Illegal Migration in the South Asian Seas: A Critical Review

Author: Muhammad Muradul Islam

Islam, Muhammad Muradul, 2019 Illegal Migration in the South Asian Seas: A Critical Review , Flinders University, College of Business, Government and Law

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Illegal migration in the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea has resulted in widespread human tragedy in recent times. This situation has its roots in the forced and climate change-based displacement of Rohingyas in Myanmar and non-Rohingyas in Bangladesh. This study reveals the root causes of illegal maritime migration, and demonstrates how efforts by origin and destination countries to control illegal maritime migration has resulted in increasingly more people in desperation crossing the seas. It also discusses the reasons for the ineffectiveness of individual and bilateral initiatives to solve this issue, and proposes cross-national multilateral consensus and international cooperation as the keys to solving ‘illegal migration’ in the South Asian seas.

Keywords: illegal migration, irregular migration, maritime migration, irregular maritime migration, illegal maritime migration, asylum, displacement, climate refugee, climate induced migration, forced migration, genocide, ethnic cleansing, statelessness, maritime human trafficking, migration by boat, illegal migration by boat, irregular migration by boat, maritime migration from Bangladesh, irregular maritime migration from Bangladesh, Rohingya migration, irregular boat migration from Bangladesh, illegal boat migration from Bangladesh, Rohingya genocide, climate change migration, irregular maritime migration in South Asia, illegal maritime migration in South Asia, boat migration

Subject: Policy and Administration thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2019
School: College of Business, Government and Law
Supervisor: Professor Andrew Parkin