Why SP4N-LAPOR!, as a promising national complaint-handling system in Indonesia, is yet to function optimally in curbing authority abuse practices in Indonesia

Author: Alfa Gultom

Gultom, Alfa, 2020 Why SP4N-LAPOR!, as a promising national complaint-handling system in Indonesia, is yet to function optimally in curbing authority abuse practices in Indonesia, Flinders University, College of Business, Government and Law

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This research project evaluates the reasons behind the current poor quality of organisational responses to corrupt behaviour-related complaints lodged by citizens through the SP4N-LAPOR! channel and its implications to the fulfilment of perceived justice (interactional justice, distributive justice, and procedural justice). There is little literature which has investigated the factors to be considered to improve the quality of organisational responses in a complaint management system regarding public services. Therefore, this dissertation is dedicated to scrutinising the five factors which are alleged must be improved to optimise the national complaint-handling system in Indonesia. Furthermore, SP4N-LAPOR! has promising aspects which need to be optimised to combat corruption and fulfil the required standards. These aspects are a set of applicable laws and regulations related to SP4N-LAPOR! which an increased number of government institutions being granted access to by the Administrator to settle complaints lodged via SP4N-LAPOR!, an increased number of registered accounts being granted access to lodge complaints via SP4N-LAPOR!, law and enforcement units being given access to enforce via SP4N-LAPOR!, and the involvement of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI) as the highest supervisory body of public service. Quality organisational responses (Davidow, 2014) to corrupt practice allegations delivered by public service providers and their related parties enhance the level of satisfaction for the justice perceived by public service customers and, as a result, this improves public trust in the government. The fulfilment of six basic dimensions of perceived justice with a comprehensive and committed synergy among the related parties is a necessity. Therefore, this paper will focus on the related organisational responses to corruption-related complaints reported via the SP4N-LAPOR! channel. Through a qualitative methodology analysing data gathered from the SP4N-LAPOR! website and a review of relevant literature, this paper presents evidence that the low quality of organisational responses from related institutions has hindered SP4N-LAPOR! from becoming an effective tool in curbing the corrupt behaviours of public officials in Indonesia.

Keywords: Complaint Handling System, Public Service, Abuse of authority, Corruption, Organisational Response

Subject: Policy and Administration thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2020
School: College of Business, Government and Law
Supervisor: Professor Miguel Vatter