Pitch Control of Wind Turbines using PID and Fuzzy Logic Controllers.

Author: Neela Tripura Sundari Kopuri

Kopuri, Neela Tripura Sundari, 2024 Pitch Control of Wind Turbines using PID and Fuzzy Logic Controllers., Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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As wind power becomes more widely used in the supply of electricity, research and development on wind turbine power generation increases for the purpose of enhancing the wind turbine ability to generate power for a wider range of operating conditions. Wind turbines can operate within a specific range of wind speeds; wind direction as well is a critical factor for the wind turbine power generation efficiency. For that reason, controllers were developed in recent years to increase the ability of the wind turbine to work outside of its design requirements with the best possible efficiency. Blade pitch angle is the main parameter involved in the control process of the wind turbine, as changing the blade angle of attack with the wind can help control the flow separation on the blade and hence increase the efficiency of the wind turbine and increase the generated power along wider range of wind speeds.

This thesis proposes an updated angle of pitch control approach based on fuzzy logic control to deal with the wind turbine's nonlinear dynamics while also reducing blade loads. A mathematical representation of a wind turbine pitch control system is constructed and evaluated using two controllers: PID and Fuzzy. After comparing the two proposed solutions, the computer simulation results demonstrate that the Fuzzy controller performs well since it governs both the pitch mechanism and the fluctuations and unusual off-design conditions linked with it.

Keywords: Wind Turbine, Pitch Control, PID Controller, Fuzzy Logic Controller, MATLAB/Simulink

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Dr.Amin Mahmoudi