Comparison of DC-DC converter for wind energy

Author: Shani Vekariya

Vekariya, Shani, 2024 Comparison of DC-DC converter for wind energy, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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This thesis presents a comparative analysis of non-isolated DC-DC converter topologies (buck, SEPIC, and Cuk) for wind energy applications with battery charging. The study investigates the effectiveness of three control techniques: relay control, Proportional-Integral (PI) control, and Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC), in reducing ripple voltage and current, improving voltage regulation, and extending battery lifespan. The research aims to identify the most suitable converter topology and control strategy for optimizing battery charging longevity under varying wind conditions. Simulation results demonstrate that the Fuzzy Logic Controller outperforms the PI and relay control methods in terms of ripple reduction and voltage regulation across all three converter topologies. Notably, the Cuk converter, when combined with the Fuzzy Logic Controller, exhibits superior performance in minimizing ripple voltage, making it the most promising configuration for battery charging in wind energy systems. This research contributes to the development of efficient and reliable power electronic solutions for wind energy integration and energy storage.

Keywords: DC-DC converter, wind energy, comparision

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Dr Amin Mahmoudi