Privacy and Security Issues of Wearables in Healthcare

Author: Keyur Tapan Shah

Shah, Keyur Tapan, 2019 Privacy and Security Issues of Wearables in Healthcare, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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The wearable industry is booming nowadays. Wearable devices once used as a fashion accessory, are now an important tool used in healthcare industries. Wearable devices like smartwatches, smart bands, fitness tracking, smart textiles and smart accessories are used in healthcare industries. This means a patient can monitor their health from home. With this huge advance in technology, there are privacy and security issues with wearable devices. This document presents the literature review of the wearable devices, and the use of it in healthcare. It examines the problems of wearables and the legislation and regulation of wearable devices in Australia, USA, and Europe. There are standards, guidelines, and regulations for privacy and security of wearable devices. These regulations and standards are not strict and many of the manufacturers do not follow the regulations. The user themselves contribute to the leakage data privacy and device security, as they are not aware of different threats and vulnerability of the devices. There should be strict rules and regulation for the wearable devices to maintain privacy, security and data stored in the device. This document also explains how the data can be attacked. Finally, it examines guidelines for consumers and recommendations for manufacture development, so a device is not attacked and thus protected. So, it follows, that if there are strong regulations and consumer awareness of different threats, the device and data stored in the device will be safe.

Keywords: Privacy Issues, Security Issues, Wearables in Healthcare, Legislation and Regulation of Wearables

Subject: Health Sciences thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2019
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Trish Williams