A preliminary study of Longshengzhuang: history and heritage management plan proposal

Author: Wanqi Li

Li, Wanqi, 2022 A preliminary study of Longshengzhuang: history and heritage management plan proposal, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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This thesis takes Longshengzhuang as the research object, and studies its historical development through the method of collecting and collating documents. The main text is divided into three parts. The first part describes the development of Longshengzhuang from an agricultural village in the 18th century to an important commercial town in the UlanQab region in the 19th century, relying on its superior geographical location and the help of the lvmengshang (travelling merchants). The second part describes that in the 20th century, due to the invasion of external forces, the change of traditional commercial roads, the construction of railways and other factors, the commercial development of Longshengzhuang fell into a slump and became a small town dominated by agriculture and animal husbandry. The third part records the current situation at Longshengzhuang and the remains of its rich historical and cultural heritage. Field investigations at Longshengzhuang have revealed that the majority of buildings and their material cultural heritage are not well preserved. In order to realize the sustainable protection of cultural heritages at Longshengzhuang that hold historical, cultural, and artistic values, a Heritage Management Plan is required. The thesis offers a preliminary Heritage Management Plan focus on protection and conservation with the objective of establishing Longshengzhuang as a hub for cultural tourism.

Keywords: Longshengzhuang, Lvmengshang, Cultural Heritage Management, Qing Dynasty, China, Border Trade

Subject: Archaeology thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2022
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Martin Polkinghorne