An investigation into the performance of Adelaide traffic intersections with new alternatives

Author: Nikhil Ravikumar Ambekar

Ambekar, Nikhil Ravikumar, 2022 An investigation into the performance of Adelaide traffic intersections with new alternatives , Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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The design of three intersection and analysis of existing condition, Study area - three intersections have joined in triangular shape are very close to each other these are the busiest intersection, especially during peak hours in the morning and afternoon. The railway crossing crosses through one of the intersections, which is the third and most essential reason I collected SCATS data and analysis existing condition by using SIDRA software and providing various solution for the reliable traffic flow. In that Introduction main part is three triangular intersection which has railway crossing in two main roadways so i need to improvise traffic LOS, Travel distance, Travel Speed, Delay and Cost etc.

Keywords: SIDRA model, SCATS count, delay, cost

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2022
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Nicholas holyoak