The New Bush Telegraph

Author: Mohammed Jazaa A Alrwaili

Alrwaili, Mohammed Jazaa A, 2017 The New Bush Telegraph, Flinders University, School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics

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Background of the project:

Australian rural based communication was set up through Overland Telegraph Line (OTL) with a special type of pole structure known as ‘Oppenheimer poles’ and associated accessories. It existed up to modern mobile communication system came into effect. As this communication connected the regional or bush people, it was metaphorically known as ‘Bush Telegraph’. The old structural ideas and concepts can be adopted to Wi-Fi based mesh extender network to set up mobile communication system in the rural areas of South Australia. The modern structure for rural communication may be regarded as the ‘New Bush Telegraph (NBT)’ system due to historical and cultural reasons.

Aims and objectives of the project:

The key aims and objectives of the project were to design, and develop a prototype pole structure with the required electrical, electronic, and computer hardware and software equipment to utilise Wi-Fi based Serval mesh extender technology. Testing, evaluation and determining the suitability of the built structure were also the part of the project.

Outcome of the project:

A prototype structure was built up in line with the project goals. The prototype NBT system structure includes pole structure, Yun shield, RFD900+, solar PV module, electronic house, insulator and other accessories was tested through an experimental study conducted in the Flinders University campus. The experimental results suggest that the built structure is sufficiently suitable for the real operation which achieves the project goal.

Future direction:

The future researchers can make it well-suited by improving its design, development and evaluation process more rigorously.

Keywords: New Bush Telegraph, rural communication, mobile communication, serval

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2017
School: School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics
Supervisor: Dr. Paul Gardner-Stephen