Vietnam's strategy in the context of US-China competition

Author: Vo Bui

Bui, Vo, 2023 Vietnam's strategy in the context of US-China competition , Flinders University, College of Business, Government and Law

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In the face of increasing geopolitical competition between the US and China, countries are still figuring out how to adapt to this competitive development. Especially in the Asia-Pacific region. When the US pivoted to Asia, China increased its regional influence. Vietnam is no exception, as finding an appropriate strategy to ensure its interests in the context of US-China competition is essential. This research paper aims to answer the main question that is: How does Vietnam manage its political interests in the context of the growing US-China competition in Southeast Asia? Using a qualitative approach, the thesis will collect scholarly research papers from multiple authors relevant to small and medium powers. Then analyze and synthesize the similarities and differences in the author's assessment of a medium power and a small power. Based on that, we can give the most straightforward definition for small and middle powers. Moreover, the thesis will clarify the national interests of Vietnam, as well as those of the US and China. The analyst method is a documental analysis using primary sources. Focus on analyzing the new policies and strategies of China and the US to understand the big countries' goals and intentions. Based on that, compare the benefits of Vietnam to draw out the challenges and difficulties that Vietnam will face. The information of the study is mainly collected from media sources, references, and official reports of the US, Chinese and Vietnamese governments. Vietnam's position has been classified, and Vietnam's challenges have been clarified, it will be easier to find a suitable strategy for Vietnam to deal with the great powers. The results of this study can be used in many fields and purposes. The results obtained from this study can be a valuable reference for not only Vietnam, the US, and China policymakers but also for many other countries, in the context that the competition of big countries is increasing.

Keywords: Vietnam, The US, China, Strategy, Small power, Medium power, Indo-Pacific, US-China competition

Subject: Business thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2023
School: College of Business, Government and Law
Supervisor: Dr. Luis Da Vinha