Brain activity visualisation using a physical 3D brain with LEDs

Author: Mileeni Chowdary Chandra

Chandra, Mileeni Chowdary, 2024 Brain activity visualisation using a physical 3D brain with LEDs, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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The study of how brain works and what happens during any kind of activity is fascinating to visualise and analyse. This brain activity is visualised mostly using a 2D screen where 3D visualisation tools are present. The 2D visualisation though has good time resolution it lacks the 3D spatial information which a physical model can provide. The goal of this project is to use a 3D printed brain with LEDs to visualise this brain activity by using prerecorded EEG data. This is implemented by controlling the intensity of a set of LEDs placed inside the physical 3D brain wirelessly according to the strength of the brain signal acquired from the corresponding part of the brain using electrodes. It is expected that this model has high time resolution and low spatial resolution and provides good visualisation and understanding of brain activity. The LED strips are also expected to be localised to the electrode placement and have good synchronisation. This analysis can further be used in the visualisation of brain activity using live EEG data.

Keywords: 3D visualisation, 3D printed brain, Arduino IDE, Brain activity, Data analysis, Gantt chart, EEG data, Electrical activity, ESP32 microcontroller, LED strip, LED driver circuit, MATLAB, Processing, Receiver, Spatial resolution, Testing, Transmitter, Transmission speed, Visualisation, Wireless communication

Subject: Medical Biotechnology thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Associate Prof Kenneth Pope