Studies on oxides, phosphates, molybdates, and other sustainable materials for batteries and supercapacitors with electrochemical insights

Author: Minakshi Sundaram Minakshi Sundaram

Minakshi Sundaram, Minakshi Sundaram, 2023 Studies on oxides, phosphates, molybdates, and other sustainable materials for batteries and supercapacitors with electrochemical insights, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Electrochemical energy storage is at a crossroads where numerous fundamental barriers must be overcome to enable widespread application in both transportation and grid storage. Alternative energy storage mechanisms using abundant and environmentally friendly materials (oxides, phosphates, and molybdate structural frameworks) are critical for the development of cathode materials in batteries and supercapacitors. Improved cell performance from the development and use of modified cathode materials will enable energy generated from renewable sources being able to be stored more efficiently and used on demand in remote areas. The outcome of this thesis provides a better understanding of how different materials can be obtained and how they perform in their electrochemistry with various substituents. The energy storage systems using aqueous electrolytes, coupled with sustainable anodes and metal oxide cathodes, have been found to have excellent performance. This will underpin the development of cost-effective materials for energy storage spanning high storage, reversibility, and efficiency.

Keywords: Energy Storage; Aqueous; Battery; Supercapacitor; Oxides; Phosphates; Sustainable.

Subject: Chemistry thesis

Thesis type: Higher Doctorate
Completed: 2023
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Associate Professor Zhongfan Jia