Assessment of transportation network performance using SCATS and Micro simulation techniques

Author: Visarg Narendrabhai Patel

Patel, Visarg Narendrabhai, 2021 Assessment of transportation network performance using SCATS and Micro simulation techniques, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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The main aim of the project is focussed towards improving the performance of the road network by providing simulated environments that address all possible congestion scenarios. The focus is towards understanding various congestion patterns. A workflow is developed depending on SCATS data and demonstrating the same for the selected area and intersections. Pre-generated scenarios will be made use of for building and demonstrating scenarios for better understanding of congestion patterns. The projects consider current traffic infrastructure, using SCATS along with other important data including databases for vehicular registration; data on fleet vehicles along with models analysing travel demands.

Keywords: Transport Network, SCATS, Microsimulation, SIDRA, AIMSUN, Intersection, Calibration, Level of service, Delays

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2021
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Nicholas Holyoak