Towards a Polymeric Vertical Transistor

Author: Daniel Gruszecki

Gruszecki, Daniel, 2017 Towards a Polymeric Vertical Transistor, Flinders University, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences

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The role and purpose of this work is to investigate a new vertical transistor structure that does not require the use of lithography and can be fabricated in ambient conditions using solution processed active layers. Towards this, planar transistor structures are studied featuring organic semiconducting active layers. Solution processed films are seen to produce devices with comparable or improved device behaviour in comparison to physically deposited active layers. Showing solution processed devices are capable of producing/being used in high performance field effect devices. However, inherent shortcomings in planar structures such as parasitic contact resistances and device scaling due to lithographic resolutions ultimately limit the performance of planar devices. Providing motivation to develop a novel vertical transistor structure that features dimensions controlled by the thickness of a solution processed film and large operational areas, in an effort to improve the prospects of organic transistor devices.

Keywords: organic electronics, transistor, polymer, VOFET

Subject: Chemistry thesis, Physics thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2017
School: School of Chemical and Physical Sciences
Supervisor: David Lewis