From Tradigital to Shinkyuu Art: A fusion of analogue and computer-generated art summoned through the colour blue

Author: Annie Nguyen

Nguyen, Annie, 2021 From Tradigital to Shinkyuu Art: A fusion of analogue and computer-generated art summoned through the colour blue, Flinders University, College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

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From Tradigital to Shinkyuu Art: A fusion of analogue and computer-generated art summoned through the colour blue, introduces and explores Shinkyuu Art, as a viable term for scholarly use. Shinkyuu Art, a new arts practice fusing analogue and digital imagery, was summoned and shaped through an exegesis and artefacts doctoral approach. The exegesis identifies gaps in the literature of another mixed media practice called Tradigital. Shinkyuu Art was then proffered as an innovative practice tailored specifically for fusion mixed media, outside of Tradigital restrictions. The artefacts showcase Shinkyuu Art practice collectively framed through the colour blue. Blue was used expressively and physically as pigment in the artefacts, contributing to the history of colour. Shinkyuu Art names, defines, and frames the niche field of fusion art, making it integral to arts practice.

Keywords: fusion, art, digital art, media arts. tradigital, hybrid, blue, colour, mixed-media, shinkyuu art, arts practice, practice-based research, exegesis, shinkyuu

Subject: Creative Arts thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2021
School: College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
Supervisor: Tara Brabazon