Influence of vertical loading on lateral behavior of pile in sand

Author: Mayurkumar Dhirajbhai Modi

Modi, Mayurkumar Dhirajbhai, 2024 Influence of vertical loading on lateral behavior of pile in sand, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Due to the depletion of global fossil fuel reserves, there has been a growing movement towards promoting low-carbon lifestyles and environmental conservation. Renewable energy has emerged as a prominent area of research, with offshore wind power and tidal turbines being the primary focus of investigation. The offshore wind power foundation is continuously impacted by wind load and wave load throughout the entire year. A large-diameter monopile is a conventional foundation construction that ensures the stability of offshore wind power generation structures. This thesis uses numerical analysis with RS Pile software to examine the impact of vertical loads on the sideways behaviour of piles in sandy soils. The objective of the study is to improve the comprehension of the combined vertical and lateral forces acting on monopile foundations, which are vital for offshore wind turbines. The research consists of three main phases: firstly, a comparative analysis is conducted between laboratory tests performed by Li et al. (2021) and the RSPILE model to assess the accuracy and reliability of numerical predictions. Secondly, the relationship between load and displacement, as well as load and bending moment, is determined for monopiles of different diameters under lateral loading conditions using the RSPILE model. These findings are then compared with results obtained from the VERSET 3D model developed by Finn and Dowling (2016). Lastly, the displacement and bending moment of monopiles subjected to combined vertical and lateral loads are quantified using the RSPILE model, and these results are contrasted with those obtained from piles subjected to lateral loads only. The results demonstrate notable disparities in the behaviour of piles when subjected to combined loading conditions, emphasising the significance of including vertical stresses in the design of monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines.

Keywords: RS pile, parametric study, vertical loading, displacement-depth analysis

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. Hongyu Qin