The Relationship between Play and Oral Language Development for 4 – 6 Year Olds in Saudi Arabia

Author: Delail Alajmi

Alajmi, Delail, 2018 The Relationship between Play and Oral Language Development for 4 – 6 Year Olds in Saudi Arabia, Flinders University, College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

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This study investigated the role of play in oral language development for children aged between four and six in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Through conducting an analysis of existing literature, the researcher found that there was little evidence with regard to classroom practice for this age range in the Kingdom. Evidence pertaining to the relationship between play and the development of oral language was presented, with the conclusion being drawn that play does have a significant role in children’s language and literacy development, as well as general overall development. However, in view of the lack of information addressing this issue with regard to Saudi Arabia, the researcher recommends that there should be research conducted in this area within the classroom, in order to see whether policy documentation is in fact being implemented and the extent to which a genuinely child centred curriculum can be delivered within the Islamic culture.

Keywords: Early childhood, Play, Pretend play, Oral language, Saudi Arabia

Subject: Education thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2018
School: College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Susan Krieg