Ngadjuri perceptions of the impacts of cultural dispossession of identity, heritage and wellbeing

Author: . Josephine

Josephine, ., 2023 Ngadjuri perceptions of the impacts of cultural dispossession of identity, heritage and wellbeing, Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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Guided by Indigenous research methodologies of decolonisation, feminist standpoint theory, and critical race theory, this qualitative research project investigates how a colonial legacy of dispossession and continuing barriers to returning to Country impact the Ngadjuri people’s wellbeing. Indigenous mixed research methods are applied throughout the knowledge gathering process. Unstructured focused life-story interviews are conducted to gather Ngadjuri knowledge and perceptions, and community-based participatory research methods are applied to facilitate an action-oriented research process. The results of this study demonstrate how Ngadjuri perceptions of wellbeing are tied to the land. They also highlight the ongoing impacts of South Australia’s colonial legacy on the Ngadjuri people and identify facilitators and barriers to the Ngadjuri people’s coming back to Country. There is currently limited literature investigating Indigenous cultural heritage and wellbeing, particularly literature produced by Indigenous scholars. This research addresses this gap in the literature by documenting the perceptions of the Ngadjuri participants and integrating the gathered information into the heritage and wellbeing discourse.

Keywords: Ngadjuri, Indigenous Wellbeing, Cultural Heritage, Identity, Coming back to Country

Subject: Geography thesis

Thesis type: Masters
Completed: 2023
School: College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Supervisor: Claire Smith