Decomposition of groundwater hydrograph analysis by using time series

Author: Md Mashiur Rahman Talukder

Talukder, Md Mashiur Rahman, 2021 Decomposition of groundwater hydrograph analysis by using time series, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Groundwater is one of the most important natural resources in Australia and requires careful and effective management by monitoring the water resources, modelling, and simulating the hydrological process. One of the most important aspects of groundwater modelling is to estimate groundwater recharge and determine the groundwater level fluctuations over a period. Time series analysis is a simple method to analyse groundwater and it is a simple data-driven approach and faster process than a spatially distributed groundwater flow model. This process explains the observed head fluctuation due to different stresses such as precipitation, evaporation, pumping, etc. This time series Transfer Function Noise model is used at the Wagna hydrological research station in south-eastern Austria to analyse the groundwater heads with regular data by the PASTAS. However, sometimes finding consistent data over a long period of time is often challenging. In Australia, where the observed head data series is irregular, this PASTAS technique in Transfer Function Noise modelling with impulse response function has not been attempted. This study applied this PASTAS method on irregular data from 53 wells at the Lower Limestone Coast Prescribed Wells Area, a study site in southwestern South Australia, to determine how the model reflects in terms of groundwater levels and recharge. The study concluded that both the linear and non-linear models worked well to simulate the groundwater head model of the wells in the study area. In case of recharge estimation, the linear model shows more groundwater recharge than non-linear model.

Keywords: Groundwater, Time Series, PASTAS

Subject: Water Resources Management thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2021
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Professor Okke Batelaan