Performance Improvement for Distributed Adaptive Data Processing of Flexible-sized Mobile Devices Network

Author: Rui Li

Li, Rui, 2018 Performance Improvement for Distributed Adaptive Data Processing of Flexible-sized Mobile Devices Network, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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With the prevalence and convenience of current mobile devices, harnessing the combined resources of a number of mobile devices with limited computing capability to complete computing-intensive tasks is possible, especially in scenarios which lack powerful computing devices.

This thesis focuses on the organisation of mobile devices for a collaborative computing-intensive data processing task from the following perspectives: improvement of performance over slow wireless networks, task deployment strategies, and privacy preservation strategies. The network of mobile devices which is organised to collaboratively process computing-intensive tasks is named Distributed Adaptive Data Analysis Network of Flexible-sized Mobile Devices (FlexMNet).

This research proposes a strategy of predicting the optimised combination for which mobile devices should be selected to form a task-processing network. Research on the organisation of devices is presented in a proposed framework (FlexMNet). The framework provides a platform to make application (app) or plug-in development for mobile devices possible in the future. Privacy concerns within the framework have also been discussed with a proposed privacy protection strategy suitable to the framework.

Keywords: distributed data processing; data mining; distributed system; computing in mobile devices; distributed privacy preservation; collaborative computing in mobile devices

Subject: Computer Science thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2018
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Dr Denise de Vries