Attitudes of generational cohorts of Indonesian public servants towards ethical behaviour

Author: Ridwan Nugraha

Nugraha, Ridwan, 2020 Attitudes of generational cohorts of Indonesian public servants towards ethical behaviour, Flinders University, College of Business, Government and Law

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While early studies of multigenerational connections with work-related issues have generated two different voices among authors, little has been written on how generational cohorts display their attitudes in the context of the public sector spectrum. This research builds on the current debate of scholars regarding the attitudes of different generational cohorts in the workplace. This study focuses on investigating the viewpoints of public servants from three generations by asking questions to explore their attitudes towards ethical behaviour within a public institution in an emerging country. A total of 207 samples from three different cohorts participated in this study. Based on quantitative analysis, this research suggests that in the public sector domain, generational cohorts are not necessarily connected to the attitudes towards ethical behaviour. This inference leads to several implications and pathways for future research.

Keywords: ethics, ethical behaviour, generations, generational cohorts, generational differences, public sector, Indonesia

Subject: Policy and Administration thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2020
School: College of Business, Government and Law
Supervisor: Associate Professor Joshua Newman