The Pastoral Care Experiences of Residents in South Australian Aged Care Facilities

Author: Roger Porter

Porter, Roger, 2016 The Pastoral Care Experiences of Residents in South Australian Aged Care Facilities, Flinders University, School of Humanities and Creative Arts

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The purpose of the research was to interview and report on the pastoral care experiences of residents in South Australian aged care facilities, providing an overview of these experiences in conjunction with Local, State and Federal Government policies and legislation. The research offers perspectives on how pastoral and spiritual care assists residents in aged care facilities, whilst considering Government policies.

The objectives of the project were; (1) to inquire and report into relevant aged care policies and legislation applicable to pastoral care in South Australian aged care facilities, (2) to interview, report and summarize the experiences of residents in relation to the application of pastoral care facilitation in aged care facilities. The evidence based information received from participants addressed the research objectives by providing data that assists in establishing and defining pastoral needs, relative to the current experiences of residents in South Australian aged care facilities.

The Basic Qualitative Interpretative Inquiry method was selected to collect, analyse and interpret data. Basic Qualitative Interpretative Inquiry is concerned with how individuals make meaning of a situation. Thematic Analysis provides a framework by examining themes and sub-themes arising across data. Thematic analysis is a frequent form of analysis in qualitative research.

The research found residents exhibited positive pastoral and spiritual care experiences in their residential aged care facilities. The defining characteristics of resident’s positive experiences related to relationships and support. Trusting relationships together with spiritual, emotional and social support were seen as essential to effective pastoral care. Moreover, it was considered a need exists for increased research on the topic of aged care in residential facilities as the body of knowledge in the public domain is minimal.

Keywords: Pastral, Aged Care, Experiences, Facilities, Spirituality, Government, Policy, Legislation.

Subject: Theology thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2016
School: School of Humanities and Creative Arts
Supervisor: rev. Dr Trevor Whitney