How can social enterprises contribute to the future development of Non-Governmental Organizations in Viet Nam?

Author: Thi Rat Phan

Phan, Thi Rat, 2021 How can social enterprises contribute to the future development of Non-Governmental Organizations in Viet Nam?, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Viet Nam have played a significant role in working alongside the donors and recipient governments. However, there is concern about the funding of resources for these NGOs because Viet Nam has transformed into a lower middle-income country since 2010, and consequently, there has been a decrease of financing from donor countries or agencies. Therefore, to continue developing, NGOs should take feasible actions by shifting their activities to create income. Within this context, social enterprises can be regarded as an alternative. The primary purpose of the current thesis is to access how social enterprises’ activities can contribute to the future of development NGOs in Viet Nam. There are three fundamental findings from this research. First, one of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that embracing two models of social enterprises (social business, entrepreneurial non-profit) can help development NGOs to fulfill their social mission. Second, this study has shown that beneficiaries can contribute to the development of social enterprises by being employed or becoming stakeholders. Finally, this thesis has identified that there is an interrelation between the background of social enterprise founders and target groups. There has been minimal research examining the relationship between these two components in the social enterprise literature. Therefore, this research finding will respond to this insufficiency.

Keywords: Social enterprises, development NGOs, neoliberal, social mission, sustainable development, models of social enterprises, Viet Nam

Subject: International Studies thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2021
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Susanne Schech