Towards Understanding Reality using Dynamical 3-Space Theory

Author: David Rothall

Rothall, David, 2016 Towards Understanding Reality using Dynamical 3-Space Theory, Flinders University, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences

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This dissertation extends on an alternative model of reality known as Dynamical 3-Space theory. Chapter 1 introduces the incidents in history which lead to the development of Newtonian Gravity and General Relativity models, and explains how these models require additional parameters to explain astrophysical and cosmological phenomena. Chapter 2 introduces Dynamical 3-Space theory, which is a unique generalisation of Newtonian gravity cast into an inflow formalism. This model contains two parameters, namely Newton's gravitational constant G and the fine structure constant α ~ 1/137 and where all emerging phenomena such as space and quantum physics are unified. Evidence supporting the Dynamical 3-Space theory is presented later in chapter 2 while the following chapter then discusses known solutions to the model, including the emergence of gravity as a quantum effect, black hole and filament solutions, and also that of the universe's expansion in terms of a Hubble flow.

My original contribution to knowledge begins in Chapter 4, which analyzes data from two experiments by Cahill that suggest that fluctuations in radio-frequency signals and tunneling currents are nonrandom, and can be explained by the presence of a dynamical and fractal space. These works are shown to be new methods of detecting the similar nonrandom effects that Simon Shnoll observed in his experiments throughout his career, especially that of radioactive decay. Chapters 5 - 7 extend on Dynamical 3-Space theory, with chapter 5 discussing a modification to account for the borehole g anomaly while checking that the model still accounts for known astrophysical and cosmological data. Chapter 6 then discusses the discovery of a uniformly expanding universe, i.e. a parameter free Hubble fit to the type 1a supernova data, along with a prediction of cosmic inflation solutions from the newly modified Dynamical 3-Space equation. The final chapter studies black hole solutions embedded in an expanding universe, required by the lack of a free parameter within the Hubble flow, and then discusses a cosmic network of black holes and induced filaments within an expanding universe.

Keywords: dynamical, space, theory, physics, space, general, relativity, black, holes, dark, matter, energy, universe, expansion, cosmic, process, 3-space, interferometer, michelson, miller, dewitte, shnoll, gravity, filament, coaxial, cable, zener, diode, borehole, flow, inflow, schrodinger, supernova, uniform, inflation, fine structure constant, velocity, field, acceleration, hubble, critical, density, quantum, tunneling, Dynamical Space, Gravitational waves, Space flow turbulence, Emergent gravity, Expanding universe, Reverse biased diodes

Subject: Physics thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2016
School: School of Chemical and Physical Sciences
Supervisor: Reginald T Cahill