The Efficacy of Home Based Exercise Regimes for Limb Oedemas

Author: Amanda Louise Moseley

Moseley, Amanda Louise, 2007 The Efficacy of Home Based Exercise Regimes for Limb Oedemas, Flinders University, School of Medicine

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Secondary lymphoedema and venous oedema of the limb are the consequence of an imbalance between tissue fluid infiltrate and drainage, which leads to interstitial fluid accumulation, tissue changes, limb discomfort and morbidity. Numerous conservative therapies have been developed to address some of these negative outcomes, with a proportion of these being labour and cost intensive. This makes the investigation of cost effective and easy to implement home based regimes very important. One such therapy is limb exercise, which can be beneficial for limb oedemas through changes in both interstitial pressure and calf muscle activation. Therefore, this thesis explored the benefits of different exercise regimes for limb oedema of both lymphatic and vascular origin. This was achieved through a systematic review of existing conservative therapies for limb oedemas and four clinical trials investigating the benefits of home based exercise regimes. Results demonstrated that various positive and significant outcomes could be gained from the implementation of such regimes, including improvements in both subjective and objective parameters. These results reveal how these chronic and disabling conditions can be maintained by the patient in the home environment in between health care visits. It also demonstrates how self maintenance may alleviate the burden on the health care system.

Keywords: secondary lymphoedema,chronic venous insufficiency,oedema,exercise

Subject: Medicine thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2007
School: School of Medicine
Supervisor: Professor Neil Piller