The impacts of tourism development at the Al-Hijr UNESCO World Heritage Site (Saudi Arabia) on local communities

Author: Abdulmohsen Awad A Alahmadi

Alahmadi, Abdulmohsen Awad A, 2021 The impacts of tourism development at the Al-Hijr UNESCO World Heritage Site (Saudi Arabia) on local communities, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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This study aims to investigate the various impacts of heritage sites on economic development by examining existing heritage sites and their impact on the surrounding communities. To achieve this aim, data was gathered using a qualitative method. Semi-structured interviews were used as this allowed the researcher to examine a broad range of issues within the research question. The purpose of this paper is to discuss this topic in the context of Saudi Arabia. The research is the first of its kind in heritage tourism growth impacts on Al-Hijr UNESCO World Heritage Site (AlUla - Saudi Arabia). Based on semi-structured interviews to carry out an analysis of the local community surrounding Al-Hijr UNESCO World Heritage Site, it can be observed that the UNESCO listing has greatly influenced interest levels (both among visitors and the society) and how well the community now welcomes tourism growth and recognises its (economic) importance, as well as the creation of new employment and business opportunities.

The study's results offered many insights into the local community's perspectives and interpretations of the impact of tourism growth at the Al-Hijr UNESCO World Heritage Site (AlUla, Saudi Arabia) on local communities. The addition of the Al-Hijr site on the UNESCO World Heritage List clearly changed the locals' level of interest in tourism. This had an impact when the Al-Hijr site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2008. Furthermore, the results showed that local government had faced several obstacles since tourism growth began. Infrastructure enhancements and additional promotion are expected by the community with steps taken to guard against excessive development and possible damage to the Al-Hijr UNESCO World Heritage Site. Despite the positive effects of tourism growth at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Al-Hijr, the study found that the local community is concerned about cultural erosion.

Keywords: UNESCO World Heritage Site, Saudi Arabia, AlUla, Al-Hijr, Heritage Tourism, local communities

Subject: Tourism thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2021
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Gareth Butler