Autonomous public transportation potential benefits and applications

Author: Jay Kayastha

Kayastha, Jay, 2022 Autonomous public transportation potential benefits and applications, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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The research aims in exploring details of autonomous transportation. The execution of this idea has taken place in different parts of the world. Such vehicles are already with us. The research is focused on the impact of this system on the evolving transport system, its social values, and its effect on individuals who live within it. The objective of this research work is to determine the level of authority that should be given to the technology i.e., whether autonomous transportation should be fully automated or remain under some human control. It also analyzes the effects these systems will create after they completely overrule the existing transportation system in the sector of environment conservation, vehicle accessibility, applicability, social acceptance, and digitalization. The research is based on concluding the transportation system’s future relating to its impact on social and technological advancement. The idea of autonomous transportation and its execution can bring national and worldwide evolution. Every sector will be directly or indirectly affected by it. The objective of this research is to suggest benefits that can be obtained from autonomous transportation discuss some ways to enhance it address the issues it could create and provide suggestions for the upcoming problems.

Keywords: Flexbus, Autonomus vehicle, Benefits and application of Autonomus vehicle, Pre-Survey and Post-Survey analysis, Comparison of pre-survey and post-survey.

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2022
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Professor Rocco Zito