Analysis and prevention of road crashes at signalised intersections in Adelaide metropolitan area

Author: Wing Yin Ng

Ng, Wing Yin, 2022 Analysis and prevention of road crashes at signalised intersections in Adelaide metropolitan area, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Fatalities and serious injuries are the least things road users want to see. South Australia failed to meet the road safety target of fatalities. Statistics showed that most fatal crashes occurred at intersections in the metropolitan area. Improving intersection safety should be the top priority. This study proposed a new ranking system involving crash severity, cost and exposure to identify the worst-performing signalised intersections in metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia. Crash data from 2018 to 2020 were used in the analysis. The results identify the worst-performing signalised intersections. The top ten intersections were modelled in SIDRA. Mitigating measures were suggested for improving the selected intersections' safety and were evaluated using a simple cost-benefit analysis. The results show that these measures potentially save over 10 million dollars and reduce nearly 40 accidents annually. Recommendations are made for extensions to this study to improve the identification of other types of intersections and the use of SIDRA and AIMSUN modelling to evaluate the feasibility of innovative intersection designs.

Keywords: Road Safety, Signalised Intersections, SIDRA Modelling, Mitigation Measures, Cost-Benefit Analysis

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2022
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Branko Stazic