Evaluating adhesive bonding properties of T-joint between 3D-printed stiffener and CFRP laminate manufactured by VARTM

Author: Gauravkumar Raval

Raval, Gauravkumar, 2024 Evaluating adhesive bonding properties of T-joint between 3D-printed stiffener and CFRP laminate manufactured by VARTM, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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T-joints play a crucial role in various industries because of their outstanding mechanical properties and adaptability. This study focuses on the adhesive bonding properties of 3D-printed stiffener with CFRP (Carbon Fibre-reinforced Polymer) skin. Adhesive bonding between 3D-printed stiffener and CFRP laminates made with epoxy resin infusion occurs through the VARTM (Vacuum-assisted Resin Transfer Molding) process. 3D-printed parts were fabricated by Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) printing technology. The study assessed the tensile strength and bending strength of PLA and PA12-CF materials, which are used for 3D printing the stiffeners. This study also evaluated the tensile strength and shear strength of simple adhesive-bonded T-joints and modified adhesive-bonded T-joints of 3D-printed stiffeners with CFRP laminates. Modified adhesive-bonded T-joints outperform simple adhesive-bonded T-joints due to the one carbon fibre fabric overlap on the flange part of the stiffener. PLA material provided excellent adhesion and made a better adhesive bond with carbon fibre fabric and epoxy resin. PA12-CF material has high tensile and shear strength, but it is weak when made to bond with CFRP skin with epoxy. The findings of this study provide information on the adhesive bonding characteristics of T-joints, which are made of CFRP laminate and 3D printing components. Overall, this research contributed to a better understanding of the performance and suitability of adhesive-bonded T-joints, particularly including 3D-printed components for engineering applications.

Keywords: T-joint, Plain weave carbon fibre fabric, Adhesive bond, VARTM, 3D printing, PLA, PA12-CF, FDM, CFRP laminate.

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Youhong Tang