The impact of games on gamers and society

Author: Melwyn Anthony

Anthony, Melwyn, 2021 The impact of games on gamers and society, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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The substantial popularity of video games and their power to make players enjoy them radically led to reshaping the industry of video games from the perspective of entertainment to the other side such as education and promoting social relationships. There are various genres of games like action, adventure, puzzle, racing and strategic games, which has various impacts on the player’s mental health as well as physical wellbeing. Therefore this thesis will explore the positive and negative aspects of these genres. This thesis aims to determine the effects of video games played over the computer or any gaming console, by gamers and non-gamers and show the positive and negative impact of it on them. This research aims to bridge the gap between the impacts of games on people through existing studies and how the positive impact can be maximized in gaming industries. Based on previous studies for both qualitative and quantitative data done in this domain, this thesis will then address the proofs and exhibit the validity of their conclusions in a qualitative manner. Finally, this research thesis will discuss the effect of games on gamers and society as an initial step towards identifying what aspects enhance the gaming experience, and how such effects or experiences can be beneficial for the game development for increasing positive impact, and will lead to an advancement in the gaming industry.

Keywords: games, games impact, negative impact of games, positive impact of games, games on industries, gaming industries, effects of games, games on children, sports games, racing games, strategic games, adventure games, entertaining games impact, games therapy, problematic games, puzzle game impact, educational games, rehabilitation game, game psychology, mind games, mental stress games, online impact of games, behavioural control games, brain training game, learning games, video game impact, cognitive impact of games, games in teaching

Subject: Computer Science thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2021
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Dr Brett Wilkinson