Greenhill Road traffic signal linking evaluation and optimisation

Author: Jinal Nitinbhai Shah

Shah, Jinal Nitinbhai, 2022 Greenhill Road traffic signal linking evaluation and optimisation , Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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The regulation of traffic flow along a high-capacity urban road is executed by traffic signals. With the growth of population, there is a constant increase in traffic which leads to congestion on roadways causing the roads to reach their full capacity. Therefore, to reduce the congestion on the road corridor and to minimize stops and delays, coordination of signals proves to improve the efficiency of traffic flow. Signal Coordination is the linking of traffic signals of adjacent intersections to provide a green band progression to the moving traffic. This optimization of traffic signals increases the performance of traffic control system in urban networks. As a consequence of traffic volume upsurge, there is idling of vehicles which generates emissions and fuel consumption, travel delays and fatigue to drivers. Various techniques have been established with high computational complexity to face the challenge of signal coordination of Urban Road networks. This research is conducted to investigate congestion and produce models for better understanding and evaluate the impact on socio, economic and environmental factors. Sidra Software is used to evaluate the performance of intersection Network by signal coordination due to its accuracy of results. Nonetheless, there are limitations for Sidra Network on student license. Moreover, very few studies have scrutinized signal coordination with micro analytical as well as micro simulation software. This study, hence, is conducted on Greenhill road in Adelaide consisting of eight signalized intersections. The results are compared with AIMSUN micro simulation. Traffic performance indicators are used to demonstrate the performance of the result. The results are then compared to the literature of the study to indicate the significance of the project.

Keywords: traffic signal linking, signal coordination, Sidra Intersection, microsimulation, Adelaide

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2022
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Nicholas Holyoak