An updated GIS approach to studying bronze and iron age hillforts on the islands of Hvar, Brac and the Makarska littoral, Croatia

Author: Joseph Sarunic

Sarunic, Joseph, 2023 An updated GIS approach to studying bronze and iron age hillforts on the islands of Hvar, Brac and the Makarska littoral, Croatia, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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The factors which motivated the construction and placement of hillforts, prominent during the Bronze and Iron Ages on the islands of the Central Dalmatian coastline are only vaguely understood. What is also unclear is how these sites were politically organised and whether they formed groups or not. Upon carefully considering the location, viewsheds and elevation of structures upon the islands of Hvar, Brač and the Makarska littoral as well as supporting landscape data and the locations of exotic trade good artefacts, it is clear that the the main priorities when selecting a location to place a hillfort or settlement was the control of fertile soil for the growing of crops and grazing of cattle, and of secondary priority was control over trade lanes present prior to the founding of Greek trading colonies in the region. Also clear is that extensive networks of cooperation existed between settlements as evidenced by intervisiblity links and that small political bodies of multiple structures existed across the study area.

Keywords: Croatia, Illyrians, Hillforts, Landscape Archaeology, GIS, Fortifications, Maritime Archaeology, Bronze Age, Iron Age

Subject: Archaeology thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2023
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Wendy van Duivenvoorde