Developing an antibiotic-infused periodontal film for early intervention of periodontitis

Author: Ajay Jose

Jose, Ajay, 2023 Developing an antibiotic-infused periodontal film for early intervention of periodontitis, Flinders University, College of Medicine and Public Health

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Globally about one billion people suffer from periodontitis. Early intervention prevents the progression of periodontitis. In this research, the antimicrobial activity of the metronidazole-loaded Poly (ε-caprolactone (PCL) thin films was aimed at the anaerobic bacteria (P. gingivalis) isolated from the close-flap periodontal pocket and vancomycin-loaded PCL thin film for aerobic bacteria (S. aureus) isolated from an open-flap periodontal pocket. Medium molecular weight (48 kDa) PCL, tween 20, and vancomycin or metronidazole were used for the fabrication of the films. The vancomycin films gave a good zone of inhibition (ZOI) with and without the addition of silk sericin. Similarly, a good zone of inhibition was observed with metronidazole films with and without silk sericin. The addition of silk sericin was to get a better slow release of antibiotics from the films. The aggregate release of vancomycin from film having silk sericin after 72 hours was 42.2% versus 77.7% for vancomycin without silk sericin. There was a 26.6 percent release of metronidazole without silk sericin as against 10.38 percent with silk sericin. In live/dead assay, cell viability was increased when comparing the silk sericin and control groups showing controlled antibiotic release, while more than 90% of bacteria were killed. Modified PCL films had reductions of 3-log CFU/mL compared to plain PCL films. Human gingival fibroblast viability for vancomycin and metronidazole films with silk sericin was at 104% and 101%, whereas that for plain PCL films was at 93.8%. At 72hr, mass loss was 10.71% for film vancomycin with silk sericin in lipase while in control, the mass loss was 1.52%. The lipase induced four and a half percent metronidazole thin film at 72 hours compared with the one percent in PBS alone. The water contact angle decreased from 85.4° for plain PCL films to 54.6° for vancomycin films and 52.7° for metronidazole films, reflecting increased hydrophilicity. To conclude PCL films loaded with antibiotics and silk sericin demonstrate periodontal disease intervention through controlled drug release and tissue compatibility.

Keywords: Periodontitis, Periodontal film, Intervention, Metronidazole, Vancomycin, aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, PCL polymer, Silk sericin, Lipase, Tape cast technique, Ethyl acetate, Emulsifying agent, Drug delivery, Degradation, Biocompatibility, Wettability measurement

Subject: Biotechnology thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2023
School: College of Medicine and Public Health
Supervisor: Prof. Krasimir Vasilev