Scaphoid Fractures – Anatomy, Imaging and Management

Author: Arthur Turow

Turow, Arthur, 2020 Scaphoid Fractures – Anatomy, Imaging and Management, Flinders University, College of Medicine and Public Health

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The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone in the human hand, accounting for 60% of all fractures. Despite extensive knowledge about its morphology, ligaments and vessels, some details remain unknown.

This work studies cadaveric wrists to gain further insights into the anatomy and imaging of the scaphoid. The dorsal non-articulating area and the distal articulation were examined. This helped to develop a new fixation technique using a plate on the dorsum of the scaphoid. Finally, acute fractures presenting to our orthopedic department were mapped using 3D Computed Tomography. Four main fracture patterns were identified. These were associated with unique dorsal and volar comminution patterns and showed variable rates of displacement.

This thesis sheds light on some unique aspects of the scaphoid not previously studied. The findings will assist in guiding treatment and prognosticating fracture outcomes.

Keywords: scaphoid fracture, anatomy, dorsal bare area, STTJ, fracture mapping 3DCT

Subject: Surgery thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2020
School: College of Medicine and Public Health
Supervisor: Prof Gregory Ian Bain