhD project consists of the feature-length screenplay Double Happiness Uranium and an exegesis that explores a staggered process of screenplay development stages where each draft is given a specific focus. This approach involves a Treatment and four drafts. The Treatment is concerned with the macro-plot structure in the form of acts and turning points, Draft One is concerned with micro-plot structure within scenes, Draft Two focuses on the development of character detail, Draft Three refines tone and the Final Draft concentrates on style. By giving each draft a specific focus I aim to make a collaborative approach more manageable as feedback can be more specifically directed. The ordering of this approach is based on the value of a thematically-based dramatic premise as a means of establishing a basic plot trajectory, from which other aspects of the film story, such as character traits and stylistic elements, can be created.

Keywords: screenwriting,low-budget filmmaking,micro-budget filmmaking,collaboration,rewriting,drafts,screenplay

Subject: Screen Studies thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2013
School: School of Humanities and Creative Arts
Supervisor: Associate Professor Mike Walsh