UAV Photogrammetry in Stockpile Management: From Data Acquisition to Dynamic Visualization

Author: Utsav Dahal

Dahal, Utsav, 2024 UAV Photogrammetry in Stockpile Management: From Data Acquisition to Dynamic Visualization, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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This study aims to tackle the inefficiencies of volume computation, monitoring and data visualization in conventional stockpile management practices with the use of UAV photogrammetry. Conventional methods employ labour-intensive, tedious and potentially dangerous processes prone to errors and delays. The main goals of this study are to establish a robust methodology for stockpile volume computation, development of a comprehensive stockpile database and the enhancement of existing methods of reporting and visualization of stockpile data.

The study consisted of monthly surveys performed at Whyalla Iron Making, Pellet Plant and Steel Makings sites throughout the year 2023. Using UAVs equipped with high-resolution cameras and aided by GNSS technology, precisely geolocated aerial images were utilized for photogrammetric 3D reconstruction of the aforementioned sites. Outputs such as densified point clouds, DSMs and orthophotos facilitated precise volume estimation and broad spatial and temporal analyses significantly reducing the time and labour required compared to conventional techniques.

The integration of ArcGIS desktop and online platforms helped create an interactive web platform (accessible here) for dynamic visualization and effective monitoring of stockpiles. This platform enables stakeholders to explore data with user friendly interface facilitating data exploration, improved decision-making and enhanced communication. With interactive features such as dynamic timeline, charts, pop-ups and real-time data access, this platform offers a complete solution for modern stockpile management.

The findings of this study demonstrate the effectiveness of UAV photogrammetry in stockpile management with high precision, reduced costs and improved safety leading to notable increases in efficiency and offering benefits in operational planning and inventory management. Overall, this study presents the potential of advanced geospatial technologies in revolutionizing stockpile management. This also provides a framework for the use of UAV photogrammetry for future applications in a variety of industries.

Keywords: UAV, photogrammetry, stockpiles, stockpile management, dynamic visualization

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Tessa Lane