Branching profiles for characterising irregularly shaped objects

Author: Zayed Mohammed Asiri

Asiri, Zayed Mohammed, 2019 Branching profiles for characterising irregularly shaped objects, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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The aim of this thesis is to characterise irregular shapes. Irregular shapes are those such as trees, clouds, land masses, yeast colonies, and cancellous bone. The method of branching profiles is introduced to characterise such shapes that cannot be characterised by using standard shape descriptors such as their height, width and length. The method of branching profiles is to count the number of intersections of the circle within the object at various scales. The number of intersections N are zero when N < 2 or N − 2 when N > 2. We applied the method of branching profiles on twenty images of the yeast colonies from two different strains. The method classified the yeast colonies perfectly. The method of branching profiles contributes to understanding irregular shapes.

Keywords: Branching profiles

Subject: Mathematics thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2019
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: A/Prof. Murk Bottema