A Study and Implementation of the Control System of Flap Type Water Wave Maker

Author: Yue Zheng

Zheng, Yue, 2024 A Study and Implementation of the Control System of Flap Type Water Wave Maker, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering

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Previous water wave study usually depended on water wave generating equipment or computational simulation. Generating water wave in water flume was a common method in this field. Several research have verified and validated the water wave theory and the applicable condition for piston type and flap type wave paddle model. A laboratory-sized water wave maker prototype has been designed and been utilised in Flinders University. It could generate water wave by a wave paddle controlled by a stepper motor. This project implemented a water wave maker control system via Arduino developing board and Arduino developing platform to fulfill precise control to the stepper motor. The system could configure the water wave parameters via a simplified user interface in either wireless mode or stand-alone mode. Meanwhile, the project also studied two relevant water wave equations and applied them to the control system for verification in real system. The control system was functionally good and could be upgraded in the future. The verification was partially satisfactory. The applicable conditions of the wave equations in this water wave maker and control system have been found. Some calibrations and compensations could be done to improve this system. Overall, the thesis provided a user perspective for thinking and conducting a project, and collected experiment data to verify the theory and find its limitations.

Keywords: Control, Paddle, Stepper Motor, Wave Maker

Subject: Engineering thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2024
School: College of Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Youhong Tang