Improving E-Government Performance through Enterprise Architecture in Developing Countries: The Case of the Indonesian Treasury

Author: M. Ali Hanafiah

Hanafiah, M. Ali, 2015 Improving E-Government Performance through Enterprise Architecture in Developing Countries: The Case of the Indonesian Treasury, Flinders University, School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics

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This study investigated ways of improving e-Government performance in developing countries. Developing countries were selected as they have significant barriers to the development of sustainable e-Government systems. A review of the literature found that improving e-Government performance requires more than just technology solutions. Instead, a holistic view of e-Government is needed. This can be achieved through Enterprise Architecture (EA).

EA is defined as “a blueprint that documents the information systems within the enterprise, their relationships, and how they interact to fulfil the enterprise’s mission” (Langenberg & Wegmann, 2004, p. 2). While governments of developed countries have used EA, it has not yet been fully utilised by developing countries. Despite recent, growing interest in EA from developing countries, empirical data to show the effect of EA adoption on e-Government performance is limited.

This study builds on the EA Benefit Model (EABM) from Tamm, Seddon, Shanks, and Reynolds (2011) and extends it by using SERVQUAL to measure e-Government performance. This modified EABM is tested in a case study of a developing country, Indonesia, and validated in the context of other developing countries. As a result of this analysis, this study offers valuable examples of policy implications for assisting developing countries, in general, and the Indonesian government in particular. This is vital for Indonesia in order to address concerns identified in the United Nations e-Government readiness reports since 2003.

This study employed mixed methods with two different groups of respondents. A quantitative approach, involving a survey of 561 respondents, was used to collect data from respondents working at operational levels. A qualitative phase involvingfifteen semi-structured interviews was conducted with high-level officials who have the ability to influence the strategic decisions relating to e-Government systems development. In addition, documentary evidence and observations were used to capture a more comprehensive picture of the Indonesian Treasury e-Government systems.

Using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in Amos version 22, the modified EABM and the collected data supports all hypotheses made in this study. The findings revealed that EA has the potential to improve e-Government system performance in Indonesia. Also, the study developed the SERVQUAL measures further to address instability problems (Jiang et al., 2002; Landrum et al., 2009; Myerscough, 2002) resulting in a validated and stable measure.

Therefore, this study provides an important theoretical contribution to the e-Government literature in advancing understanding of the critical role of Enterprise Architecture in improving the quality of e-Government systems and in measuring e-Government performance in developing countries.

Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, e-Government, e-Government in developing countries

Subject: Policy and Administration thesis, Computer Science thesis

Thesis type: Doctor of Philosophy
Completed: 2015
School: School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics
Supervisor: Robert Goodwin